Showing posts with label Sts. Joachim and Anna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sts. Joachim and Anna. Show all posts

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Elder Symeon Kragiopoulos on the Nativity of the Theotokos: "The heavier the burdens we’ve got to lift in this world, the greater God’s blessing will be..."

The Nativity of the Theotokos (source)

The heavier the burdens we’ve got to lift in this world, the greater God’s blessing will be, as was the case of saint Anna who, though infertile, brought the Virgin Mary into the world.

Something similar will happen to each one of us, if we don’t despair and if we take this difficult and unbearable burden as special grace from God. Indeed, that’s the way things are. So great will the blessing from God be that man will remain in wonder.

To get to this point, man shouldn’t grumble. On the contrary, let us allow this unbearable cross, this unbearable shame we have to carry be the reason we refuse to grumble. Let it be the reason why we learn to feel gratitude to God. Let it be the reason we cry out to God with all our might, the reason we entrust ourselves to God and indeed expect for His blessing, His grace, His love to come. 

Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos (†)

From the book: Archimandrite Symeon Kragiopoulos, “SPIRITUAL MESSAGES” Panorama Thessaloniki, 2017


Most-holy Theotokos, save us!

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

"Today has come the beginning of our salvation, O people..."

The Nativity of the Theotokos (source)
Today has come the beginning of our salvation, O people, for behold, she who was chosen beforehand from the ancient generations, the Mother and Virgin, and the container for God, comes forth to be born from a barren woman. O flower from the Root of Jesse, and his rod which sprouted forth. Rejoice, O Forefather Adam, and let Eve rejoice with gladness, for behold, she who was formed from the rib of Adam, the daughter and offspring, is blessed openly. For [Adam] says, "From me is born deliverance, from whom will come for me freedom from the bonds of Hades." Let David rejoice, striking the harp, and let him bless God, for behold, the Virgin comes forth from [a Mother] barren as stone, for the salvation of our souls.
-Idiomelon of the Litia in the First Tone, by Stephanos of the Holy City
Most-Holy Theotokos, save us!

Monday, September 7, 2020

Homily on the Nativity of the Theotokos by Metropolitan Avgoustinos Kantiotes

The Nativity of the Theotokos (source)
Homily on the Nativity of the Theotokos by Metropolitan Avgoustinos Kantiotes
There was once a pious couple, Joachim and Anna. They believed and worshiped God and fulfilled His holy commandments. However, they did not have any children. Anna was barren, barren like stone or marble. Could a rose ever take root from a piece of marble? In the same way, naturally, from her womb it was unable for a child to come forth. And she was not only barren, but she was advanced in years, an old woman. She had reached the age in which women no longer bear children.

However, that couple prayed and entreated continuously. And God hearkened to their prayer, and Anna became pregnant. On December 9th, we celebrate the conception of St. Anna, and later, after nine months, on September 8th as we celebrate today, she brought into the world a grace-filled little girl, and named her Maria. The name Maria, after the name of Jesus Christ, is the sweetest in the world, and is always upon all of our lips. Maria means the Lady, the Mistress of Heaven and earth.

This, in a few words, is the story of her nativity.

The Nativity of the Most-Holy Theotokos is first of all, a consolation for childless couples. There are also couples today who, despite their wishes, cannot bear children. They run to doctors and midwives, they run to clinics, travel overseas, and spend an incredible amount. They even run to wizards and witches--a great sin. However, they do not bear a child. But God can work His wonder. What wonder? Let the faithless disbelieve, we believe. I know a couple who tried for 20 years to have a child, and suddenly, the woman became pregnant. A wonder, that kept even the physicians and famous midwives speechless, how it could be possible for a barren woman to bring forth a child. Therefore, today as well this miracle continues to occur as it did in the Old and New Testaments, and today we have women who have given birth with faith in God.

But when a woman, for reasons that are known only to divine providence, does not bear a child, she must never loose hope. What does St. Kosmas say? "You don't have a child to raise? Find an orphan near you, feed him, clothe him, take care of him, and your reward will be great."

This is a consolation therefore to those who do not have children, but also it is a teaching for those who have children. This is very important and it cannot be exhausted, I will only add the following.

The child, you wrongly call your own. Of course it is yours, but chiefly, it is of God. What a great mystery! Do not look on this with disdain. For during birth the laws of nature work as God ordained. However, as from a seed God gave the power to bring forth a whole tree, thus, through the small and humble nature of a woman and a man--I do not say this disparagingly--was given the power of new creation. Man, the father and the mother, are co-creators with God. And the child that appears is a wonder.

As the earth in the beginning was "without form and void" (Genesis 1:2), thus is the child within the womb of its mother. What is it in the beginning? An embryo. But how, over the course of nine months, does a heart form, then eyes, hands, feet? And when it is time, it falls from the womb like fruit from the tree. A fruit is a miracle. A child is a miracle. It calls for our wonder. I knew a man who was faithless. I tried to convince him to believe with proofs, but he remained faithless. When he got married and his wife bore their first child, and he heard its cry, then he came to believe in God! Because of this, many times faithless people do not choose to have families or get married.

Therefore, have you given birth to a child? You have a responsibility. And like Joachim and Anna made provisions for the proper raising of the Most-Holy Theotokos--and Panagia owes much to her parents--thus parents must care for their children. As the sacred Chrysostom says: "I will call you a father not when you have born a child, but when you have raised the child as God desires." The first word that the child should learn is the word "Christ". The first movement that they should learn with their little hand should be the sign of the Cross. The first lesson they should learn should be to kneel before Christ to do their little prayer. And when you sit at the table, you should say they we do not eat until we pray. And at night, when the stars come out, they should kneel together for family prayer. And if they show forth some evil deed, some weakness, you should not be complacent. You should correct him. And if he says a bad word, you should advise him. Thus, you will teach him to believe in God.

