Showing posts with label Missionaries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Missionaries. Show all posts

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Selected hymns from the Service to St. Gavrilia the Ascetic of Love (+1992)

St. Gabrilia the New (source)

Selected hymns from the Service to St. Gavrilia the Ascetic of Love (+1992) - Commemorated on March 28th (the day of her repose) and July 18th (the translation of her Holy Relics), composed by Dr. Charalampos Bousias.

Prosomoia of the Vespers Stichera in the Fourth Tone. You have given a sign.

O Gavrilia, you became a lamp of goodness, shining with light to the ends of the world in the last days, working and preaching love to all, O Mother, and having worked with strength like an Angel, you emptied yourself, and through pains and trials, you thus filled up your all-good heart, O all-famed one.

O Gavrilia, you mounted a golden chariot driven by stallions of chastity, and were taken up to the all-radiant mansions of Heaven to rejoice together with the ranks of the Angels, and to be glad together with the divine choirs of Mothers, O Spirit-bearer, and support of love and archetype of compassion, who pleased Christ through your practical ways.

As we celebrate your all-sacred memory today, O Gavrilia, the ranks of the faithful bless you as the new boast of Missionaries, and all-radiant lamp of ascetical Mothers, and they place blossomed crowns of hymns upon your head, O beloved of God, who led mortals without delusion towards the Heavens.

O newly-planted aromatic herb from famed Constantinople, and fragrant flower of the Church, and beautiful rose of the island of Leros, who truly pours forth the fragrance of your ascetical pains, O Gavrilia, along with your all-praised and wise [words], and the fragrance of healings of both soul and body which is carried to the ends of the world.

Doxastikon of the Stichera in the Plagal of the Second Tone.

She who was lifted up by the Angels to the ends of the world, to transmit the springs of her love to water thirsty souls of mortals, O Gavrilia, the Ascetic of Love, in compunction let us honor her, and cry out to her in faith: O Mother, equal to the Angels, who dedicated herself to Christ, and healed those in need and suffering, make us worthy as well to serve everyone in need, imitating your ways, and those of Him Who came to serve, and not to be served: our Lord the God-man.

St. Gavrilia the New (right), depicted with Sts. Maria of Paris (left) and Matrona of Moscow (center) (source)

Idiomelon of the Litia in the First Tone.

She who ever counted the deeds of service to her neighbor to be pleasing to God, let us honor, the noble and all-praised Gavrilia, for she gave this offering to all as a seal of the presence of Christ, and shone forth without ceasing with His love from her whole heart to the whole race of men. And truly, Christ rejoices together with her love, and she ever entreats Him on behalf of our souls.

Apolytikion in the Plagal of the First Tone.

O you worker of love, and most chaste ascetic nun, * O Gavrilia, protector of those in danger and need,  * and great helper and a missionary of our Christ, * let us all praise her with our hymns, * for she offers unto all the great graces of her nepsis, * and she entreats to our Creator * on behalf of those blessing her.

Kontakion in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone. O Champion General.

O fellow traveler of warm love and humility, * and in the world you lived, but your life surpassed this world, * and who ever prayed and offered up her very self, * as a sacrifice most willingly unto Christ, * Gavrilia, let us hymn God's bright ascetic Saint, * and with fervor cry out: * Rejoice, O Mother inspired by God.


An Angel of love, of offering and sacrifice, you were shown to be, O chaste Gavrilia, and the adornment of ascetics, and the most-precious pride of missionaries, and the director of mortals towards Heaven, therefore, we cry out to you these things:

Rejoice, haven of the love of Christ,

Rejoice, protector of those in dangers.

Rejoice, shoot of the City of Constantine,

Rejoice, adornment of Lambs of the Most-high.

Rejoice, most-precious and holy dwelling place for Leros,

Rejoice, beautiful and radiant treasure of Heaven.

Rejoice, seal of the love of Agathangelos,

Rejoice, you who froze the traps of him who hates goodness.

Rejoice, unemptying spring of nepsis,

Rejoice, stacte of fragrant asceticism.

Rejoice, rod for lost sheep,

Rejoice, protection for many who are suffering.

Rejoice, O Mother inspired by God.


On March 28th [or July 18th], the memory of our venerable and God-bearing Mother Gavrilia, the New Ascetic of Love.


With love, O chaste one, you ever covered all,

And a covering covered by God, Gavrilia was shown to be.

Icon of St. Gavrilia, detail, by Julia Bridget Hayes, available for order here. (source)

Prosomoia of the Praises in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone. O strange wonder.

O strange wonder! The lily of Constantinople, Gavrilia the New, the chaste, who filled the world with the fragrance of your pains and groins and your divine words, O Spirit-bearing Ascetic of Christ, who ever emptied herself for all those in need. And those who approached you, to them you made known the name of Christ, O missionary.

Rejoice, dwelling-place of love, O Gavrilia, you became a spring of offering and self-emptying of the treasures of your heart for those far and near. Rejoice, speedy protector of the poor. Rejoice, new adornment of Mothers. Rejoice, example of a life of purity. Rejoice, unassailable shield of piety. Rejoice, banquet of faith.

