January 2nd is the feastday of a great Saint of our Church, St. Seraphim the Wonderworker of Sarov. He lived an exemplary life, mimicking the great Ascetics of old, and even after his death, he works many miracles throughout the world and continues to bring many to Christ. Much has been written about St. Seraphim in many different places, so I though I would include some links to some various sites about St. Seraphim. Also, see July 19th for the feast of the Uncovering of the Relics of St. Seraphim.

-The Life of St. Seraphim of Sarov (in English): http://full-of-grace-and-truth.blogspot.com/2012/01/st-seraphim-of-sarov-righteous.html, http://ocafs.oca.org/FeastSaintsViewer.asp?FSID=100008.
-The Life of St. Seraphim (in Greek):
-One of the most famous writings involving St. Seraphim, his conversation with his spiritual son Nicholas Motovilov, "On Acquisition of the Holy Spirit":
-A Vision of St. John of Kronstadt, guided by St. Seraphim:
-A page on St. Seraphim in Greek, with some small pictures and where his Paraklesis in Greek can be downloaded:
-A recording of the doxology at St. Seraphim's Holy Relics, made on 10/3/08 at St. Tryphon's Church in Attica, Greece (Recently the Relics of St. Seraphim were brought to Greece where they were venerated by thousands. This Doxology service is a beautiful mesh of Greek chanting and Russian choral singing. It was quite moving to hear and to see the services, the devotion from faithful throughout the world, and most especially, the visiting Russian Hierarch's greeting to the Greek faithful with St. Seraphim's beloved greeting: "My joy, Christ is risen!"):

(taken from: http://goarch.org/chapel/saints_view?contentid=696&type=saints)
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