Therefore, be careful. The child from a young age learns either good or evil. I will give you two examples and close. In one village of Grevena, I met someone who, while at that time the whole village was blaspheming, he did not blaspheme. This made an impression on me. I called him and asked: "How did you learn not to blaspheme?"
He said "When I was a small child, I heard a blasphemy. When I went home I repeated it senselessly. As soon as my grandmother heard it--it was winter then--she took a coal from the fire and burned the tip of my tongue. Look at my tongue," he said, "it is still burnt. From then on, I learned not to blaspheme."***

[***Note: Neither the Metropolitan nor I am encouraging this type of corporal punishment or torture of anyone (God forbid!). But his point is how seriously this child's grandmother took the roots of sin in the family, and how she sought to correct it in the way that she knew. May we, with gentleness and firmness and love (not out of anger), correct bad habits in those we are responsible for, when they first appear, teaching them the consequences of our actions before God.]

And hear another example. When I was traveling through Evia, in one village I heard through a wall a blasphemy. Such a blasphemy I had never heard in my life. I looked, and what did I see? Unbelievable. A father had at his knees a grace-filled child two or three years old, and was teaching him to blaspheme God...How do the stars not fall upon us?!

Therefore, parents have a great responsibility. Have you given birth to a child? You must take care to make him a child of God. Because he will either become a child of God, or a child of the devil. It is better to not bear a child, than to raise him to be a criminal. When the child is raised as God desires, as Joachim and Anna raised the Most-Holy Theotokos, then, one day, people will say: "Blessed parents, God bless the father and mother that bore such a child!" Otherwise, one would hear cursing. Therefore, it is not enough to have children, even to have many children, but, as the Church prays, that they might have many children and "Kalliteknoi" [A beautiful word meaning the bearing of beautiful and grace-filled children.]

This is a very important issue. I will not exhaust it with only a few words. Parents and children, let us entreat God that we might become mothers like St. Anna that we are celebrating today, that we might become fathers like St. Joachim, that we might become women like the Virgin Mary. Then, this earth would be transformed. If not...even though I hope in God, our nation will be saddened.

O mothers, O our holy grandmothers, with nothing but a simple barley loaf or a pita in your hands, make the sign of the Cross and break and distribute it. My child, make our Cross and say..."We ate pita and barley bread, and it tasted like butter, because it had the blessing of God." Today, we eat meat continuously, and illnesses have multiplied. We have become the biggest meat-eaters. And the result? The children from a young age die of heart disease, and run to London for surgeries.

O, our holy faith! Whatever you teach, whatever you preach, are holy. And whoever goes against the Church, against the bonds of the Church, whoever he is, small or great, will be turned to ashes. Because of this, remain close to the Church! Remain steadfast near God, and you will have the blessing of the Most-Holy Theotokos, and all the Saints. Amen.
(+) Bishop Avgoustinos
(From a sermon delivered in Kato Kleinai, Florida, on September 8th, 1986, source)
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

"Rejoice, O noetic swallow, that heralds the springtime of grace for us..."

Sts. Joachim and Anna, together with their daughter, the Most-Holy Theotokos (source)
Rejoice, O noetic swallow, that heralds the springtime of grace for us, she who lived her life well blamelessly with self-control, and who gave birth to the treasury of virginity, the spotless Theotokos, Anna, the precious one, from whose descendant came the calf Who takes away the offenses of the world, the Word, who by a word was conceived by the Unwedded [Theotokos]. Anna, the Ancestor of the Lord, now proceeds from the earth, where she ever entreats that our souls might be granted the great mercy.
-Prosomoion of the Aposticha from the Dormition of St. Anna

Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Entrance of the Theotokos: The Monastic Feast of Panagia

The Entrance of the Theotokos to the Temple, fresco by Manuel Panselinos, Protaton, Mount Athos (source)
The Entrance of the Theotokos: The Monastic Feast of Panagia
This feast on Mount Athos, my Fathers named "The Monastic Feast of Panagia".

Elder Gelasios loved it greatly, and said that Papa-Thanasis, his Elder, the holy Abbot of Gregoriou Monastery, honored it greatly. And once, on this day, Elder Gelasios saw him liturgizing with St. Iakovos Adelphotheos. He is the one who is relating this tradition.

Panagia is coming to the Holy of Holies.
Her parents, Sts. Joachim and Anna are fulfilling their vow. And many little girls of Jerusalem holding lit candles, and a red carpet is laid out, like the wedding runner which was laid out in the old days at the home of the couple during the hour that the Holy Mystery of Marriage was being celebrated.

How many symbols! And how many centuries was the world waiting for this hour? For an Ever-Virgin to enter into a sanctified place, where the Archpriest men trembled to approach and enter within only once a year.

The nous cannot comprehend this, and many "scientists" deny this feast in particular.
Naturally, they deny because they are living with a mind held only by reason. And wherever the "irrational" thought enters, the Nous that surpasses logic leaves, our Triune God.

And the servant [of this event] is the Archangel of joy [Gabriel], of the Gospel and of hope. What an awesome mystery!

And for the Athonite Fathers, this great feast is very dear, because it resembles monasticism, the mystery of the monastic way of life.

Of course, our place that is the "Holy of Holies", is the place of our deep heart. There, something occurs with the mixing of the created and the uncreated, amidst abundant light.

When the heart is totally empty [of the passions], it is renewed by the Newborn Child, our Lord Jesus Christ, amidst abundant and saving light.

When the Altar of the Temple in Jerusalem was empty, there was the spotless Maria enthroned, the child of Nazareth.

The monk, the monastic, is he who enters into his own Holy Altar which has been forgotten and abandoned. And, what a mystery this is, when one turns around to see a small virgin, enthused by the light and her red robe and shining within with light, being led forward to her sacred Bridal Chamber, the one and only place of her rest, her deep heart, with tears.