Rejoice, offering equal in zeal of the chaste Agathangelos, who gave you your dwelling-place which you named "The House of the Angels" in Athens, in which you gave shelter and hospitality and guidance for all those who came to you suffering and in need. Rejoice, O radiant lamp of grace.

As we celebrate your sacred and bright memory, O Gavrilia, and desire to achieve your feats, O most-compassionate Mother, as you gave yourself towards the perfection of virtue and towards love and good deeds, with compunction we cry out to you: Protect and guide and surround all of us, and deliver those in dangers, who honor you with psalms and hymns.

Doxastikon of the Praises in the Plagal of the First Tone.

Those whom you lifted up many from the bed of the passions towards dispassion, and from sinfulness towards repentance, from poverty towards fulness of good things, and from ignorance towards knowledge, and from delusion towards the Orthodox faith, their ranks now honor you, O Spirit-bearing Gavrilia, and they cry out to you: O most-compassionate Mother, equal to the Apostles in zeal, and fellow-dweller with love: do not cease entreating the Lord of glory for peace of the whole world, and for salvation of souls for those who honor your memory.


The Holy Grave and Relics of St. Gavrilia on the island of Leros (source)

Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Mother Gabriela, the Ascetic of Love, is canonized (Gerontissa Gavrielia Papagiane +1992)

St. Gabriela, the Ascetic of Love - Commemorated on March 28th (the day of her repose), and July 18th (the day of the translation of her relics) (source)

Gerontissa Gabrielia (Gavrielia) was born in Constantinople more than a hundred years ago on October 15, 1897 to Helias and Victoria Papayanni and was the fourth and last child of the family.

Gerontissa means further than an older nun, supervising the youngers, a spiritual person, who guides others with wise advice and knowledge given from God, in prayers. Her life is a trail of wonders.

She grew up in Constantinople until her family moved to Thessaloniki in 1923. She went to England in 1938 and stayed there throughout the Second World War. She trained as a chiropodist and physiotherapist. In England they honored her for her services during the war and after.

In 1945, she returned to Greece. In 1954, March, her mother died and it changed her life. Sister Gabrielia left Greece and traveled overland to India, where she worked with the poorest of the poor, even the lepers, for five years. She worked with Baba Amte and his family, who built and organised village-communities for the lepers of India. She kept no penny in her pocket. Just trusted herself in His hands.

In 1959, she went to the Monastery of Mary and Martha in Bethany, Palestine, to become a nun. When she arrived, she asked Fr. Theodosius the chaplain for a rule of prayer. Fr. Theodosius was somewhat surprised to find that she could read even ancient Byzantine Greek. Therefore, for her first year in the monastery he set her to reading only the Gospels and St. John Climacus.

She was three years in Bethany. In April 1962, Patriarch Athenagoras of Constantinople sought to send an Orthodox monastic to Taize in France. Sister Gabrielia went from Taize to America.

In 1963, she was back in Greece. The Gerontissa was tonsured to the Small Schema by Abbot Amphilochios (Makris) on Patmos in the Cave of St. Anthony under the Monastery of Evangelismos just before she and the nun Tomasina left again for India. Elder Amphilochios was enthusiastic at the idea of a nun, who would be open to the active outreach in the world. In India, she was for three years in Nani Tal in Uttar Pradesh, where Fr. Lazarus (Moore) was the priest and where he consulted the Gerontissa in his translations of the Psalter and the Fathers. Between 1967 and 1977, Gerontissa traveled in the Mission field of East Africa, in Europe, including visiting old friends and spiritual fathers Lev Gillet and Sophrony of Essex, again to America, and briefly in Sinai, where Archbishop Damianos was attempting to reintroduce women's monasticism.

She traveled extensively, with much concern and broad love for the people of God. Some of her spiritual children found her in Jerusalem beside the Tomb of Christ; others found her on the mission field of East Africa. In the 50s and 60s, she used to have a few thousands of spiritual friends from all over the world! She used to pray for everybody day and night!

In the year 1977, she lived hidden in a little apartment, the "House of the Angels" in Patissia, Athens, in the midst of the noise and smog and confusion of central Athens. In 1989, she moved to Holy Protection hermitage on the island of Aegina, close by the shrine of St. Nectarios. There she called the last two of her spiritual children to become monastics near her, and there she continued to receive many visitors. At the start of Great Lent in 1990, she was hospitalized for lymphatic cancer. She was forty days in the hospital, leaving during Holy Week and receiving communion on Pascha. And to the puzzlement of the doctors, the cancer disappeared. It was not yet her time.

Gerontissa finally withdrew to quiet. With only one last nun, she moved for the last time in this life, to the island of Leros. There they established the hesychastarion of the Holy Archangels. Only in this last year of her life did she accept the Great Schema at the hands of Fr. Dionysious from Little St. Anne's Skete on Mount Athos. He came to give her the Schema in the Chapel of the Panaghia in the Kastro on the top of Leros.

Gerontissa Gabrielia reposed on March 28, 1992, having never built a monastery. Her biography and collected writings were published in Greek in 1996, through the work of her last monastic daughter and the contribution of many, many others, who held the Gerontissa dear.

