St. Charalambos the Hieromartyr with scenes from his life and martyrdom (source)
Akathist to St. Charalampos the Hieromartyr of Magnesia
written by Monk Niphon of the Skete of Iveron
Kontakion in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone.
To the victorious Hieromartyr of Christ, and the wonderworking physician of soul and body, let us hymn Charalampos with our song. But as you are a great torrent of healings, deliver us from passions, illnesses and the demons, for those who cry out:
Rejoice, O Martyr Charalampos.
The bodiless Angels, beholding your struggles, were astonished, O Martyr Charalampos, (3) and together with the Angels, all the faithful offer you a hymn, and both, being made more joyous with your glory, then cry out these things:
Rejoice, the great Hieromartyr,
Rejoice, you who stand before the Trinity.
Rejoice, the offspring of pious parents,
Rejoice, glory and boast of Magnesia.
Rejoice, for before your conception you were chosen by God,
Rejoice, for from youth you were famed everywhere.
Rejoice, canon and pride of the Priesthood,
Rejoice, the most-divine beauty of holiness.
Rejoice, the great teacher of the people,
Rejoice, our all-comely protector.
Rejoice, through whom our hope is fulfilled,
Rejoice, through whom God is entreated.
Rejoice, O Martyr Charalampos.
Beholding your enduring of pains surpassing human nature, the inhumane ruler wished to torture you, O healer of Christ and great one among the Martyrs, Charalampos, you were not dismayed by the threat of death, and cried out:
St. Charalampos the Hieromartyr with scenes from his life (source)
Having divine knowledge, you who were known by God, you censured the delusion of Seviros, and brought a multitude of people to Christ, O Charalampos, while the tyrant was shamed, and all the faithful were roused to cry out these things with reverence:
Rejoice, O Martyr of the truth,
Rejoice, preacher of piety.
Rejoice, you who deposed the religion of the idols,
Rejoice, you who were filled with godly wisdom.
Rejoice, for you conquered the terrible Satan,
Rejoice, for you gave honor to the people as to Christ.
Rejoice, teacher of the precepts of the Apostles,
Rejoice, you who adorned the council of the Champions.
Rejoice, servant of the worship of God,
Rejoice, adornment of your sacred temple.
Rejoice, you who lifted up the horn of the Cross,
Rejoice, you who trampled upon the thorns of the enemy.
Rejoice, O Martyr Charalampos.
Having power from on high as a weapon, O Charalampos, you endured terrible tortures manfully on behalf of Christ, even the flaying of your flesh with iron instruments, O all-blessed one, crying out to Him in the highest:
St. Charalampos with scenes from his life (Source)
Having vain zeal, the Duke, who was a worshiper of the idols, flayed your flesh, but his hands were cut off by bodiless hands, while you then healed him. Angels and men were astonished at this, and cry out these things:
Rejoice, O Champion Charalampos,
Rejoice, invincible Cross-bearer.
Rejoice, you who trampled upon the boldness of the Duke,
Rejoice, you who healed his mindset.
Rejoice, you who endured many forms of evil in your flesh,
Rejoice, you who withstood the tyrant's judgment seat.
Rejoice, for your body was burned with fire,
Rejoice, for you were crowned with the radiance of martyrdom.
Rejoice, through whom many were saved,
Rejoice, through whom lepers are cleansed.
Rejoice, O physician of the sick, and deliverance,
Rejoice, priest, granting to those who entreat of you.
Rejoice, O Martyr Charalampos.
Having been filled with demonic zeal, Seviros beheld you casting out demons, O Father, and making the blind to see, O Charalampos, and raising the dead, as you cried out to the God Who works wonders: Alleluia.

St. Charalambos with scenes from his life (source)
When Seviros heard of the things worked by you, he sought to pierce your body with nails, and he left you half-dead to your fellow people who received you. Your surpassingly radiant martyrdom astonished Greece, which cries out to you:
Rejoice, great trauma to the demons,
Rejoice, divine wonder of men.
Rejoice, O Charalampos, great one among the Martyrs,
Rejoice, Champion, perfect among the Priests.
Rejoice, for you were pained like no one else among the Champions,
Rejoice, for you were pierced with nails like Christ.
Rejoice, for you were impaled on a spike,
Rejoice, for your flesh was flayed.
Rejoice, through whom God has worked wonders,
Rejoice, through whom the enemy is put to death.
Rejoice, unspeakable endurance,
Rejoice, invinsible manliness.
Rejoice, O Martyr Charalampos.
