Showing posts with label Paraklesis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paraklesis. Show all posts

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Paraklesis to St. Spyridon the Wonderworker (chanted in Greek)


Paraklesis to St. Spyridon the Wonderworker (chanted in Greek) (source)
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Paraklesis to St. Patapios of Thebes the Wonderworker

Here is an audio recording of the Paraklesis (Supplication service) to St. Patapios of Thebes, chanted in Greek by the nuns of his monastery outside of Loutraki, where his holy and wonderworking Relic is treasured to this day (source)
St. Patapios of Thebes the Wonderworker (source)
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Paraklesis to St. Argyre the New Martyr, Protector of Marriage

Christ is risen! Truly He is risen!
St. Argyre the New Martyr of Bursa, Protector of Marriage - Commemorated April 5th and April 30th (source)
Paraklesis (Supplication Service) to St. Argyre the New Martyr, Protector of Marriage
Written by Fr. Athanasios of Simonopetra

The Priest says the "Blessed is our God...", followed by the Psalm "Lord hear my prayer..." If it is during the Paschal period, "Christ is risen..." is chanted thrice before the Psalm.

Tone Four.
God is the Lord and has revealed Himself to us, blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord. (x 4, with verses)

Tone Four. You Who were lifted up upon the Cross.
You were arrayed in the robe of self-control, and trampled upon the serpent of debauchery, and taunted the delusion of Hagar steadfastly, therefore, you were martyred through many forms of torture, and glorified Christ, Whom we pray that you entreat, on behalf of those who honor you, O divine Argyre, that they be granted self-control, and a life of purity.

Glory. Both now.
O Theotokos, we shall never be silent...

Then Psalm 50, followed by the Canon in Plagal of the Fourth Tone.

Ode I. Crossing the waters as on dry land.
Ceaselessly entreat the Trinity on behalf of those who hymn you with fervor, O Argyre, asking for self-control in life, and steadfast purity of hearts.

You greatly loved Jesus, the divine Teacher of purity, O Argyre, entreat Him, as you have great boldness before Him, that He might ever keep us in purity.

You were victorious over the guileful serpent, O Martyr, who desired to separate you from Jesus, dissolve his soul-corrupting schemes against us, through your prayers.

You are the true Mother of the sweetest Jesus, and the Mother of the faithful by grace, do not cease to intercede that we be granted purity, O All-Pure Lady.

Ode III. Of the vault of the Heavens.
As a surpassingly beautiful bride of Christ, you denied to take upon your shoulders a barbarous life, O namesake of silver, therefore grant me grace to deny the tyrannical life with which the body tempts me, to deny Christ.

With a most-joyous heart, you stood before judges, and confessed the divinity of Christ, O Martyr, make us worthy to worship Him as is proper, that we might reach Heaven where He is praised.

O Argyre, you were shown to be a brave rhetor through your divine words against the Hagarenes, who were sitting in darkness, therefore, make us who honor your ever-memorable memory, worthy to go forth with the light of Christ.

You were shown to be a spiritual Heaven, O Lady, for you bore Christ the Sun within your womb in purity, through His rays, enlighten us, and show the souls of the faithful to be another heaven through your intercessions.

Deliver, O Argyre, those who honor you with fervor, and drive away every dangerous temptation of the enemy, and grant us our requests through your prayers.

Look down on me, in your good favor...

St. Argyre the New Martyr (source)

Then the Priest says the Entreaty, followed by the Kathisma.

Second Tone. A fervent prayer.
As a bride of Christ and a Martyr steadfast in soul, ever entreat Him, O Argyre, that all of us who honor your divine memory might be protected, and grant purity of souls through the grace of your intercessions.

Ode IV. I have hearkened and heard, O Lord.
You kept your marriage spotless from the corruption of the enemy that wars against us, therefore, O Martyr, ever preserve married couples in reverence and purity.

You submitted everything meaningful in your life to the Lord, and endured tortures, O Argyre, therefore entreat Him that we might be granted patience.

O all-precious one, you endured until victory over the enemy that hates purity, and who greatly assaulted you, therefore, grant to us purity in all things, O Argyre, for those who pray to you.

You have freed the race of man, O Spotless One, from the bonds of the serpent, and cleanse me from his venom, which has polluted my heart.

Ode V. Lord, enlighten us.
Heal the illnesses of soul and body, O Argyre, for those who hymn you, as you entreat Jesus the Physician, on Whose behalf you suffered.

Censure the darkness and delusion of Hagar, O all-praised one, and grant the light of the Holy Spirit to the souls of those hymning you.

Deliver us from the enemy, O thrice-blessed Argyre, we who are caught within his traps and in danger, and free us from his soul-wounding schemes.