Anyone, who knew the Gerontissa realized that God has not left us without His saints, even down to the present day. The few words recorded here scarcely suggest the clarity and love of her soul. Words are only the tools of this world; the wonder of Gerontissa was wrapped in the mystery of the silence of the world to come. She was humility and love incarnate.


See here for a recent feast on the 22nd anniversary of the translation of her holy relics.

St. Gabriela, the Ascetic of Love (source)

On October 3rd, 2023, she was canonized by the Ecumenical Patriarchate (source)

Selected Quotes

Two things are very important… “Love one another,” and “Fear not, only believe.”

We become a reflection of Heaven by saying: ‘Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven’.

 If you have love for all the world, the whole world is beautiful.

If you do not get rid of “No” and “Tomorrow” from your life, you will never get to where the Lord wants you, Who grants you everything. He will give you the bodily strength when you answer “Yes” and “Now”. The prophets, the angels and the saints all said, “Behold here I am… Let it be according to Your word.”

Truth and light are synonymous.When you follow the truth you are in the light, you are with Christ.

True prayer always reaches heaven. The angels carry it to the right place and the answer comes. Its basis is Truth, and “Not My will, but that of the Father Who sent me.”

Say prayer-ropes also just with “Thank you”. 
 The angels always come. You should have continual conversation with your guardian angel. About everything. Especially in difficulties and when you cannot get across to someone. He always helps.

 When it is in God’s programme for you to go somewhere, you will go. That is why I am generally quiet in life. I have observed that even if a person does not want to, God moves him.

Never expect anybody to understand you. Only God.

When one is alone with God, the time passes unimaginably quickly. More quickly than when you have companionship… And yet even within the world one can remain united with God. How? When whatever he is doing he directs his thoughts to Him… when whatever good comes his way he gives Him glory… and whatever testing he meets, he gives Him thanks.

Love means to respect the freedom of the other.

You must not talk about persons who are absent.

 Love is always on the cross. Because Christ is on the cross.

If coal is not “beaten”, can it become diamond?

The Lord allows those who love Him to be tested, first, so that their faith in Him may grow stronger, and second, to set an example for those around.

Some people want to go to the Resurrection without passing by way of Gologatha.

The sermon on the mount and the epistle of Saint James. Every day! What a pity that we do not hear them more often…

My wishes: may the grace of our Christ, the love of the omnipotent Father and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit be with you! May your example be the life of the Mother of God, who will lead you at every step with her archangels and angels as your heavenly mother; that you love your mother who brought you into life and brought you up, and may you give love and joy first to her, and then to all who come near you.

Nun Gavrilia (1999). Mother Gavrilia: The Ascetic of Love. Athens: Ekdoseis K. Papagiannoulis Tertios & Sia. (source)
Another interview on the Saint here, and writing here.
St. Gabriela, the Ascetic of Love (source)

Apolytikion (Plagal of the Fourth Tone)

In thee the image was preserved with exactness, O Mother; for taking up thy cross, thou didst follow Christ,and by thy deeds thou didst teach us to overlookthe flesh,for it passeth away, but to attend to the soul since it is immortal.Wherefore, O righteous Gavrilia, thy spirit rejoiceth with the Angels.


"My heart will burst from Love" - About Mother Gavrilia - Orthodox Christian Talk (Nov 30 2019), Speaker: Heiromonk Michael of St. Gregory Palamas Monastery in Perrysville, Ohio - Recorded Nov 30 2019, In this presentation Fr Michael will offer reminiscences of Mother Gavrilia of Leros, "The Ascetic of Love," and her five languages of Christian living. Given at the St John the Baptist  Ukrainian Orthodox Church Oshawa Spiritual Retreat (Evangelismos Greek Orthodox Church Oshawa) (source)

The first liturgy celebrated in her honor at the Metropolis Chapel of St. Sophrony on Leros, before her Holy Skull, celebrated October 4th, 2023 (source)

The Metropolitan of Leros chanting her Megalynarion for the first time during liturgy on October 4th, 2023 (source)
Icon depicting Sts. Maria of Paris, Matrona of Moscow and Gavrilia (source)

Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Akathist to St. Kosmas Aitolos, the New Hieromartyr and Equal-to-the-Apostles