The Monastic Feast of the Ever-Virgin. She is led by the Great High Priest and Prophet. Yes, and a prophet, think of how many centuries before him the prophets prophesied of that instant. The preaching of the Prophets, the Lady Theotokos. This is what the hymn speaks of. And the recreation of the faithful. We, therefore, all those who desire to be faithful in faith and to the Church, we, therefore, must be renewed--transformed, therefore, every instant, if we desire it, to become new people--full of His light and believing rightly in the Church.

How much did he love this feast, as an Athonite Father that he was, St. Gregory [Palamas] the Theologian of our Uncreated God? His homily is unmatched. Full of enthusiasm, waves of grace and an ocean of love.

My brother, if you find yourself at Hilandar Monastery, our beloved, and lift up your eyes to the right choir, and join chorus with the monastics, there you will see the little Maria, and her parents and the high priest. And to experience this yourself, even for a short time, within the Holy of Holies in the world, amidst the false rubbish [of the fallen world], the holy Athos, her Garden, the Holy Mountain
Most-holy Theotokos, save us! Amen!

Friday, September 6, 2019

"Today is the prelude of universal joy..."

The Nativity of the Theotokos (source)
Today is the prelude of universal joy. Today blows the breeze foretelling salvation, for the barrenness of our nature is dissolved, as the barren [Anna] is shown to be a mother of her who will remain a Virgin after giving birth to her Creator. From [the Theotokos], God, Who is foreign to nature, will come to dwell within, working salvation for the deluded through the flesh, Christ, the Lover-of-man, and the Redeemer of our souls.
-Idiomelon of the Stichera from the Nativity of the Theotokos

The Nativity of the Theotokos (source)
Most-holy Theotokos, save us!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Akathist to Sts. Joachim and Anna the Ancestors of God

Sts. Joachim and Anna with their daughter, the Most-holy Theotokos (source)
Note: A wonderful edition of this beautiful Akathist is available from St. Paisius Monastery in Arizona. Please consider supporting their endeavors.
Akathist to the Holy and Righteous Joachim and Anna
For Blessed Married Life

Kontakion 1:
O holy and righteous Joachim and you Anna, the forbears of Christ, elect among the human race, who gave birth to the all-blessed, holy Maiden, of Whom the Son of God was born in the flesh! In that you have great boldness before Christ God and stand before His heavenly throne, earnestly entreat Him, that we may be delivered from misfortunes and thus may ever cry aloud to you: Rejoice, O holy and righteous Joachim and Anna, Ancestors of God!

Ikos 1:
An angelic messenger was sent to you by God, O holy and righteous ancestors of God, when you both expressed your sorrow – You, Joachim in the wilderness, and you Anna in the garden – offering up supplication unto God. Thus the incorporeal one brought the joyful tidings that you would give birth to an all-blessed daughter, in whom the whole human race would be blessed. And with him we also offer you joyful praise:
Rejoice, branches of the vine of life who blossomed forth in holiness from the root of David!
Rejoice, you who gave birth to a daughter more blessed than all the generations of men!
Rejoice, most honored forbears of the incarnate Son of God!
Rejoice, most excellent disclosers of the mystery hidden from before time began!
Rejoice, closest relatives in the flesh to the Consolation of Israel!
Rejoice, blood relatives of the Savior Who was promised to the world!
Rejoice, O holy and righteous Joachim and Anna, Ancestors of God!

Kontakion 2:
Seeing himself belittled by the high priest in the Temple of Jerusalem because of his lack of children, the holy Joachim was sorely distressed. In bitterness of soul he withdrew to his flocks in the wilderness, and there he offered fervent supplication with tears, that the Lord grant that he might be called father by a child of his own. And thus he added fasting to prayer and in the contrition of his heart cried aloud to God Almighty: Alleluia!
Sts. Joachim and Anna embracing the Most-holy Theotokos (source)
Ikos 2:
Knowing the extent of her husband's grief, the holy Anna wept bitterly in her house and prayed that the Lord would remove from her the reproach of barrenness. And we, remembering the patience of the righteous ones, cry out:
Rejoice, O divinely chosen pair who gave birth to Her who would become the Mother of One of the Trinity;
Rejoice, you who produced an immaculate Mother for your creator!
Rejoice, you blessed pair who raised a Daughter who is most blessed among women!
Rejoice, you whom God heard amid your barrenness!
Rejoice, for your tearful entreaties passed up to heaven and reached the ear of the God of Israel!
Rejoice, for your temporal reproach has been transformed into eternal glory in heaven and on Earth!
Rejoice, O holy and righteous Joachim and Anna, Ancestors of God!

Kontakion 3:
Filled with the power of God, the angel of the Lord appeared to the holy Joachim in the wilderness and said to him, “God has heard your prayer and has been pleased to grant you His grace! Behold, Anna your wife will conceive and bear you a Daughter, who will be the joy of the whole world!” And having said these things the incorporeal one commanded him to return to the Temple of Jerusalem, where he would find his spouse praying, that with her he might also chant there the hymn of praise to the God of Israel: Alleluia!  
Sts. Joachim and Anna embracing Panagia (source)
Ikos 3:
Having great sorrow in your heart, O holy Anna, you entered the garden of your home, where your eye saw little chicks lying in a bird's nest in a tree, and you immediately added supplications to your prayers, that the Lord might permit you to become the mother of a child. And lo!! The angel of the Lord appeared to you, saying: “Your prayer has been heard, your sighs have passed beyond the clouds and your tears have come before God! Behold, you will conceive and bear an all-blessed Daughter, in whom all the peoples of the earth will be blessed, and through whom salvation will be given to the whole world! Her name will be Mary!” Mindful of these most angelic tidings, let us chant these things to the ancestors of God:
Rejoice, you who were chosen for ineffable glory!
Rejoice, you who walked blamelessly in all the commandments of the Lord!
Rejoice, you who received eternal consolation amid your fleeing sorrow!
Rejoice, you who were exalted beyond expectation by the right hand of God!
Rejoice, for your humility and tribulation the Lord remembered you!
Rejoice, for you were chosen to become the forebears of the Son of God!
Rejoice, O holy and righteous Joachim and Anna, Ancestors of God!