You worked wonders and mighty acts through the power of the
Paraclete [the Comforter], astonishing the heavenly Powers, and the wonderworking Saints, among whom you were shown as surpassing. Beholding this, that the spirits were subject to you, they cried out to God:
St. Charalampos the Hieromartyr (source)
Those who beheld you were in ecstasy, as they saw paradoxical wonders worked by you, for the dead man who was lying breathless, you resurrected through your word, O Charalampos, and they who beheld this all cried out with fervor:
Rejoice, you who raised the dead through your prayer,
Rejoice, you who trampled upon the potions of the enemy.
Rejoice, bestower of the Father, Word and Spirit,
Rejoice, stone of Christ, like diamond and emerald.
Rejoice, you whose face was beaten with stones on behalf of Christ,
Rejoice, you whose face was burnt with flames for Him.
Rejoice, priest, serving the awesome mysteries of Christ,
Rejoice, wonderworker, working surpassingly awesome wonders.
Rejoice, intercessor to the Lord on behalf of sinners,
Rejoice, speedy visitation of those suffering.
Rejoice, you who drive away the miasma of death,
Rejoice, song of victory of life.
Rejoice, O Martyr Charalampos.
Seviros received evils from heaven, as did Krispos, who maniacally blasphemed Christ and you, O Champion, as the mindless ones were trampled upon, while they entreated you, as you cried out on behalf of them:
St. Charalambos the Hieromartyr (source)
Seeking deliverance from you, Seviros was lifted up in the air. But you, O Charalampos, who endured beatings and breaking of your flesh, prayed for your enemies, while you heard:
Rejoice, offspring of compassion,
Rejoice, son of guilelessness.
Rejoice, you who through your deeds made the earth to be heaven,
Rejoice, you who brought down heaven to earth through your wonders.
Rejoice, most-radiant lamp enlightening the faithful,
Rejoice, tower the breadth of heaven that ever protects them.
Rejoice, you who loved your enemies more than yourself,
Rejoice, you who healed the pains of your torturers,
Rejoice, through whom cholera is cast out,
Rejoice, through whom the plague is removed.
Rejoice, great Martyr and sacrifice of Christ,
Rejoice, my protector and deliverer.
Rejoice, O Martyr Charalampos.
"Great is your God!" Seviros cried out, entreating you, O Charalampos to be delivered, and in condescension he descended to earth. Having been brought peace through the intercession of the Martyr, the Martyr cried out to the Lord:
St. Charalampos depicted kneeling in prayer to Christ, and thereby driving away the demonic plague (source)
New tortures did Seviros breathe against you next, O Charalampos the brave champion of Christ, as he ordered that molten brass be put in your mouth. And while they taunted you, we cry out to you:
Rejoice, hero among the Martyrs,
Rejoice, worshipper of the Savior.
Rejoice, treasure of the virtues of love,
Rejoice, destroyer of the most-evil plague.
Rejoice, for you ruled over all the passions,
Rejoice, for you obtained the glory of the greatest of the Champions.
Rejoice, and I entreat you, O Martyr, to cease the pains,
Rejoice, and may you receive my prayers, O Saint, and become my physician.
Rejoice, healing of the illnesses of mortals,
Rejoice, deliverer of many who have fallen.
Rejoice, you who cast down the fall gods,
Rejoice, the foundation of the people bearing the name of Christ.
Rejoice, O Martyr Charalampos.
Again, the king of darkness wished to crush his daughter, who desired to suffer for Christ, but she became a Virgin-Martyr, together with the Angels, O Charalampos, and she cried out together with you to God, the King of Kings: Alleluia.
St. Charalampos with scenes from his life (source)
You appear as a tree full of shading branches, O Martyr Charalampos, whose height I am unable to look upon. Who can rightly praise you? For your wonders only the Angels are able to hymn, while we, astonished by you, cry out these things:
Rejoice, triumph of the Trinity,
Rejoice, amazement of the ends of the earth.
Rejoice, who before your death worked awesome wonders,
Rejoice, who every day works more wonders.
Rejoice, you who make the dry pillar to sprout,
Rejoice, you who drive away cataclysm with your might.
Rejoice, for you were seen as a disciple of the Great Teacher [Christ],
Rejoice, for you granted His heavenly mansions.
Rejoice, through whom Seviros was shaken,
Rejoice, in whom the people wonder greatly.
Rejoice, star of the Church of Christ,
Rejoice, shepherd of His inheritance.
Rejoice, O Martyr Charalampos.