St. Kosmas Aitolos the New Hieromartyr (source)
Akathist to St. Kosmas Aitolos, the New Hieromartyr and Equal-to-the-Apostles, New Enlightener of Greece
Kontakion in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone.
The all-praised and valorous one among the New Martyrs, and the God-inspired root of Aitolia, let us hymn Kosmas, crying out with one voice: Through your intercessions before the Compassionate One, deliver those who honor you from dangers, that they might cry to you: Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
You appeared to be an Angel guiding all of Greece, revealing things divine, O Kosmas, (3) and through your preparation in a godly manner, you made the teachings of the Hagarenes to disappear. Therefore, we offer to you this graceful ode, and cry out these things:
Rejoice, through whom Christ is glorified,
Rejoice, through whom the enemy is deposed.
Rejoice, the all-glorious son of Aitolia,
Rejoice, the thrice-joyous nourisher of piety.
Rejoice, multicolored crown of pious priests,
Rejoice, unfading rose of holy athletes.
Rejoice, treasure of impoverished Greeks,
Rejoice, you who dissipate faithless foreigners.
Rejoice, you who fight against the armies of atheists,
Rejoice, you have joined the choirs of the Saints.
Rejoice, through whom the multitudes are made to remember,
Rejoice, through whom the faith is strengthened.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
You loved the life of virginity and purity from a young age, and you hastened to Panagia's Mountain [Athos] with insatiable desire for asceticism, O Kosmas, ever crying out with joy: Alleluia.
Truly, the divine darkness seized your nous from the things of the earth in an awesome manner, O Kosmas, and desiring the life pleasing to God, you dwelt in the Monastery of Philotheou. Therefore, you became a type for all those who cry out these things:
Rejoice, teacher of chastity,
Rejoice, mystic of hesychia.
Rejoice, the most-sacred canon of earthly and heavenly things,
Rejoice, radiant robe of virgins.
Rejoice, high hard to climb of mystical visions of God,
Rejoice, voluminous tome of ineffable thoughts.
Rejoice, you who deprived yourself of comforts,
Rejoice, you who rent slavery for those upon the earth.
Rejoice, whose way of life equaled the Angels in all things,
Rejoice, divine spouse of poverty.
Rejoice, merchant of purity,
rejoice, fighter against evil.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
You poured forth your holy prayer which served as an antidote against teachings and thoughts of sin, and against the dishonorable assaults of the passions filled with stench, and, O godly-minded one, you proceeded as a sword against them, crying out to the Savior: Alleluia.
Though you brought joy to the ranks of the bodiless Angels, who beheld the height of your godly knowledge, how could the multitudes of the people not hasten to praise you with words, O Champion? For they gather today to honor your memory and to cry out to you, O God-bearer:
Rejoice, grape-cluster of reverence,
Rejoice, shield of manliness.
Rejoice, possessor of heavenly streams,
Rejoice, you who fill with amazing graces.
Rejoice, deposer of the passions of the demons,
Rejoice, you who sought the repose of the Bodiless.
Rejoice, you who partake of the desirable things for those who love God,
Rejoice, you who stood against pleasures in a manly manner.
Rejoice, radiant chosen one of the Trinity,
Rejoice, tiller of the Holy Mountain.
Rejoice, perfect knower of love,
Rejoice, you who obtained eternal life.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.