Grant true knowledge of the Lord, O All-Spotless One, to those who hymn your spotless birth giving, and who magnify your divine glory.

Ode VI. My supplication.
You endured the tortures of godless barbarians for years, O Argyre, and in prison you received the crown of martyrdom for your brave dedication, therefore grant us patience amidst the dangers of this life, O Martyr.

We have known you to higher than rhetors through your victory through silence, O Martyr, and through your passion lasting many years, you proclaim without words to those bearing the name of Christ how to live amidst temptations, O new-martyr Argyre, and Champion of Christ.

The grace of the Holy Spirit, with Which the Savior strengthened you, allowed you to endure in afflicted flesh all things manly like brass, O Argyre, intercede that His Grace will strengthen us as well in life's trials.

Your bore the Teacher of virginity, O Virgin Mary Theotokios, you who were followed by Argyre, desiring your purity, disdaining the fleeting pleasure of life. We entreat that you deliver your servents from this bitterness.

Deliver, O Argyre, those who honor you with fervor, and drive away every dangerous temptation of the enemy, and grant us our requests through your prayers.

Spotless One, who by a word did bring to us the Word eternal...
St. Argyre the New Martyr (source)
Zoom in (real dimensions: 528 x 479)
Then the Priest says the Entreaty, followed by the Kontakion.
Second Tone. O Protection of Christians.
You have appeared to be a defender of marriage, and a canon of purity through your struggle, O dove of the Lord Argyre, therefore, preserve us well from the schemes of the enemy, that your servants might live their married lives with self-control, and that they might be made worthy of the reward with which you were granted by the Teacher of purity [Christ].
God is wondrous among His Saints. (2)
Verse: With patience, waited upon the Lord, and He heard me.
God is wondrous among His Saints.
The Gospel according to St. Matthew (25:1-13)

Then the kingdom of heaven shall be compared to ten maidens who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise.  For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them;  but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps.  As the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept.  But at midnight there was a cry, ‘Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’  Then all those maidens rose and trimmed their lamps.  And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’  But the wise replied, ‘Perhaps there will not be enough for us and for you; go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.’  And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast; and the door was shut.  Afterward the other maidens came also, saying, ‘Lord, lord, open to us.’  But he replied, ‘Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.’  Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.

Through the intercessions of St. Argyre, O Lord of mercy, wash away my many personal offenses.

Both now.
Through the intercessions of the Theotokos...

Verse: Have mercy on me, O God...
Plagal of the Second Tone. Having placed all their hopes in Heaven.
You were shown to be a vessel of purity and self-control, O all-glorious Argyre, and through tortures you received your reward, therefore we entreat you, incline your ear and hearken to your servants, and grant them that grace of purity of soul, and preserve their precious marriages from the attacks of the enemy, for you struggled in Martyrdom for the love of Christ, and through your prayers, may we all be granted Paradise.

Then, the Priest says the "Save O God, Your people..."
St. Argyre the New Martyr, depicted in the prison where she remained for 17 years for Christ and to preserve the purity of her marriage (source)
Ode VII. Once from out of Judea.
You did not give way at all to the slavery of the body, O Martyr of Christ, but you stoked the fire of your love and increased it, O godly-minded Argyre, which we entreat might be granted to those who celebrate your memory in faith.

You were shown to be steadfast, as you were truly a tower founded upon the rock amidst tortures, O thrice-blessed one, and out of eros for the Master, having this has your foundation, may we also have this in our souls, O Argyre, through your prayers.

Your manly soul, was offered up like a whole-burnt lamb to the Master, and through your love surpassing nature, you endured tortures and trials, O Argyre, therefore, help us, who are storm-tossed with trials.

Remain with us, O Mother, at the time when the arrows of the enemy are launched against us your children, and our lamp of patience is not at all shining, but the darkness of faithless terror surrounds us. Dissolve them all by your light.

Ode VIII. The King of the Heavens.
Behold, our day of need has come, O New Martyr Argyre, hasten, give your helping hand to your servants, out of your sympathy.
Grant peace to my scattered nous, and to the thoughts that war against me from the hater of purity, O Martyr, and grant to it the memory of the Lord.
O Argyre, through your prayers, speedily dissolve the terrible and shameless bonds of sin that are drowning the souls of your entreaters.
As the One who surpassed all self-control of all generations of women, O Pure Virgin, grant self-control to those who hymn you with fervor.
Ode IX. Saved through you, Theotokos.
O Argyre, you overlooked the ways of the world, and you now ever behold that which the eyes of men cannot behold, grant all of those who hymn you to be made worthy of this as well.
You trampled upon the serpent through your struggles, O Argyre, and you received the face of your Bridegroom [Christ], pray for us as well, O Martyr, that we might some day behold Him.
Show forth to be temples of self-control and purity, all young people and those who honor you with fervor, O Argyre, and deliver us all from the traps of the enemy.
O undefiled Virgin, strengthen those who are living in self-control and purity, entreating the Master together with Argyre.
St. Argyre the New Martyr, holding the Marriage Crowns as a great Protector of Marriage (as she had requested her icon be painted, through divine revelation) (source)

Then, the "Truly it is right to call you blessed...", followed by the Megalynaria.