The beastly ruler, having learned of every godly deed of yours, and of your wonders, O Martyr, ordered your death, which you received, O Charalampos, with ceaseless rejoicing, as you prayed to your Lord on behalf of all who chant:
St. Charalampos the Hieromartyr (source)
"Deliver, O God of all, from all dangers," the Martyr cried out in prayer, "O Christ, King of all, through this, the prayer of your servant." And a divine voice was heard: "Your will be done." While we, hearing this, cry out:
Rejoice, Martyr of the love of God,
Rejoice, scourger of the spirits of hate.
Rejoice, surpassing the struggles of the Martyrs,
Rejoice, humiliating the boldness of the demons.
Rejoice, for you heard that Christ would fulfill all your requests,
Rejoice, for you save from death the peoples that cry out to you.
Rejoice, you who beheld Heaven open,
Rejoice, you who beheld God and spoke with Him.
Rejoice, you who sensed the beauty of Eden,
Rejoice, you who rejoice in eternal glory.
Rejoice, you who lift up the fallen faithful,
Rejoice, you who grant them the joy of divine knowledge.
Rejoice, O Martyr Charalampos.
Wishing to save everyone, you ever entreat the life-giving Trinity on behalf of all, O Charalampos, and as you have greatest boldness before God, one who formerly lived wailing for five years, now ever rejoices to chant:
St. Charalampos the Hieromartyr (source)
Awesome and strange and terrible wonders! For the bones of Charalampos work healings from God, and pour forth wonders like the Nile River from his Icon, as we who have obtained his intercessions, cry out:
Rejoice, abyss of wonders,
Rejoice, torrent of healings.
Rejoice, you who heal incurable illnesses,
Rejoice, you whose temple has been shown to be another Pool of Siloam.
Rejoice, for your glory amazes both in Heaven and on the earth,
Rejoice, for the demons are afraid of your might.
Rejoice, intercessor and protector of your entreater,
Rejoice, you who ever grant joy to those who hymn you.
Rejoice, you who deliver us from our enemy,
Rejoice, you who offer us to Christ.
Rejoice, you who shine with light and joy,
Rejoice, you who as fire burn the demons.
Rejoice, O Martyr Charalampos.
Every hymn befits you, our benefactor Charalampos and our divine protector, for you ever hasten to help everywhere. For which land has not received your help? Greece especially, which possesses your Skull as a treasure, cries out:
St. Charalambos the Hieromartyr (source)
Having borne the wounding of your whole body, do hasten to lift up your hands to God for us, for the memory of your martyrdom ceases the rage of the Judge, and moves the Righteous One to forgive offenses, for those who cry out to you with fervor:
Rejoice, you who beheld heavenly things,
Rejoice, you who behold our earthly needs.
Rejoice, you whose Relics pour forth unspeakable fragrance,
Rejoice, you whose grace works incomparable wonders.
Rejoice, for from your Skull pours forth rivers of life,
Rejoice, for there you still bear the marks of the nails.
Rejoice, for you stand beside Meteora as their patron,
Rejoice, for you became the trophy-bearer of Magnesia.
Rejoice, for you uproot the tares of pestilence,
Rejoice, for you trample upon the thorns of delusion.
Rejoice, unassailable pillar of the faith,
Rejoice, unquenchable lamp of the world.
Rejoice, O Martyr Charalampos.
The Monastery of the First-Martyr [St. Stephen] in Meteora has been filled with grace, as she is enriched with grace through your Holy Skull, O all-glorious Charalampos, and together with her we glorify you, ceaselessly crying out to God Who glorified you:
St. Charalampos the Hieromartyr (source)
Chanting the hymn to you, in your Holy Church, at your Holy Relics and Icon, we pray that we be delivered from the plague and from every illness. Therefore, intercede with God, that you might become the deliverer of those in dangers, as we all cry out:
Rejoice, soldier of Christ,
Rejoice, most-steadfast among the Saints.
Rejoice, the Champion Cross-bearer of the people,
Rejoice, the great fighter against the devil.
Rejoice, for you sleeplessly deliver me from the enemy,
Rejoice, for even in sleep, you protect me from him.
Rejoice, you whose blood has sanctified the earth,
Rejoice, you whose Holy Icon has been shown wondrous.
Rejoice, for the Archangels have crowned you,
Rejoice, for the demons tremble before you.
Rejoice, through whom the passions are healed,
Rejoice, through whom God is glorified.
Rejoice, O Martyr Charalampos.
O Blessed Charalampos, most-beloved servant of Christ and greatly-suffering Martyr, (3) through your intercessions, deliver all of those who hymn you, O Wonderworker, from every affliction, and from eternal fire, as we cry out to God:
And again, the Kontakion.
St. Charalambos the Hieromartyr (source)
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!