Living upon the Holy Mountain in the divine Spirit, you tasted of heavenly gifts, and became a light shining upon a stand, driving away the darkness of passions that afflict the soul, O all-blessed one, as you cried out in mind the hymn: Alleluia.
St. Kosmas Aitolos (source)
They came as lions with terrible cries upon the human-minded people under the yoke [of slavery], and you arose and went to them, bringing the voice of Paul, as you in all things were poor like him. Therefore, we cry out to you:
Rejoice, the adornment of the Angels,
Rejoice, the foundation of orators.
Rejoice, you who corrode enemy tyrants,
Rejoice, beloved one of the greatly-pained Greeks.
Rejoice, for you dispersed the bonds of faithlessness,
Rejoice, for you warm the souls of those in bonds.
Rejoice, eternal shame for those who deny Christ,
Rejoice, heavenly peace of the Orthodox.
Rejoice, vessel of manliness in soul,
Rejoice, joyous diadem of the Venerable.
Rejoice, you who exalt the horn of the faithful,
Rejoice, you who rout the ranks of the enemies.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
As God-slaying beasts, many were enraged by you, O God-bearer, but through your asceticism, you became like sparrow, O divine Kosmas, being arrayed with beauty in soul, and with fasting and prayer, you cried out with your voice ceaselessly: Alleluia.
Your divine inspiration to deliver from mania, aroused the children of Hagar to slay you, as you bore the prayer of [Christ] the Arch-Sacrifice, while the manly race of Greeks cries out:
Rejoice, offspring of Aitolia,
Rejoice, adornment of Macedonia.
Rejoice, divine hyacinth of Epirus,
Rejoice, fragrant narcissus of Illyria.
Rejoice, you who fortified Nafpaktos and Agrapha with gifts,
Rejoice, you who honored Skiathos and Skopelos with teachings.
Rejoice, lyre of Corfu,
Rejoice, trumpet of Parga.
Rejoice, unassailable wall of Zitsa,
Rejoice, godly boast of Konitsa.
Rejoice, moon-bearing lamp of Cheimarras,
Rejoice, pride of all of Greece.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
O Father, through your preaching of piety and the dogmas of the Fathers, you condemned the lynching by atheism, boldly chanting against those who deny Christ and drying up their currents, while you honored the Holy Trinity, teaching them to cry out: Alleluia.
Having been withered by the grace of your words, the children of Hagar cast their webs to catch you like a spider, O Kosmas, and you were shown to be perfect to the ranks of other faiths, and to you we cry out in song:
Rejoice, light of Ioannina.
Rejoice, pasture of theologians.
Rejoice, you who changed the mindset of thieves,
Rejoice, you who revealed the fall of the murderer.
Rejoice, equal of Paul and radiant type.
Rejoice, newly-founded surrounding wall of Venerable Champions.
Rejoice, for you foretold of the deliverance of the Ionian,
Rejoice, for you foresaw the fall of the tyrants.
Rejoice, for you spoke beforehand of the rising of Klada,
Rejoice, for you told of the deposition of many.
Rejoice, you who cast to the ground the storm of the enemies,
Rejoice, you who hated earthly wealth.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
The Greek people gathered from the multitude of your words as dripping honey, as they were shown the way of salvation through your words chosen by God, for you spoke to mankind, O one blessed by God, who now chant along with you: Alleluia.
St. Kosmas Aitolos (source)
You appeared as a new Paul in these latter years, and through your journeys and struggles, O Champion, you dissolved the godless army of the Hagarenes, as you directed your nous to the things of Heaven, as we cry out to you:
Rejoice, theologian and preacher,
Rejoice, soul-nourishing teacher.
Rejoice, deliverer of the woman from the demons,
Rejoice, censurer of bitter adulterers.
Rejoice, greatly-beloved flower that gives fragrance to the faithful,
Rejoice, unassailable wall that drives back the enemies.
Rejoice, you who sowed the word of piety,
Rejoice, you who brought light to those in the shadows of sin.
Rejoice, eternal spring of graces,
Rejoice, true and calm harbor.
Rejoice, O Kosmas, adornment of priests,
Rejoice, O Kosmas, divine adornment of the whole world.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
A truly strange sight by men working evil, as they saw the choir of the faithful listening to your words, O all-joyous one, and their souls were transformed, as they were compelled to cry out with you, O wise one: Alleluia.
The God-bearing Prophet, in the land of Epiros, spoke the word of the Lord, seeing beforehand that the mountains of Levkados would be a perfect refuge for people, as you blessed the ends of the world, while the multitudes cry out to you these things:
Rejoice, astonishment of those of other races,
Rejoice, deliverance of our race.
Rejoice, boldness for the leaders of the Greeks,
Rejoice, pain for those Hebrews who hate Christ.
Rejoice, for you wondrously cut off the storm at Souliou,
Rejoice, for you speedily cast out the pride of the atheists.
Rejoice, for you hasten to the prayers of the pious,
Rejoice, for you shake the thrones of the impious.
Rejoice, radiant knowledge of grace,
Rejoice, chaste vessel of faith.
Rejoice, fellow mouth of the poor,
Rejoice, tongue of enslaved peoples.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
Breathing rage, the God-killers fell upon you, the offspring of Aitolia, and Champion Kosmas, while you revealed Christ to them, and they spoke in whispers, while the faithful cried out: Alleluia.
You poured forth the waters of piety through your newly-granted graces, granting the sweetness of healings, and watering all, O ever-memorable one, who hymn your glorious memory, and cry out to you:
Rejoice, waves of gifts,
Rejoice, protector of sacred dogmas.
Rejoice, you who lifted up well-adorned women,
Rejoice, you who cast down men who are lovers of wealth.
Rejoice, for you made to triumph the fighters for unity,
Rejoice, for you made foolish the leaders of the world powers.
Rejoice, for you healed the burdens of the poor,
Rejoice, for you made the wealthy nation disappear.
Rejoice, all-perfect sacrifice of Christ,
Rejoice, our ready defender.
Rejoice, the deliverer from all trials,
Rejoice, savior from incomparable dangers.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
You blew the new trumpet of salvation, revealing the Kingdom of Christ. For through your abundant teachings, you made to wither the fires of passion, teaching those who heard you to ceaselessly cry out: Alleluia.
St. Kosmas Aitolos (source)
You desired to die amidst the pains of martyrdom more than anything, O Hieromartyr, as you sought to be hung on behalf of Christ, O Father of Champions, and you were made crimson through your precious blood, O Kosmas graced by God, and therefore we all cry out to you:
Rejoice, God-bearing Martyr,
Rejoice, great trophy-bearer.
Rejoice, you who were zealous willingly for feats [of martyrdom],
Rejoice, you who willingly desired to wrestle [the enemy].
Rejoice, you who joyously were baptized in fire and water,
Rejoice, you who astonished the enemy through the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, for you showed the way of endurance,
Rejoice, for you dissipate the choir of the lawless,
Rejoice, stranger to the ways of the [worldly] life,
Rejoice, mighty worker, causing trembling in the demons.
Rejoice, defender of many pregnant women,
Rejoice, victory of Orthodox peoples.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
You guide us all to offer up hymns of doxology, in honor of your precious head, as you say, along with the Prophet David: "We have passed through the fire of the lawless, and have come to repose", and to the Lord you cry out: Alleluia.
You enlighten the multitudes with light, as you were shown to be a pillar and our teacher through your martyrdom, and through the streams of your blood, you watered the ranks of other peoples, who are astonished at your deeds, and who cry out along with us:
Rejoice, fellow-traveler of the Righteous,
Rejoice, Saint of the Greeks.
Rejoice, you who gladdened the ranks of the Venerable Saints,
Rejoice, you who increased the feast of the Martyrs.
Rejoice, for you have blessed the ends of the earth,
Rejoice, for you given thanks to the Giver of life.
Rejoice, all-fragrant pasture of Priests,
Rejoice, all-praised pride of Champions.
Rejoice, free healer of the sick,
Rejoice, ever-flowing stream of wonders.
Rejoice, unemptying spring of miracles,
Rejoice, you who partake of the pastures of freedom.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
Through the grace of the Paraclete [the Comforter], your Body was taken up from the waters by Mark, who rejoiced as one who found gold tried in the furnace, and which was then hidden within the earth by your children, O one blessed by God, as they cried out in reverence the hymn: Alleluia.
As we chant to you melodiously, we praise your end, as ones who are lovers of Martyrs, for you willingly were sacrificed for Christ like a lamb, and through your faith poured forth your blood, astonishing us all, as we cry out to you these things, O God-bearer:
Rejoice, radiant founder of crowns,
Rejoice, new guide of the Venerable Saints.
Rejoice, august Temple of the Trinity,
Rejoice, wise teacher of men.
Rejoice, divine adornment of Orthodox Monastics,
Rejoice, height hard to climb of supreme virtues.
Rejoice, for you adorned the earth of Illyria,
Rejoice, for you watered the gardens of Greece.
Rejoice, ode chanted to Christ,
Rejoice, dwelling-place of the pure life.
Rejoice, partaker of eternal nourishment,
Rejoice, joiner in the table with the Angels.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
O all-praised Father, the adornment of the Orthodox, and Hieromartyr of the Lord, Kosmas, (3) we who cry out from the depths of our heart, entreat you to never cease to intercede for us, strengthening those who hymn you, and who cry out to the Savior: Alleluia.