Kontakion 4:
Beset by a storm of doubt and perplexed by the angel's tidings to him, the righteous Joachim immediately set out for the city of Jerusalem, where he found before the gates of the Temple the holy Anna, greatly glorifying the Lord, who declared to him the joy of the angelic appearance and the prediction of her childbirth. Wherefore, when he had told his spouse of his own vision, he cried with her unto the Lord: Alleluia!
St. Anna holding the Theotokos (source)
Ikos 4:
When Anna's relatives and friends heard of her all-glorious conceiving, they glorified the God of Israel. And he divinely wise Anna promised the fruit of her womb to the service of God and offered up fervent thanks to the Lord. And singing with splendor the most glorious conception of the holy Maiden Mary, we say upon her blessed parents:
Rejoice, joyous heralds announcing to us the Redeemer Who is come into the world!
Rejoice, grandparents of God Who in His mercy assumed our form!
Rejoice, you who through your blessed Daughter provided flesh for the Word of God!
Rejoice, you who called the incarnate God your grandson!
Rejoice, worthy servants of the great mystery of piety!
Rejoice, most excellent means of God's condescension to men!
Rejoice, O holy and righteous Joachim and Anna, Ancestors of God!

Kontakion 5:
You were chosen to give birth in the flesh to the all-holy Birth-giver of God, the divinely radiant star who showed forth Christ God, the Sun of Righteousness, O most blessed Joachim and Anna, and have received the enviable title of Ancestors of God. At her holy birth heaven and earth rejoiced and the whole human race was sanctified, crying out to the God of Israel Who is wondrous in His Saints: Alleluia!
St. Anna embracing the Theotokos (source)
Ikos 5:
Looking as parents upon the Mother of the Creator, the holy Maiden Mary who was born of you, you reverently ministered unto her as the ark of God; wherefore, do not turn away from us who fall down before you in prayer and say:
Rejoice, you who were filled with radiant jubilation at the birth of the holy Maiden Mary!
Rejoice, you who were filled with delight at the sight of the holy Maiden!
Rejoice, you who were moved to compunction at the sound of her voice!
Rejoice, you who after these tidings were blessed by the high priest of God!
Rejoice, you who tended well the unblemished ewe lamb in your house!
Rejoice, you who received the Mother of the Lamb and Shepherd as your Daughter!
Rejoice, O holy and righteous Joachim and Anna, Ancestors of God!

Kontakion 6:
You were shown to be proclaimers of the wonders of God, O Saints, when you fulfilled your vow to God and with glory brought the three-year old holy Maiden Mary to the Temple of God, that She might abide there in the Holy of Holies; and for these things you hastened with joy to chant unto the God of your fathers, the glorification: Alleluia!
St. Anna embracing the Theotokos (source)
Ikos 6:
The divine Maiden shown forth like the full moon at Her honored entry into the Temple of the Lord and the angels marveled at Her beauty. And taken Her from your hands, O holy Joachim and Anna, the High Priest Zachariah led Her into the Holy of Holies with honor, for She was truly the living ark of God; and he blessed you as is proper with such praises as these:
Rejoice, you who have given birth to the universal joy of the human race!
Rejoice, you who have nurtured the cause of the restoration of mankind!
Rejoice, you who brought the living ark of God to the Temple of the Lord!
Rejoice, you who gave your holy Daughter to dwell in the Holy of Holies!
Rejoice, you who are revealed as the relatives of God who will become incarnate!
Rejoice, you who conversed with the angels!
Rejoice, O holy and righteous Joachim and Anna, Ancestors of God!

Kontakion 7:
Having fulfilled the desire of your soul and given your promise to God, O al-blessed Joachim, you departed this earthly life in holiness and righteousness, passing on to the Lord. Wherefore, we ask you to petition Him that we also may be counted worthy to receive a peaceful and unashamed end, crying out to Him: Alleluia!
Sts. Joachim and Anna embracing the Most-holy Theotokos (source)
Ikos 7:
You led a new and God-pleasing life in your widowhood, O holy Anna, abiding at the Temple of God and ministering to your all-blesses Daughter, wherefore, we praise you as a true and God-pleasing widow and the grandmother of Christ and with love we fervently honor you and your husband, Joachim the grandfather of God, and offer you such hymns as these:
Rejoice, you just ones whose righteousness shines like the sun forever!
Rejoice, you friends of the angels, who truly dwell with the Saints in the presence of God!
Rejoice, you who stand near to the throne of heaven!
Rejoice, you who have great boldness before Christ God!
Rejoice, adornment of the Church Triumphant in heaven!
Rejoice, good supporters of the Church militant on earth!
Rejoice, O holy and righteous Joachim and Anna, Ancestors of God!

Kontakion 8:
O holy and righteous Anna, having reached the end of your earthly journey, in the arms of your holy Daughter, the Birth-giver of God Mary, you slept the sleep of death and were transported unto God with hope; wherefore, glorifying your holy dormition, we entreat you, O most honored grandmother of God; When we also begin to fall into the sleep of death, beseech Christ the Savior that our soul may part gently from our body and escape the power of the demons, and that we may be granted eternal salvation, and may cry out to Him in the joy of the Saints: Alleluia!  
The first steps of Panagia, before her parents, Sts. Joachim and Anna (source)
Ikos 8:
The whole Christian world blesses you as is proper, O holy righteous and ancestors of God Joachim and Anna and in prayer glorifies your honored names. The Church of Christ celebrates your memory with splendor and offers hymns of praises unto you:
Rejoice, beacons who graciously illuminate the darkness of our souls!
Rejoice, you who mercifully look down upon mortals from the heavenly heights of your glory!
Rejoice, you who ever pray with Mary the Birth-Giver of God!
Rejoice, you who with great might move Christ God to mercy!
Rejoice, you who save from all misfortunes those who cherish faith and love for you!
Rejoice, you who deliver those who call upon your help in prayer from a violent and sudden death!
Rejoice, O holy and righteous Joachim and Anna, Ancestors of God!

