Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Selected miracles of St. Ephraim of Nea Makri

Christ is risen! Truly He is risen!

St. Ephraim the Great Martyr and Wonder-worker of Nea Makri, the Newly-revealed (Icon courtesy of www.eikonografos.com used with permission)
Selected miracles of St. Ephraim of Nea Makri (amateur translations and summaries from various Greek sources)

A couple of Notes:
These are just a few of the countless miracles that people attest to through the intercessions of St. Ephraim, the Newly-revealed Hieromartyr and Wonder-worker of Nea Makri. St. Ephraim is greatly beloved throughout the world, and continues to inspire and work endless healings of soul and body for the faithful.

These are some accounts from pious laypeople, who simply and honestly express the presence of Christ and His Saints in their lives. Though there might be some things mentioned that we have to be cautious about in general, including dreams, miracles, disdain for medicine, etc., one can sense both the humility and gratitude of these people who have clearly suffered so much, and the reality of Christ the God-man, Who is visiting and healing His creation through one of His great and beloved servants: St. Ephraim. May he intercede for us all and help us!

A dream of St. Ephraim
It was January of 1996, Sunday morning, when I saw in my sleep that I was in a great church richly adorned with gold and full of light and a great crowd was gathered inside and out. My one girl said that we should go venerate because the mother of one of our friends passed away. We waited in line and when I arrived in front I saw that instead of a coffin there was an upright reliquary made of glass and inside was a tall man, of a young age with a black beard, thin, with vestments and [engolpia] that Metropolitans wear. He wore a black archpriestly hat with a red cross on top, and he appeared alive as if he were sleeping. I venerated once puzzled and waited to see my mother's friend, while on the glass I saw a small card attached which said: “Ephraim”. The next morning I awoke puzzled and questioned who it was that I saw, for I had never heard that name before and it seemed odd. I asked my Grandmother if there is a Saint Ephraim and she replied pompously: “Ephraim? Of course there is.” I felt goosebumps, how he appeared though I had never heard of him before.

Over the next few days I talked with a friend of mine who was very religious and went to church on Sunday at monasteries. He told me where the relic of the Saint was and began to tell me details about his life, and with great astonishment I found that the characteristics were the same as I had seen in my dream. My friend mentioned that I should go to the monastery, but because of work, I neglected it for two months.

Two months later, one Sunday, I was waiting for the bus to go to my Grandmother, and I remembered that I had neglected to go to St. Ephraim. Straightaway I saw a taxi which I stopped so that I could go faster. When I looked around inside the taxi, I saw a small icon of a Saint that the taxi driver had that I had never seen before. However, his face looked familiar. I asked the taxi driver: “Is that Saint there St. Ephraim?” The taxi driver responded affirmitively, and began to tell me how good and wonder-working the Saint is. After another month of not having visited the monastery, I left work and decided to walk instead of taking the bus. On the road I found a small church which was open around noon for a later funeral, and I again remembered the Saint, and regretted my negligence, and went inside to light a candle. Guess which icon they had in front: St. Ephraim!

After a few days I was made worthy to go to the monastery. My joy was indescribable. My heart was beating as if it were crazy. When I entered the courtyard a calmness filled my soul. I had the great fortune to thank the Saint, and I managed to meet and speak for the first (and unfortunately last) time with Gerontissa Makaria, an astonishing woman who, as soon as I told her these events, cried, but also laughed like a child. I rejoiced that my Saint had revealed himself. When I asked her why he appeared to me though I didn't know him, and that I had great love towards the Panagia, she replied that St. Ephraim is one of her [the Panagia's] most beloved Saints.

From then I have visited the monastery many times and I pray to him. I thank him, for many times he has appeared to me in my sleep to warn me of something evil approaching. I will never forget the following. One morning I was taking a taxi to go to work, and inside there was an icon of St. Ephraim, and I started a conversation with the taxi driver. I was upset with some things that had occurred, and straightaway the taxi driver's voice changed and he began to tell me the story of one of his friends and some advice exactly about my problem (I hadn't shared any of my details with him). I looked at him and smiled: “Were you saying this or the Saint?” And he replied very seriously “The Saint”. I froze; he did the same, and then the tone of his voice changed and he became as he was in the beginning.