And again, the Kontakion.  
St. Kosmas Aitolos (source)
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Friday, August 9, 2019

Akathist to St. Herman of Alaska

St. Herman of Alaska (source)
Akathist to St. Herman of Alaska

Kontakion 1

O Chosen Doer of Wonders, most glorious favorite of Christ, our God bearing Father Herman, Alaska's adornment, the joy of all Orthodox in America. We sing to you, our heavenly protector and powerful intercessor before God, these songs of praise. Cease not to pray for your children, who cry fervently to you:
Rejoice our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America's most glorious doer of wonders.

Ikos 1

The Creator of the Angelic Hosts, called you, Father Herman, to proclaim the Orthodox faith in the new land and to be the founder of the monastic way in the remote lands of the North. You were sent, as was the Apostle Paul, to those sitting in darkness so that the light of Orthodoxy might brightly shine to all the ends of the world. We, the inhabitants of the American continents, bring you this thanksgiving and sing this song of praise to you, our heavenly protector:
Rejoice, our Father Herman, our glory, our adornment;
Rejoice, bringer of the light of the true faith to our lands;
Rejoice, gatherer of your own glory by your great spiritual effort;
Rejoice, most honored branch of Valaam Monastery;
Rejoice, praise and joy of the Church in America;
Rejoice, comforter and protector of all of us;
Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America's most glorious doer of wonders. 

Kontakion 2

In your early youth, O Blessed One, enkindled by the flame of love for the Lord, you desired to serve God and Him alone. As an offering, you dedicated your youth to God, beginning your journey from the hermitage of Valaam, where many novices sang ceaselessly to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 2

The Most High granted you spiritual wisdom in your youth that you might know the beauty and sweetness of heaven. For this reason, the wise Igumen Nazary, teacher of the blessed Seraphim of Sarov, taught you God's wisdom and the Lord's way. Therefore, the Holy Church praises you:
Rejoice, glorious Herman dedicator of your youth to Christ;
Rejoice, disciple together with Seraphim of Sarov;
Rejoice, performer of spiritual labors in glorious Valaam;
Rejoice, honored by all the brethren of Valaam Monastery;
Rejoice, learner of spiritual wisdom in Valaam;
Rejoice, glorified now by the Orthodox Church;
Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America's most glorious doer of wonders. 

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High directed the divinely-wise primate of the Church in Russia, Gabriel, to send preachers of the Orthodox Faith to Alaska. The apostolic choice fell on you, O Blessed Herman, therefore, all the people enlightened by the Light of Christ through your labors and the personal example of your life, sang to the Lord: Alleluia!

Ikos 3

Showing great zeal not only in your spiritual labors as a novice, but also in your Apostolic fervor as you preached to a people sitting in darkness, you, O Blessed Herman, revealed the light of Christ to them with great power. Remembering your labors as a novice and your efforts to preach; with love we praise you:
Rejoice, uncomplaining giver of obedience to your Igumen;
Rejoice, beginner of a long journey to preach;
Rejoice, steadfast in your love for the land of your birth;
Rejoice, inflamed with love for your new found home;
Rejoice, initiator of the monastic way in America;
Rejoice, zealous preacher of the Orthodox Faith;
Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America's most glorious doer of wonders.

Kontakion 4

O Blessed Father Herman, you endured storms of evil attacks and sorrows, by your efforts you persevered in this new land. Therefore, Christ glorified you with the gift of foresight, enriching you with miracles, granting you the Kingdom of Heaven where, together with the angels, you praise God in song: Alleluia!
St. Herman of Alaska (source)

Ikos 4

Hearing of the miracles revealed to your people when a forest fire and tidal wave were made to cease by your prayers, we implore you from the depths of our hearts and entreat you to aid us who call to you:
Rejoice, ascetic and prophet glorified by God;
Rejoice, holy favorite of God;
Rejoice, our intercessor and healer;
Rejoice, helper of many who called out to you;
Rejoice, healer of many afflicted and suffering;
Rejoice, our merciful and humble Father;
Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America's most glorious doer of wonders. 