Kontakion 9:
All the angels of God and the choirs of the Saints of God in heaven greet you, O holy and righteous ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna, and on earth the generations of men praise you with prayerful hymns and cry out to God in thanksgiving for your intercession: Alleluia!
Sts. Joachim and Anna, with Christ and the Most-holy Theotokos (Source)
Ikos 9:
Our eloquence does not suffice to praise you fittingly, O holy forbears of Christ; yet as you are merciful, do not reject our inadequate praises, but be fervent intercessors and advocates for us before the Lord, fulfilling the deficiency of our souls with your holy supplications, that we may cry out to you this hymn of thanksgiving:
Rejoice, mediators who win for us the joy and eternal glory we desire!
Rejoice, fervent advocates before the Lord who acquire temporal and eternal blessings for us!
Rejoice, you who by your intercession preserve the faithful from deadly pestilence!
Rejoice, you who by your supplications dispel mortal plagues!
Rejoice, you who by your mediation cause earthquakes and violent storms to cease and restore calm!
Rejoice, you who amid all tribulations and misfortunes hasten to our aid!
Rejoice, O holy and righteous Joachim and Anna, Ancestors of God!

Kontakion 10:
 O holy and righteous ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna, you have shown yourselves to be beneficial helpers of those who desire salvation of soul and diligently strive for this. Being called the guardians of monks and nuns, and offering unto God common supplication for all the faithful, that in thanksgiving into Christ the King of glory, Who has glorified you throughout the world, they all may cry out: Alleluia!
Sts. Joachim and Anna embracing at the Golden Gate (source)
Ikos 10:
With the bulwark of your prayers, O holy and righteous ancestors of God Joachim and Anna, preserve and protect us from the temptations of the diabolical who seeks the destruction of our souls; for we know that your petition before the face of Christ our God, your Grandson according to the flesh, is able to accomplish much. Never cease to make supplications to Him on behalf of all who with love honor you and cry aloud:
Rejoice, fruitful olive trees pouring forth the oil of the mercy of God upon us in abundance!
Rejoice, you two cypress trees of excellent foliage who turn the burning heat of our passions into the stillness of dispassion!
Rejoice, purple and fine linen of which the tabernacle of God's dwelling place was wrought!
Rejoice, turtle doves mated for life, who brought forth the immaculate dove!
Rejoice, you who reign eternally with your Daughter the Queen of all!
Rejoice, you who celebrate with Her in splendor in Her heavenly mansion in Sion on high!
Rejoice, O holy and righteous Joachim and Anna, Ancestors of God!

Kontakion 11:
Mercifully accept our hymns of praise and do not deprive us of your compassions, O holy Joachim and Anna, ancestors of Christ; for though we are unworthy of your holy intercessions because of our sins, yet as you are good and full of pity, grant it to us and help us to cleanse ourselves of defilement of sin through repentance, that in purity of heart we may chant unto our Creator the hymn of praise: Alleluia!
Sts. Joachim and Anna embracing the Theotokos (source)
Ikos 11:
O Brethren, let us recognize the holy ancestors of God, Joachim and Anna, as two radiant candles which lit the universal Lamp. Illuminated with the brightness of their heavenly glory, let us sing to them such words as these:
Rejoice, you were counted worthy to raise Her who is beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim!
Rejoice, you who were resplendent with heavenly brightness!
Rejoice, you who were filled with the sweet fragrance of the Spirit!
Rejoice, you who bear unto God the incense of your prayers for the whole Christian world!
Rejoice, you who ever stand before the throne of Christ with Mary the God-Bearer and John the Baptist!
Rejoice, you who stand near the throne of heaven!
Rejoice, O holy and righteous Joachim and Anna, Ancestors of God!

Kontakion 12:
O holy ancestors of God Joachim and Anna, ask the Lord that He grant us divine grace and mercy, forgiveness of sins and correction of life; and never cease to entreat the countenance of Almighty God in our behalf, in that you have acquired great boldness before Him. Falling down before you with fervor for this purpose, we beseech you as our true intercessors and helpers and with real compunction cry out to the Creator of all: Alleluia!
St. Anna embracing Panagia (source)
Ikos 12:
Singing of the great might of your intercessions before God, O righteous Joachim and Anna, we magnify Christ the Lord Who has magnified you; we sing also the praises of His all-immaculate Mother who was born of you; and in our zeal we offer you these right fitting praises:
Rejoice, you who are glorified from the East even unto the West!
Rejoice, O our protectors whose vigilance in intercession is never wavering!
Rejoice, you who grant your gracious help to every Christian soul!
Rejoice, you who fulfill the entreaties and petitions of the pious!
Rejoice, most excellent healers of the infirmities of soul and body who exact no fee!
Rejoice, most diligent and pleasing mediators who obtain for us temporal and eternal good things!
Rejoice, O holy and righteous Joachim and Anna, Ancestors of God!

Kontakion 13:
O holy and righteous ancestors of God Joachim and Anna! We entreat you with zeal and love, falling down before the footstool of your feet; we ask that you beseech the Lord God, that He will deliver us from the everlasting damnation prepared for sinners, that, saved by the loving-kindness of our God and aided by your holy prayers, we may sing in thanksgiving to Him the angelic hymn: Alleluia!