"From now on, your brother has St. Ephraim as a protector"
Five years ago, I don't remember exactly when, I saw a dream that seemed so real, that I will never forget it until I die. I have three brothers, but to my youngest I have a special weakness, because I grew up with him. I should relate from the beginning that on the topic of religion, church, saints, etc., I was distant and indifferent, I would say.

Thus, in that dream that I saw, my brother G. and I were in a place outside the house and straightaway there was a great earthquake. The earth was split in two and took my younger brother. I looked at him and couldn't do anything. I called on our Panagia and said: “My Panagia, bring back my brother, please”. And there where my brother was lost from my eyes in the earth, in front of me a white woman appeared like a shadow (it was Panagia) and she told me: “I won't bring your brother back myself, but others will”, and she stretched out her hand and showed me a tall monk with a black beard and a dark (not black) raso who was holding something in his hand that shined. I was surprised and asked her: “Who is that, my Panagia?” and she replied: “It is St. Ephraim.” I had never heard his name before. I turned to St. Ephraim and told him: “My Saint Ephraim, bring back my brother, and whatever you ask from me I will bring you.” I assumed that because the object in his hand was shining, he wanted something gold, and so I told him: “Gold you want, my Saint? I will bring it to you, I will bring it to you when you bring back my brother.” Then immediately I heard a great sound and from the bowels of the earth, in a cloud of dust, appeared my brother G., full of dirt which he shook off with his hand. He was alive. Then I awoke from the dream which was like a nightmare, but strangely it didn't scare me.

During the day I thought hard about this dream, and talking to my friends at the office, I learned about St. Ephraim and his monastery in Nea Makri. I discussed this with my family who live outside of Athens and we decided that at their first visit to Athens, we would all go together to this monastery. And this is what occurred. When we arrived at the monastery, there were so many people, but all of us felt an awe and peace in the nous which we will never forget. As soon as I saw the icon of St. Ephraim for the first time, I was struck, because this is how I saw him in my dream: tall, thin, with a dark raso and something which he held in his hand that shone. The second shock happened a few minutes later when from among the crowd, a priest asked me and my brother G. what made us come to St. Ephraim. I related my dream with feeling, and I asked him what I should give the Saint. Then the priest told me: “The Saint doesn't want gold or silver, he wants you to honor him with your presence. From now on, your brother has St. Ephraim as a protector", and looking at my brother, he crossed him with the oil of the Saint. He told us to call upon the name of the Saint in any of our difficult times, and he will protect us always. Since then we go to the monastery of St. Ephraim every year, and personally after that which I have experienced, I am sure that something there exists...”
The Saint helped me pass my Teaching Exams
Honored Abbess,
I had written to you and asked you in my letter to pray to our Saint for me and my friend who were taking exams in January, that they would go well. Indeed, I had a lot of stress and fear and I had decided to not go to the final lessen and that I would quit and leave. However, something happened. One of our friends had brought holy oil from the church of St. Ephraim to Athens a few days back and we had it in our room. Furthermore, she gave us a small icon of the Saint. She didn't give me an icon, but a book of St. Ephraim with His miracles. That day I smelled something strange, but beautiful.

A short time before the tests I decided in the end to go. I had a lot of stress and fear, however. I don't know why. Before leaving the house, we crossed ourselves with the oil of our Saint and we sensed that the holy myrrh of our Saint was fragrant all day. Before I got to the University, I began to cry, because I was very stressed and because I was not very well prepared. I took with me, however, the book of St. Ephraim and I put it in front of me on my desk, and I asked Him to be with me. Immediately I felt peaceful. I did not feel stress or fear, I stopped crying, and I didn't have any more headache. In reality, something strange had occurred. Immediately after they gave us the questions, I could tell that they were from that which I had studied! And I began to write, to write continually, as if someone were telling it to me.

I understook that the Saint was with me and having His book in front of me, I took greater courage. An overseer took my book automatically, because he thought that I had notes inside, but in the end he apologized for this.