Kontakion 5

O Blessed One, you have shone like the North Star on Spruce Island, the New Valaam, illuminating all of America with the brightness of your love and prayer, full of God's power, so that from every corner of it the Orthodox people will sing fervently to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 5

Observing your humility, all are in awe of you, O Father Herman, for your rigorous asceticism and perseverance in monastic struggles. In this you followed the example of Anthony of the Caves, the founder of monasticism in Russia, even as he that of Anthony the Great, first monk of the world. You, the founder of monasticism in our land, chose in your great humility the way of a simple monk. Therefore, the holy choir of hierarchs and hieromonks sings these songs of praise to you:
Rejoice, founder of monasticism in our land;
Rejoice, imitator of Anthony the Great and Anthony of the Caves;
Rejoice, crowned, as they were, with heavenly glory;
Rejoice, promising the building of a glorious hermitage where you labored;
Rejoice, giver of your relics to your hermitage;
Rejoice, revealing a source of miracles from them to all the world;
Rejoice, our Blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America's most glorious doer of wonders. 

Kontakion 6

The wilderness of the North proclaims your works and miracles, revealing you to be a new branch of the vineyard of the Church of Russia in America. The forests and wilderness are permeated with your prayers. Following the example of the ancient hermits, you cried out in the silence of the night to God: Alleluia!

Ikos 6

You enlightened the people who were living in darkness; you showed them an example of the monastic way of life. O our Godbearing Father Herman, pray that we all, giving thanks to the Lord, may ceaselessly sing you these words of praise:
Rejoice, first saint of our land;
Rejoice, founder of the monastic way in our land;
Rejoice, faithful servant of the Holy Trinity;
Rejoice, humble founder of the church of the Resurrection;
Rejoice, glorious hermit of the hermitage of Spruce Island;
Rejoice, loving father of the children who came to him;
Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America's most glorious doer of wonders. 

Kontakion 7

The Lord chose you, O Blessed One, to bring the light of the knowledge of God to the land of the Aleuts and there to sow the seeds of the Orthodox faith. You taught all to embrace the true faith and to call out to God: Alleluia.
St. Herman of Alaska (source)

Ikos 7

You reached the heights through prayer, O Blessed One. You did not forget those who were in the depths of the earth. You manifested great concern for homeless orphans, building an orphanage and a school for them. You taught them the commandments of the Lord. Therefore, because of these labors, accept from us these praises:
Rejoice, defender of the poor and orphaned;
Rejoice, their good protector;
Rejoice, builder of a home for the orphaned;
Rejoice, servant to God with your labors;
Rejoice, provider of earthly bread to the orphaned;
Rejoice, nourisher of orphans with words of eternal life;
Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America's most glorious doer of wonders. 

Kontakion 8

The Lord who loves mankind, O Blessed One, gave you the gifts of foresight and healing in His desire to manifest through you a source of compassion for his people. You brought them to the love of God through your works and many words of instruction. Enlightened by the light of your spiritual labors, the people called to the Lord: Alleluia!

Ikos 8

The people newly illumined by the light of the Christian Faith came to you in times of illness and sorrow. As a father who loved his children, you interceded for all, bringing forth healing and comfort to all who came to you for help. Your glory has gone forth throughout all Alaska and we, your spiritual children, glorify you:
Rejoice, our merciful father;
Rejoice, our unmercenary and gracious physician;
Rejoice, merciful healer of our infirmities;
Rejoice, our speedy helper in time of trouble and need;
Rejoice, foreseer of coming events as of the present;
Rejoice, perceptive reprover of hidden transgressions;
Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America's most glorious doer of wonders. 

Kontakion 9

O Blessed One, you spoke with angels, according to your own testimony, relating how the angels came to you in your hermitage and you had sweet conversation with them. Now you are in the Kingdom of Heaven where with hosts of angels you pray ceaselessly to the Creator of all and the Maker of this praise: Alleluia!

Ikos 9

Who can enumerate the miracles witnessed by your people? The waves of the sea and a fire in the forest were calmed by your prayers. When there was a great tidal wave, you caused the stormy seas to cease by your prayers before the icon of the Mother of God, saying: "The water shall not go beyond this line." Therefore, we sing to you thus:
Rejoice, wondrous pacifier of the waters;
Rejoice, most glorious savior from a forest fire;
Rejoice, savior of the hierarch Innocent who called to you from the sea;
Rejoice, because of his prayer to you the wind at sea changed;
Rejoice, revealer of many miracles during your life;
Rejoice, revealer of many miracles even after your death;
Rejoice, our Blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America's most glorious doer of wonders. 

Kontakion 10

We bring to you a song of praise, O blessed father, concerning your righteous life. We sing praises of your honored death. You foreknew the day and hour of your blessed end. Most glorious also was your burial. For forty days a great storm raged at sea and your prophecy concerning your burial was fulfilled. Your disciple Gerasim, sensing a wondrous fragrance at the time of your death, sang to God: Alleluia!

