Monday, March 15, 2010

Selected Quotes of the Fathers on Vainglory, Pride, and Humility

Christ the Bridegroom (Icon courtesy of used with permission)

Selected Quotes of the Fathers on Vainglory, Pride, and Humility
"Adam became so proud that he wished to become God and died for his pride; the Son of God humbled Himself unto death, and gave life to the fallen. O abyss of humility! Adam and Eve lost themselves through gluttony, the Lord fasted and died for them, in order to give them life. They were disobedlient, Christ fulfilled obedience."
St. John of Kronstadt - My Life in Christ

"Flee vainglory, and you will be glorified; fear pride, and you will be magnified."
St. Isaac the Syrian - "Ascetical Homilies" (Homily Five)

"Pride does not perceive that it walks in darkness and, as being darkened, it does not know the insight of wisdom. For this reason in its own murky thoughts it elevates itself above all, whereas it is more vile and more feeble than any, and it is incapable of learning the ways of the Lord. And the Lord conceals His will from it, because it did not choose to walk in the path of the humble."
St. Isaac the Syrian - "Ascetical Homilies" (Homily Nineteen)

“The sun shines on all alike, and vainglory beams on all activities. For instance, I am vainglorious when I fast; and when I relax the fast in order to be unnoticed, I am again vainglorious over my prudence. When well-dressed I am quite overcome by vainglory, and when I put on poor clothes I am vainglorious again. When I talk I am defeated, and when I am silent I am again defeated by it. However I throw this prickly-pear, a spike stands upright.”
St. John Climacus - The Ladder of Divine Ascent (Step 22, Section 5)

“An angel fell from Heaven without any other passion except pride, and so we may ask whether it is possible to ascend to Heaven by humility alone, without any other of the virtues.”
St. John Climacus - The Ladder of Divine Ascent (Step 23, Section 12)

"When pride retreats from a man, humility begins to dwell in him, and the more pride is diminished, so much more does humility grow. The one gives way to the other as to its opposite. Darkness departs and light appears. Pride is darkness, but humility is light."
St. Tikhon of Zadonsk - "Journey to Heaven"

"Pride prevents the soul from setting on the path of faith."
Staretz Silouan - "Wisdom from Mount Athos"

"Humility is a Heavenly siphon which from the abyss of sins can raise the soul to Heaven."
St. John Climacus - The Ladder of Divine Ascent (Step 25)

"When blessed Anthony saw all the snares of the devil spread out everywhere, he sighed, and asked God how anyone could ever avoid them. God answered him, 'Humility. It is humility that enables you to escape them all!' And what is more astonishing, He added, 'They cannot even touch you'."
St. Dorotheos of Gaza - "Discourses and Sayings" (On Humility)

"...The work of fulfilling the Commandments generates a state of humility."
Abba Dorotheos of Gaza - "Discourses amd Sayings"

"Let us humble ourselves and the Spirit of God Himself will instruct the soul."
Staretz Silouan - "Wisdom from Mount Athos"

Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!


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