Anyways, the next day I returned to my town and I had this hidden hope that the Saint would help me pass. And in reality, after two months the results were out and I had passed my teaching exams. And all of this I owe to St. Ephraim.
St. Ephraim of Nea Makri, with scenes from his life, martyrdom, and miracles (source)
My son found peace and tranquility which no psychologist could give him
Holy Abess, bless.
I work in a regional hospital. Outside there is a small chapel of Spyridon. Because the faithful have filled it with icons of various Saints, the priest tried to hand them out to others. One of these icons I received; it was the icon of St. Ephraim, who was totally unknown to me. I was impressed that the icon smelled of incense for many hours. Then I thought to give It to my son who is a police officer. When my son saw the icon of St. Ephraim, he told me that His body is in Nea Makri. I decided that some day I would visit the monastery, but for various reasons, we never were able to make it.

After four years my son faced a very serious personal problem. We immediately headed to Athens and the next day we came to the monastery of St. Ephraim. My son said that the whole monastery smelled like incense. I didn't experience this gift, neither did his father. My son would visit the Saint continuously and always would return home peaceful. Slowly he began to overcome his problem, with the great help which he received from St. Ephraim. In the meantime he had to take tests for promotion. Because of his problem, he couldn't study his lessons. St. Ephraim, however, gave him some help. He took his tests two months later. Because he wrote well, he had a good result and his grades improved...

I thank St. Ephraim for this, for my oldest son near Him found peace and tranquility, which no psychologist could give him in such a short period of time. Furthermore I should say that when I came to our Saint I bought some books. One evening I read His paraklesis. Afterwards I went to sleep. Near 3:30AM I woke up and sensed that in the house incense was burning, as if someone had burned incense at that instant. I thank St. Ephraim very much, who came to my house and gave such a great honor to me who am such a sinner.

“You should go light a big candle!”
Holy Abbess, your blessing.
I wanted to thank St. Ephraim for the miracle which he worked for my husband. On October 18th 2001 my husband, 54 years old, suffered a heart attack. We brought him immediately to the hospital of K...When the doctors made the diagnosis, they said—it was Friday—that my husband wouldn't pass the weekend, he would die. I was in the hospital, with my brother-in-law. Imagine that moment, the ground fell beneath my feet, I lost my whole world. I choked my pain and went into my husband's room. He was in a terrible condition. Then, for an instant, my eye gazed upon an icon which was in the ICU. It was up high and I couldn't reach it. I asked a girl to bring it down for me. I read: SAINT EPHRAIM. I took it in my arms and with tears in my eyes I said: “My Saint Ephraim, I don't know who you are. It is the first time I've heard your name...” I entreated him with a lot of faith, me the sinner, to make my husband well.

After two hours, as I was in the hall crying so my husband wouldn't understand anything, I see the doctor go again into my husband and after a short time come out again. As soon as he saw me crying, he said: “Why are you crying? I just saw your husband and he's on the way up!”

My joy could not be described, because he was the one who said that my husband would die, for his heart was in very bad shape. Then I understood how St. Ephraim worked His miracle. From that day forward he started to recover, as the doctor said (without knowing that I entreated the Saint): “You should go light a big candle [in gratitude for your husband.]”

The evening of the same day, a woman came to see her brother who also had a heart attach. I saw her holding in her hands a book and I asked her what she was reading. She told me: “from St. Ephraim, do you want to read it?”. Then I understood how the Saint again sent me His message to get to know Him. “Tomorrow I will bring you holy oil to cross your husband with”, she said, as I related to her what had happened.

In ten days, my husband left the hospital. I glorified the Saint and told all my friends. Two months later, the doctors said that we should go to Athens for an angioplasty. I was in the hospital for eight to ten hours. It was the day before Christmas. In the waiting room a priest came to confess people. My husband—who had never gone to confession before—and I confessed. The next morning I woke up, and without knowing anything about Athens, I took a taxi to the monastery. I venerated and thanked the Saint, and I returned relieved.

After one year, my husband was found to have prostate cancer...We again traveled to Athens, but this time to the S. hospital. The doctors were afraid to do the surgery because of his heart. In the end he went to surgery with my signature (his chances were 50-50). The whole time I entreated Panagia and St. Ephraim. Everything went well. The surgery was a success. I thank the Saint.