St. Herman of Alaska (source)

Ikos 10

You were a most glorious doer of wonders during your life, O Father. At your death you manifested this wondrous miracle: your body remained incorrupt in the chapel for many days after your death. The Aleut people who saw a flaming pillar ascending to Heaven at the hour of your death, sang to you thus:
Rejoice, for your righteous end has assured us of your holiness;
Rejoice, for your ascension to Heaven was like a pillar of fire;
Rejoice, for your relics exuding an odor of sanctity are left as our inheritance;
Rejoice, for many miracles are made manifest at your reliquary;
Rejoice, giver to us of a source of holy water and healing;
Rejoice, for from this water many who are afflicted received healing;
Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America's most glorious doer of wonders. 

Kontakion 11

O Holy Father, from your hermitage in the North, in the midst of the wilds of nature, you sang ceaseless praises to the Holy Trinity. Moved by the Spirit you foresaw the great flowering of this vineyard planted in the soil of America and you called out with the angels of Heaven: Alleluia!

Ikos 11

To all future members of the monastic order, you are a source of light and illumination. For you foretold, O Blessed One, the founding of a monastery and of an archbishop's throne in this land. Today a choir of hierarchs and of monastics glorifies you in these words:
Rejoice, instructor of monastics and converser with angels;
Rejoice, most glorious founder of the ascetic way in our land;
Rejoice, foreseer of the growth of this great vineyard of Christ;
Rejoice, fulfillment of this prophecy to the coming generations;
Rejoice, giver of a true image of the monastic way;
Rejoice, for your love is made manifest to all;
Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America's most glorious doer of wonders. 

Kontakion 12

Seeing your grace and your great boldness before God, we entreat you, O blessed father Herman, to pray fervently to the Lord, that He will protect His Holy Church from faithlessness and schism, from false teaching and willfulness, that we may sing to God Who has dealt bountifully with us: Alleluia!

Ikos 12

We praise your glorification, O Blessed One, we bless you, O most powerful Intercessor and Protector of our Church, and with love we sing to you:
Rejoice, protector of all who honor you;
Rejoice, speedy responder and helper to all;
Rejoice, founder of Orthodoxy in our land;
Rejoice, strengthener of those who come to the Orthodox Faith;
Rejoice, most glorious protector of the Church in America;
Rejoice, her first saint and her wondrous Father;
Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America's most glorious doer of wonders. 

Kontakion 13

O Most glorious favorite of God, Our Blessed Father Herman, Accept this humble prayer we offer up in praise to you. Standing now before the Throne of the Almighty Lord, ceaselessly pray for us. In joy we sing to God:
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
(Repeat Kontakion Thirteen 3 times)
(Then continue below)
St. Herman of Alaska (source)
Ikos 1
The Creator of the Angelic Hosts, called you, Father Herman, to proclaim the Orthodox faith in the new land and to be the founder of the monastic way in the remote lands of the North. You were sent, as was the Apostle Paul, to those sitting in darkness so that the light of Orthodoxy might brightly shine to all the ends of the world. We, the inhabitants of the American continents, bring you this thanksgiving and sing this song of praise to you, our heavenly protector:
Rejoice, our Father Herman, our glory, our adornment;
Rejoice, bringer of the light of the true faith to our lands;
Rejoice, gatherer of your own glory by your great spiritual effort;
Rejoice, most honored branch of Valaam Monastery;
Rejoice, praise and joy of the Church in America;
Rejoice, comforter and protector of all of us;
Rejoice, our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America's most glorious doer of wonders. 

Kontakion 1

O Chosen Doer of Wonders, most glorious favorite of Christ, our God bearing Father Herman, Alaska's adornment, the joy of all Orthodox in America. We sing to you, our heavenly protector and powerful intercessor before God, these songs of praise. Cease not to pray for your children, who cry fervently to you:
Rejoice our blessed Father Herman of Alaska, America's most glorious doer of wonders.

St. Herman of Alaska (source)
Prayer to St. Herman of Alaska
O most wondrous, favorite of God, our blessed Father Herman, as a good laborer you did your great spiritual work in a harsh climate in this land. In your service to God, you were faithful in the little things. And, as the Lord said: "You have been faithful over a little, I well set you over much." Now, when this word has been fulfilled in you, the Lord has set you over our whole Church, as her heavenly protector. We all call to you in fervent prayer: Entreat the Lord to keep our Holy Church steadfast in Orthodoxy and to reveal her to be an adornment of our land.
May He protect her from all the dark powers of the enemy and drive out all adversaries. May He grant us purity of faith and beauty of soul. Pray He will grant us all the spirit of peace and love, the spirit of humility and meekness and drive out the sin of pride. Save us from self praise.
Be our guard from false teachings. Give healing to the sick; to the sorrowful be a comfort. To those who hunger for spiritual truth, give the heavenly food; that we may attain our true desire, and receive the good reward at the final Judgment. With all the saints we will praise with song: the Life creating Trinity, the Ineffable Father, the True and Only-Begotten Son, the Comforter, Holy Spirit, for ever.
St. Herman of Alaska (source)
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!