Sunday, July 1, 2012

Selected hymns to St. Sophia the New of Kleisoura

St. Sophia the New of Kleisoura - Commemorated May 6 (
In honor of the official Patriarchal numbering among the Saints of St. Sophia the New (7/1/12), I post several hymns to the "Ascetic of the Panagia" below. For pictures from the recent visit of Patriarch Bartholomew to Kastoria and the Monastery of Kleisoura, see:, For the life of st. Sophia, see: May she intercede for us all!
Selected hymns to St. Sophia the New of Kleisoura (amateur translations below)

Apolytikion in the Third Tone (amateur translations below)
O blessed mother Sophia, you became wise, and the adornment of the Mother of God, and you lived your life in the Monastery ascetically, from which have spread the praise of your struggles, striking the ranks of the demons. And as you stand as an intercessor before Christ, do not neglect those who honor you with fervor.

Kontakion in the Fourth Tone
You became a treasury of Divine wisdom and all-consuming fear [of God], O mother Sophia, through your motherly intercessions, O blessed one, you offer to all the richness of grace.

Being made spiritually wise, O mother, you passed the whole of your life in utter patience, and now you are made to dwell in the beauty of your Bridegroom, in His bridal chamber.

Doxastikon of the Stichera in the Plagal of the Second Tone
Bearing the fear of God in your heart, which makes men wise, He guided your steps in fulfilling the divine commandments, O Sophia, most-radiant vessel of election, for you loved the Lord above all, and your neighbor along with Him, serving each of those whom you saw with pleasing words and deeds. You therefore gladdened God and men through your asceticism, and your words of consolation, and you were made worthy of the endless joy of the heavens, of which may we who bless you, be made worthy to partake.
Doxastikon of the Aposticha in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone
Rejoice in the Lord, O enclosed monastery of Kleisoura, for you possess an intercessor, who recently dwelt in you, the Ascetical Mother Sophia, the heavenly-minded one. As we venerate the container of her all-holy relics, which you protect as an all-precious joy in your arms, we cry out in contrition: O refuge of the faithful in storms, and free healer of sicknessess, hasten to deliver your monastery in dangers, and all your entreaters, as a speedy protector of all, and a fervent intercessor towards the Lord.
St. Sophia of Kleisoura (source)
Additional Kontakion in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone
She who struggled in asceticism above nature in Kleisoura, and endured the frost as one without flesh, remaining in the courtyard of this Monastery, passing the nights of her life in reading and prayer, let us praise the divine Sophia, and cry out with fervor: Hail, O great Ascetic
Angels beholding your spotless asceticism, were amazed, O godly-minded Sophia, and the choirs of the faithful of Macedonia together with the people of Pontos wonder at your humility and nepsis, O Mother, and cry out to you in contrition:
Hail, teacher of repentance,
Hail, projector of chastity.
Hail, dweller of the Monastery of Kleisoura,
Hail, most-radiant lamp of divine grace.
Hail, lighthouse of simplicity, and spotless life,
Hail, lamp of humility, and prayer of the heart.
Hail, vessel of the wisdom of God adorned with gold,
Hail, type of His sympathy.
Hail, protection against fleshly desires,
Hail, container of the love of Christ.
Hail, she who had no place to lay her head of earth,
Hail, spring, pouring forth grace.
Hail, O great Ascetic.
On the sixth of this month (May), the Memory of our Righteous and God-bearing Mother Sophia, who lived in asceticism recently in the Monastery of Panagia of Kleisoura, in a God-loving manner.
You were made wise by grace, O divine Sophia,
Sophia recently struggled in asceticism in Kleisoura.
Doxastikon of the Praises in the Plagal of the First Tone
She who was bent over as an Ascetic in Kleisoura, but was straight as a cypress in godly wisdom, Sophia who is worthy to be praised, let us bless with boldness, for she put off the evil burden, and her soul then approached the ramparts of heaven, where she ever offers glory to Christ. Therefore, having grown to a height in virtue that cannot be seen, she was made worthy to partake of the food from the tree of life, of which she entreats Christ that we also partake, in the eternal blessedness.

Taken from the full service to the Saint in Greek here:
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

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