(Kontakion 13 is read 3 times, then read Ikos 1 è Kontakion 1)
Prayer to the Holy and Righteous Ancestors of God Joachim and Anna:
O ever-glorious and righteous forbearers of Christ, holy Joachim and Anna who stand before the heavenly throne of the great King and possess boldness before Him; He was well pleased to become incarnate of your all-blessed Daughter, the all-pure Birth-giver of God and Ever-virgin Mary. We, the sinful and unworthy, come to you as mighty intercessors and diligent advocates for us. Entreat His goodness, that He turn away His wrath from us, which we deserve because of our deeds and that, overlooking our countless transgressions, He may turn us to the way of repentance and set us firmly upon the path of His commandments. By your supplications preserve our life in peace. Ask that we may be successful in good things. By your intercession, may God grant to us all things necessary for life and piety and may He deliver us from all peril, misfortune and sudden death. May He allow us to live out our lives in peace and tranquility, in all piety and purity. Having thus passed from this transitory life in peace, we may attain unto everlasting rest, where by your holy entreaty, may we be granted the heavenly Kingdom of Christ our God, to Whom is due all glory, honor and worship with the Father and all-Holy Spirit, unto the ages of ages.
St. Anna holding the Theotokos (source)
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

"Anna surpasses every word of praise..."

Anna surpasses every word of praise, for she gave birth to [the Theotokos] who surpasses every praise. Because of this, she takes pasture together with the choir of the Saints
-from the Matins Canon to St. Anna
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Friday, September 8, 2017

"He Who seals the abyss, and opens it again..."

The Nativity of the Theotokos (source)
He Who seals the abyss, and opens it again, Who takes up water into the clouds, and makes it rain, You are He, O Lord, Who made the root blossom from the fruitless Anna the holy one, bringing forth as spotless fruit the rod that is the Theotokos.
-from the Canon of Nativity of the Theotokos
Most-Holy Theotokos, save us!

Friday, December 9, 2016

The Conception of St. Anna: "O divine announcement!"

Sts. Joachim and Anna embracing the Most-holy Theotokos (source)
"O divine announcement! O strange telling! If I conceive in my womb, an Angel will be sent to her, Anna considers in astonishment, and with a loud voice cries out: glory to my God Who does paradoxical things!
-from the Canon for the feast of the Conception of St. Anna

Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Monday, September 7, 2015

"Today the gates of the barren are opened..."

The Most-holy Theotokos as an infant, being embraced by her parents, Sts. Joachim and Anna (source)
Today the gates of the barren are opened, and the divine and virginal Gate comes forth. Today fruit is born, and grace proceeds forth, shining upon the world the Mother of God, through whom the things on earth are united with the things of the heavens, for the salvation of our souls.
-Idiomelon of the Stichera from the Nativity of the Theotokos

Most-holy Theotokos, save us!

Friday, July 24, 2015

"As we observe this memorial of Christ's ancestors…"

Sts. Joachim and Anna, with the Most-Holy Theotokos (source)
As we observe this memorial of Christ's ancestors, * of Joachim and Anna * who were saintly and blameless, * we glorify our tenderly merciful Lord and Redeemer unceasingly; * for He has herefrom translated them unto life * indestructible and aging not.
-Prosomoion of the Praises, Feast of the Dormition of St. Anna
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Excerpt from an Encomium on the Ancestors of God, Sts. Joachim and Anna

The Most-Holy Theotokos as a newborn, being embraced by her parents, Sts. Joachim and Anna (source)
Excerpt from an Encomium on the Ancestors of God, Sts. Joachim and Anna (by Kosma Vestitoros)
Therefore, the world is not worthy of these truly blessed birthgivers of the Mother of God, for through them, the Prophets were shown to be true regarding the incarnation of Christ. The Apostles, through their daughter, were shown to be sons of the Light, the Saints, for they martyrically were crowned, the Venerable and Righteous, as the inheritors of the good things to come, the sinners, as those shown mercy through the intercessions of the Ever-virgin Theotokos.

To them, therefore, let us cry out in thanksgiving:
Hail, O all-sacred Father Joachim, our hope after God, through the grace of the fruit of your loins.
Hail, O all-precious Mother Anna, the Mother of our life; glory to your womb.
Hail, O Father, tiller of many-seeded offspring.
Hail, O Mother of our salvation.
Hail, O Father, servant of the heavenly cluster of grapes.
Hail, O Mother, the good earth which yielded fruit a hundred-fold.
Hail, O Father, the sower of the spiritual paradise.
Hail, O Mother, the rock containing the pure emerald.
Hail, O Father, who opened the life-pouring spring.
Hail, O Mother, who was refreshed of the thirst for the bearing of children.

Our mouth is filled with the hymning of your excelling holiness. But we are not worthy even to hymn this godly pair, if it were not for the voice of Christ, their grandson according to the flesh, who even more greatly hymns them, saying: “Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in the Heavens.” For you, O Saints, because of your bareness, were disdained, and heard evil words, but after a short time, you rejoiced with the bearing of a child. And it is sufficient to praise you, as you bore the Mother of God. For truly, as worthy and Righteous ones, you were ordained to give birth to the Theotokos, and become the ancestors of Christ, according to the flesh.
(amateur translation of text from source)
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Homily on the Nativity of the Theotokos, by St. Andrew of Crete

The nativity of the Theotokos (source)
Homily on the Nativity of the Theotokos, by St. Andrew of Crete
The present feastday is for us the beginning of feastdays. Serving as a boundary limit to the law and to foretypes, it at the same time serves as a doorway to grace and truth. "For Christ is the end of the law" (Rom 10:4), Who, having freed us from the writing, doth raise us to spirit. Here is the end (to the law): in that the Lawgiver, having made everything, hath changed the writing in spirit and doth head everything within Himself (Eph 1:10), hath taken the law under its dominion, and the law is become subjected to grace, such that the properties of the law not suffer reciprocal commingling, but only suchlike, that the servile and subservient (in the law) by Divine power be transmuted into the light and free (in grace), "so that we," sayeth the Apostle, "be not enslaved to the elements of the world" (Gal 4:3) and be not in a condition under the slaveish yoke of the writing of the law. Here is the summit of Christ's beneficence towards us! Here are the mysteries of revelation! Here is the theosis [divinisation] assumed upon humankind -- the fruition worked out by the God-man.