He healed me of vertigo
My name is K. K. From a young age, for about nine to ten years, I suffered from terrible dizziness and vertigo. Five years ago I woke up, and like many times in my life, I experienced vertigo. It was 4AM and I said: “My Saint Ephraim, take away this dizziness, I can't take it any more”, and then a miracle happened for me. It was the morning of May 5th. I didn't know it was the feast of the Saint. From then on I was never bothered with dizziness and much less by vertigo. Whenever I call upon the name of the Saint, he takes away everything [bad] from me. I many times wanted to mention this event to you...
“Didn't I tell you that I would help you?”
Holy Abbess, I kiss your hand.
I am a mother of two children, and 16 years ago, as I was a girl full of life (25), I felt as if had a heart attack and I said that my life would end. My husband immediately took me to the Hospital, they did a cardiogram and the doctors told me that it was not my heart, but my nerves. From then on I couldn't go out, because I would be afraid that something would happen to me. I would be afraid in closed spaces, I never used a bus, because it felt as if something was choking me. My life was very difficult. Imagine how I was living a nightmare, thinking that something would happen to me. I went to the doctor again and he said that I had a problem with my thyroid...and that all of this could be attributed to my thyroid. On September 23rd 1983 I had thyroid surgery, and everything went well. However, for 24 hours I strongly felt as if I was still all nerves and felt as if I was choking in my throat and had a weight on my chest. I again went to the pathologist, and told him this. He said: “I will give you an anxiolytic to take”...I took it thus for years with side effects.

One day I felt dizzy, as if I were falling. I go, they performed tests, and found that I was severely anemic. I took iron, I took tests, and eventually my hematocrit would fall again. This happened for 13 years, and I felt as if I would have to live on pills and every day be sick. My stomach was like a pharmacy. I took these all for years and I was worrying during the whole situation. My children told me: “Throw the pills away, Mama.” I, however, had the notion that if I didn't take my medicines, I would get sicker.

In February 1996, I asked our physician, St. Ephraim, to help me stop my medications, which I had become accustomed to, but despised. I entreated him and asked our Saint to help me, and I would go venerate Him, and as soon as I leave I wouldn't take another pill again. I cried and entreated him. One day that month my parents, my brother and I decided to come venerate. As we were taking a trip, I took the pills from my purse. We came, venerated with reverence, and you received us, Holy Mother, with love. You crossed us with the Holy relic of our much-beloved Saint, and when you crossed us, O! The divine fragrance! I looked and venerated again. The fragrance was clear and sweet. I told you: “Holy mother, what fragrance is this?” “The Saint”, you told me. With tears, with joy I venerated and entreated the Saint that we might have our health and to help my young girl with her tests that year. My joy, my exultation cannot be described.

With joy we left that Holy place for our home. I forgot to throw away the pills, however, and returning I thought and said to myself: “Let it go, it doesn't matter”. Whenever I would take the pill however, I would feel nauseous. Regardless, I continued to take my pills as before.

One night, I saw in my sleep a young man tell me: “Stop the pills! Didn't I tell you that I would help you? Stop!” In the morning I woke up and told the dream to my children. From that day I stopped the pills...

Let His name be glorified! I glorify Him and thank Him. I threw away my pills and took blood tests and everything was fine. I don't want to see pills again in my life.

I glorify Him and thank Him...because now I live a new life, full of energy, without fear or dizziness, thanks to the help of our Saint.

Let His name be glorified, may he have a thousand glories. I thank you, my Saint, I thank You and I glorify You.

For the life of St. Ephraim, see: http://full-of-grace-and-truth.blogspot.com/2009/05/st-ephraim-great-martyr-of-nea-makri.html.
For a post on the Uncovering of St. Ephraim's Relics, and another miracle, see: http://full-of-grace-and-truth.blogspot.com/2009/01/uncovering-of-holy-relics-of-st-ephraim.html.
Icon of St. Ephraim of Nea Makri (http://www.kazanmonastery.org/stephraim.htm)
ΑΠΟΛΥΤΙΚΙΟN Ἦχος α’ Τῆς ἐρήμου πολίτης
Ἐν ὄρει τῶν Ἀμῶμων ὥσπερ ἥλιος ἐλάμψας καί μαρτυρικῶς, Θεοφόρε, πρός Θεόν ἐξεδήμησας, βαρβάρων ὑποστάς ἐπιδρομάς, Ἐφραίμ Μεγαλομάρτυς τοῦ Χριστοῦ , διά τοῦτο ἀναβλύζεις χάριν ἀεί, τοῖς εὐλαβῶς βοῶσι σοι, δόξα τῷ δεδωκότι σοι ἰσχύν, δόξα τῷ σέ θαυμαστώσαντι, δόξα τῷ ἐνεργοῦντι διά Σοῦ, πᾶσιν ἰάματα.

