Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Uncovering of the Relics of St. Myron of Crete

St. Myron Bishop of Crete - Commemorated August 8th (source)
The Uncovering of the Relics of St. Myron of Crete
Portions of the Holy Relics of St. Myron of Crete were found on May 12th, 2014, in the church that bares his name, in the village Agios Myronas. These are portions of bones around 200 in number, which were buried within the Church.

The bones are 16 centuries old, as the Saint appears to have lived between 300 and 400 AD. The area is associated with ancient Rauko, where the uncovering of the Relics occurred with the presence of the Archbishop, and by the decision of the Ecclesiastical Council, and took place on May 12th of this year. The revelation of the bones occurred, according to both the faithful and the priests, through dreams and signs. At the Divine Liturgy this Sunday, they will be put forward for veneration.

With the presence of the Archbishop of Crete, the uncovering of the Holy Relics took place, and the images are astonishing.

Specifically, they removed the marble tile, and a short time later experienced unforgettable moments. They crossed themselves and venerated the Holy Relics.

As is alleged, the faithful saw a dream of St. Myron, who asked them to remove him from his grave, taken together with other witnesses that the Head Priest indicated the place were the Holy Relics of the Saint were placed, in the tomb.

His life and deeds are inexplicably linked with the ancient city of Rauko, which was the homeland of the Saint, and in his honor, it was later named "Agio Myrona".

The dormition of the Saint is dated to around 350AD.

"Here, for the past year, St. Myron has asked to be taken from his grave. Villagers dreamed of the Saint, along with the head priest Fr. Emmanuel Papadake. Since 1860, the relics of the Saint were gathered within one place within the tomb.

"We were informed by the villagers, and when we came to believe that this was not a delusion, we informed the Archbishop of Crete, who gave his permission, which was confirmed by the Ecclesiastical Council. We were very anxious" related the head priest of the Holy Church of St. Myron, Fr. Nikolaos Kritsotakes.
(amateur translation of text from source)
The dormition of St. Myron of Crete (source)
Life of St. Myron of Crete

Saint Myron, Bishop of Crete, a wonderworker, in his youth was a family man, and worked as a farmer. He was known for his goodness, and he assisted everyone who turned to him for help. Once, thieves burst in upon his threshing floor, and St Myron himself helped them lift a sack of grain upon their shoulders. By his generosity the saint so shamed the thieves, that in future they began to lead honorable lives.
Out of profound respect for the saint, the Cretan people urged him to accept ordination to the priesthood in his native city of Raucia, and afterwards they chose him Bishop of Crete.
Wisely ruling his flock, St Myron received from the Lord the gift of wonderworking. At the time of a flood on the River Triton, the saint stopped its flow and went upon it as upon dry land, and then he sent a man back to the river with his staff to command the river to resume its course. St Myron fell asleep in the Lord at the age of 100, around the year 350.
The Holy and Newly-revealed Relics of St. Myron of Crete (source)
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

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