The radiant and bright coming-down of God for people ought to possess a joyous basis, opening to us the great gift of salvation. Such like also is the present feastday, having as its basis the Nativity of the Mother of God, and as its purposful end -- the uniting of the Word with flesh, this most glorious of all miracles, unceasingly proclaimed, immeasurable and incomprehensible. The less comprehensible it is, the more it is revealed; and the more it is revealed, the less comprehensible it is. Wherefore the present God-graced day, the first of our feastdays, showing forth the light of virginity and as it were the crown woven from the unfading blossoms of the spiritual garden of Scripture, doth proffer creatures a common joy. Be of good cheer -- sayeth it -- behold, this is the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin and of the renewal of the human race! The Virgin is born, She groweth and is raised up and prepareth Herself to be the Mother of God All-Sovereign of the ages. All this, with the assist of David, makes it for us an object of spiritual contemplation. The Mother of God manifests to us Her God-bestown Birth, and David points to the blessedness of the human race and wondrous co-kinship of God with mankind.

And thus, truly one ought to celebrate the mystery today and to offer to the Mother of God a word by way of gift: since nothing is so pleasing to Her, as a word and praise by word. It is from here also that we receive a twofold benefit: first, we enter into the region of truth, and second, we emerge from the captivity and slavery of the written law. How? Obviously, when darkness vanishes, then light appears; so also here: after the law there follows the freedom of grace.

The present day solemnity is a line of demarcation, separating the truth from its prefigurative symbol, and ushering in the new in place of the old. Paul -- that Divine Trumpeter of the Spirit -- exclaims thus about this: "For anyone that be in Christ, ye are remade a new creature; the old passeth away and behold all is become new" (2 Cor 5:17); "for the law hath perfected nothing adducing for a better hope, whereby we draw nigh to God" (Heb 7:19). The truth of grace hath shown forth brightly.

Let there now be one common festal celebration in both heaven and on earth. Let everything now celebrate, that which is in the world and that beyond the world. Now is made the created temple for the Creator of all; and creation is readied into a new Divine habitation for the Creator. Now our nature having been banished from the land of blessedness doth receive the principle of theosis and doth strive to rise up to the highest glory. Now Adam doth offer from us and for us elements unto God, the most worthy fruit of mankind -- Mary, in Whom the new Adam is rendered Bread for the restoration of the human race. Now is opened the great bosom of virginity, and the Church, in the matrimonial manner, doth place upon it a pure pearl truly immaculate. Now human worthiness doth accept the gift of the first creation and returns to its former condition; the majesty darkened by formless sin -- through the conjoining by His Mother by birth "of Him  made beautiful by Goodness," man receives beauty in a most excellent and God-seemly visage. And this creating is done truly by the creation, and recreation by theosis, and theosis by a return to the original perfection! Now a barren one is become beyond expectation a mother, and the Birth-giver hath given birth without knowing man, and she doth sanctify natural birth. Now is readied the majestied color of the Divine scarlet-purple and the impoverished human nature is clothed in royal worthiness. Now -- according to prophecy -- there sprouts forth the Offshoot of David, Who, having eternally become the green-sprouting Staff of Aaron, hath blossomed forth for us with the Staff of Power -- Christ. Now of Judah and David is descended a Virgin Maiden, rendering of herself the royal and priestly worthiness of Him that hath taken on the priesthood of Aaron in the order of Melchisedek (Heb 7:15). Now is begun the renewal of our nature, and the world responding, assuming a God-seemly form, doth receive the principle of a second Divine creation.

The first creation of mankind occurred from the pure and unsullied earth; but their nature darkened the worthiness innate to it, they were deprived of grace through the sin of disobedience; for this we were cast out of the land of life and, in place of the delights of paradise, we received temporal life as our inheritance by birth, and with it the death and corruption of our race. All started to prefer earth to heaven, such that there remained no hope for salvation, beyond the utmost help. Neither the natural nor the written law, nor the fiery reconciliative sayings of the prophets had power to heal the sickness. No one knew how to rectify human nature and by what means it would be most suitable to raise it up to its former worthiness, so long as God the Author of all did not deign to reveal to us another arranged and newly-constituted world, wherein is annihilated the pervasive form of the old poison of sin, and granting us a wondrous, free and perfectly dispassionate life, through our re-creation in the baptism of Divine birth. But how would this great and most glorious blessing be imparted to us, so very in accord with the Divine commands, if God were not to be manifest to us in the flesh, not subject to the laws of nature -- nor deign to dwell with us in a manner, known to Him? And how could all this be accomplished, if first there did not serve the mystery a Pure and Inviolate Virgin, Who contained the Uncontainable, in accord with the law, yet beyond the laws of nature? And could some other virgin have done this, besides she alone, who was chosen before all others by the Creator of nature?

This Virgin is the Mother of God -- Mary, the Most Glorious of God, from the womb of Whom the Most Divine issued forth in the flesh and by whom He Himself did arrange a wondrous temple for Himself. She conceived without seed and gave birth without corruption, since that Her Son was God, though also He was born in the flesh, without mingling and without travail. This Mother, truly, avoided that which is innate to mothers but miraculously fed with milk Her Son, begotten without a man. The Virgin, having given birth to the Seedlessly Conceived-One, remained a Pure Virgin, having preserved incorrupt the marks of virginity. And so in truth She is named the Mother of God; her virginity is esteemed and her birth-giving is glorified. God, having conjoined with mankind and become manifest in the flesh, hath granted Her a unique glory. Woman's nature suddenly is freed from the first curse, and just as the first did bring in sin, so also doth the first initiate salvation also.

But our discourse has attained its chief end, and I, celebrating now and with rejoicing sharing in this sacred feast, I greet you in the common joy. The Redeemer of the human race -- as I said -- willed to arrange a new birth and re-creation of mankind: like as under the first creation, taking dust from the virginal and pure earth, wherein He formed the first Adam, so also now, having arranged His Incarnation upon the earth, -- and so to speak, in place of dust -- He chooses from out of all the creation this Pure and Immaculate Virgin and, having re-created mankind within His chosen-one from amidst mankind, the Creator of Adam is made the New Adam, in order to save the old.