Apolytikion of St. Ephraim the Great-martyr of Nea Makri in the First Tone (amateur translation)
On Amomon Mountain, you shown forth like the sun, and O God-bearer, you left for God by martyrdom, you endured barbarians’ attacks, Ephraim O Great-martyr of Christ, because of this you ever pour forth grace, to those who piously cry out to you, glory to Him who gave you strength, glory to Him you made you wondrous, glory to Him who grants through you, healings for all!

Christ is Risen from the dead, by death, trampling down upon death, and to those in the tombs, bestowing life!
Truly the Lord is risen!


  1. A miracle of Saint Ephraim the Great-Martyr of Nea Makri in my life!
    by Thomas Cudo Andrango

    my blog is www.teachthemthewordoftruth.wordpress.com

    I live in the U.S.A. and I am not Greek, but I am an Eastern Orthodox Christian and I thought I would share this and add this to the list of miracles done by Saint Ephraim.

    4 prayer requests in one

    I have been suffering for years and I still suffer from multiple
    addictions and passions: pornography, sorcery,video games, judging,
    anger, immense pride, and grudges.

    I also have been going through a few years long trial of, well,: I can't
    pray. I can say the words, but He is not there. I need patience in this
    for I fear that my patience is running low.

    I also am having difficulty trusting Jesus. With the way things are now,
    it doesn't look like I will have a happy future. I need to trust Him.

    I also would like prayers for unbelieving/sinful people who are close to me: Philip, Arturo, Emily, and Paul.

    That, and there is someone who does believe, he has accepted Jesus, but I
    do not know whether or not he is an Eastern Orthodox Christian: Jason.


    Thank you Saint Ephraim the Great-Martyr of Nea Makri!

    I was reading Orthodox church quotes on http://www.orthodoxchurchquotes.com/.
    I came across a post that was posted on November 3, 2015 that quoted
    the prayer to Saint Ephraim of Nea Makri for addictions. Because, as of
    04/15/2016, I cannot pray (Jesus is not there), I read the words of the
    prayer, even though Saint Ephraim was not with me as I read it. I felt
    as if I should read the short prayer that normally one should pray
    constantly and continually: Oh Lord Jesus Christ, through the prayers of
    your holy martyr Ephraim, have mercy on me and deliver me from this
    cruel bondage. I read it more or less 10- 15 times, and I felt that my
    passions within me were being lessened with each time. I was glad, so I
    continued to say the words even though I couldn't pray. After a bit, (10
    to 15 times or so) I felt as if I no longer needed to say it. So, to
    test and see if I was cured, I thought about and brought to mind lustful
    thoughts. No sooner than had this happened that the very thought of it
    felt disgusting and nasty. Proof of full and true repentance to the
    point of passionlessness is the disgust of ones previous sins. I know
    this because I read in the life of Blessed Hieromonk Seraphim Rose of
    Platina that he was passionless and whenever the subject of his previous
    life of sin was brought up, he called them disgusting and didn't talk
    about them. Anyway, thanks be to Saint Ephraim the Great-Martyr of Nea
    Makri, for after over 10 years of multiple addictions, I am finally

    You can read about him in the following webpages.






  2. I pray that St. Ephraim might protect and heal you, and all you suffer and are tempted throughout the world, and I encourage you also to follow a good Orthodox spiritual father, most especially using (at the spiritual father's discretion) the mysteries of the Church.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i think saint ephraim was with me two weeks ago my mom has stage 4 stomach cancer on the way to getting her chemo port study bc nurses had problems taking blood my aunt gave me oil from his church in greece n i put the coross three times on my mom in the taxi soon as we crossed the bridge in to manhattan this churchly smell eminated to me it started light n then was so heavy my eyes waterd . but my mom says she did not smell it n while corssing her stomach i sware i seen what apeard to be a cross looked like was done by ash do you think the smell was him

  5. Most definitely. Thank him and the Lord our God who loves us.

  6. God bless!
    Hi, don't you know where i can get Holy Oil from St. Ephraims Monastery? I would like to have some, i really need it, if you know how can i contact de Monastery, please tell me.
    Your brother in Christ.