Who indeed was this Virgin and from what sort of parents did she come? Mary, the glory of all, was born of the tribe of David, and from the seed of Joachim. She was descended from Eve, and was the child of Anna. Joachim was a gentle man, pious, raised in God's law. Living prudently and walking before God he grew old without child: the years of his prime provided no continuation of his lineage. Anna was likewise God-loving, prudent, but barren; she lived in harmony with her husband, but was childless. As much concerned about this, as about the observance of the law of the Lord, she indeed was daily stung by the grief of childlessness and suffered that which is the usual lot of the childless -- she grieved, she sorrowed, she was distressed, and impatient at being childless. Thus, Joachim and his spouse lamented that they had no successor to continue their line; yet the spark of hope was not extinguished in them completely: both intensified their prayer about the granting to them of a child to continue their line. In imitation of the prayer heard of Hannah (1 Kings 1: 10), both without leaving the temple fervently beseeched God that He would undo her sterility and make fruitful her childlessness. And they did not give up on their efforts, until their wish be fulfilled. The Bestower of Gifts did not condemn the gift of their hope. The unceasing power came quickly in help to those praying and beseeching God, and it made capable both the one and the other to produce and bear a child. In such manner, from sterile and barren parents, as it were from irrigated trees, was borne for us a most glorious fruition -- the Immaculate Virgin. The constraints of infertility were destroyed -- prayer, upright manner of life -- these rendered them fruitful; the childless begat a Child, and the childless woman was made a happy mother. Thus the immaculate fruition issuing forth from the womb occurred from an infertile mother, and then the parents, in the first blossoming of her growth brought her to the temple and dedicated her to God. The priest, then making the order of services, beheld the face of the girl and of those in front of and behind, and he became gladdened and joyful, seeing as it were the actual fulfillment of the Divine promise. He consecrated her to God, as a reverential gift and propitious sacrifice and, as a great treasury unto salvation, he led her within the very innermost parts of the temple. Here the Maiden walked in the upright ways of the Lord, as in bridal chambers, partaking of heavenly food until the time of betrothal, which was preordained before all the ages by Him Who, by His inscrutable mercy, was born from her, and by Him Who before all creation and time and expanse Divinely begat Him, and together with His consubstantial and co-reigning and co-worshipped Spirit -- this being One Godhead, having One Essence and Kingdom, inseparable and immutable and in which is nothing diverse, except the personal qualities. Wherefore, in solemnity and in song I do offer the Mother of the Word the festal gift; since that He born of her hath taught me to believe in the Trinity: the Son and Word without beginning hath made in her His Incarnation; the Father begetting Him hath blessed this; the Holy Spirit hath signed and sanctified the womb which incomprehensibly hath conceived.

Now is the time to question David: in what did the God of all forswear him? Speak, O Psalmist and Prophet! He hath sworn from the fruit of my loin to sit upon my throne (Ps 131[132]:11). Here in this He is forsworn and wilt not break His oath, He hath forsworn and His Word is sealed with a deed! "Once," said he, "I forswear by My Holiness, that I lie not to David; his seed wilt prevail forever, and his throne, like the sun before Me and like the moon coursing the ages: a faithful witness also in heaven" (Ps 88[89]:35-38). God hath fulfilled this oath, since it is not possible for God to lie (Heb 6:18). Consider this: Christ in the flesh is named my Son (Mt. 22: 42), and all nations will worship my Lord and Son (Ps 71[72]:11), seeing him sit upon a virginal throne! Here also is the Virgin, from whose womb the Pre-eternal One issued forth, incarnated at the end of the ages and renewing the ages, likewise sprung forth from my loins! All this is so!

People of God, holy nation, sacred gathering! Let us revere our paternal memory; let us extol the power of the mystery! Each of us, in the measure given by grace, let us offer a worthy gift for the present feast. Fathers, a prosperous lineage; mothers, fine children; the unbearing, the not-bearing of sin; virgins, a twofold prudence of soul and of body; betrothed, praiseworthy abstinence. If anyone of you be a father, let him imitate the father of the Virgin; and if anyone be without child, let them make harvest of fruitful prayer cultivating a life pleasing to God. The mother, feeding her children, let her rejoice together with Anna, raising her Child, given to her in infertility through prayer. She that is barren, not having given birth, lacking the blessing of a child, let her come with faith to the God-given offshoot of Anna and offer there her barrenness. The virgin, living blamelessly, let her be a mother by discourse, adorning by word the elegance of soul. For a betrothed, let her offer mental sacrifice from the fruits of prayer. All together rich and poor, lads and maidens, old and young (Ps 48:2, 148:12), priests and levites -- let all together keep the feast in honor of the Maiden, the Mother of God and the Prophetess: from Her hath issued forth the Prophet, foretold of by Moses, Christ God the Truth (Dt 18:15). Amen.

Sts. Joachim and Anna, embracing the Theotokos as an infant (source)
Most-holy Theotoks, save us!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Vigil Lamp of the Skete of St. Anna, Mount Athos

The icon of St. Anna and the Theotokos, the Skete of St. Anna, Mount Athos (source)
The Vigil Lamp of the Skete of St. Anna, Mount Athos (amateur translation)
As was mentioned by a priest who is related spiritually to the monks of the Skete of St. Anna, Mount Athos, during the sermon after the service of the Salutations to the Theotokos, at a monastery in the area of Akaramaga, he informed those present that for the past three days, the vigil lamp before the icon of St. Anna in her holy skete, has been moving in a miraculous way (in the shape of the Cross).

The Athonite monks, and the holy priest mentioned, are disquieted and troubled by this occurrence, and they believe that this foretells negative events.

However, irrespective of what this wondrous event means, it is sure that this is a further opportunity for us to be moved towards greater care and repentance.
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!