O all-famed Martyr of the Lord, thrice-blessed Argyre, preserve those who venerate your body with faith and fervor, from all dangers and passions and trials.

You dawned like a radiant star from Bithynia, as a greatly-suffering Martyr of Christ, and you enlighten the whole multitude of the faithful, O Argyre, you praise you with fervor.

Rejoice, radiant lamp of self-control, and dwelling-place of purity on behalf of Jesus, and grant every gift to those you praise you, O godly-minded Argyre, the boast of women.

Preserve married couples well, O Martyr of Christ, who lived with self-control and purity and kept your faith, help them to keep their marriages as you did, O sacrifice of purity.

Those who approach your temple on Lesvos full of reverence, make worthy, O Argyre, to live this life with purity in Christ, and make them to be partakers of the divine Kingdom.

All the ranks of Angels, God's messangers...

Then the Trisagion, followed by the Apolytikion of the Saint.

Apolytikion of St. Argyre in the Fourth Tone
You put to shame tyrants through your tortures, O pure one, you were shown forth, O much-suffering one, as strong as a diamond, O glorious martyr of Christ. You shown forth in struggles with love and zeal and unquenchable longing, for Christ the Savior, Who worthily glorified you, O Argyre.
St Argyre the New Martyr (source)
Then the Priest says the Entreaty, commemorating the desired names, followed by the Apolysis, then the final hymns.

Prosomoion in the Second Tone. When from the Tree.
Rejoice, O New Martyr Argyre, rejoice and hearken to those who entreat you, grant self-control for those in the yoke of marriage, and purity to those unmarried, and health to those afflicted in body and soul through your prayers, for you have been shown to all to be a golden and fragrant vessel of Jesus, crowned by Christ.

As you were beheld in the sacred vision, bearing the Marriage Crowns, and sought for your icon to be thus depicted, O Argyre, send down crowns from on high upon those who are married, and keep their precious marriages well, that, having been victorious over temptations, and every sin of the flesh, they might be crowned by God like Martyrs.

Lady, do you receive...

My numerous hopes are placed...
St. Argyre the New Martyr (source)
Christ is risen from the dead, by death, trampling down upon death, and to those in the tombs, He has granted life!
Truly the Lord is risen!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Paraklesis to the New Martyred Fathers of Ntaou Penteli

Christ is risen! Truly He is risen!
Holy Martyred Venerable Fathers of Ntaou Penteli - Commemorated on Bright Tuesday (source)
Paraklesis (Supplication Service) to the Holy New Venerable Martyred Fathers of the Monastery of Christ Pantocrator, TAO (Ntaou) Penteli
written by Fr. Athanasios of Simonopetra
   The Priest says the "Blessed is our God...". If it is during the Paschal period, "Christ is risen" is chanted three times. Then, the Psalm "O Lord, hear my prayer, give ear to my supplication..." is read, followed by "God is the Lord..." x4, with verses.
Fourth Tone. O You Who were lifted on the Cross.
O Venerable Martyrs of Penteli, as true sons of light and of the Resurrection, and as you stand before Christ rejoicing, you do great things through your holy intercessions. Entreat Him on behalf of all those who call upon your prayers, and grant them the fulfillment of their requests.
Glory. Both now.
O Theotokos, we shall never be silent...
Then Psalm 50, followed by the Canon in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone.
Ode I. Crossing the waters.
O Fathers, heal us both the body and the soul, and visit us through your prayers for us to the compassionate Master, to Whom were proved to be spotless sacrifices.
Direct our every thought to ponder the Lord, and to deny the world with manliness, O Fathers, and keep us from giving all meaning to the things of this world.
You approached the Master as servants, out of an abundance of love, and took up His Cross on Mount Penteli, O God-bearers, do entreat Him Whom you love on behalf of us.
Both now. Theotokion.
The world rejoices in you, O Virgin Lady, as the one who gave birth to the Redeemer, Whom may you ever entreat, together with the multitude of the Venerable Athletes, on behalf of our souls.
Ode III. Of the vault of the heaven.
Truly, what is sweeter than to dwell together as brethren, O Saints, for having counted natural family as nothing, with the Spirit as the cause of your unity, you loved the brethren, and you strengthen us.
Through dwelling on the Lord's Commandments and psalmody, with fervor you were granted the divine Monastic Schema, and received this weapon of the Lord, through which you strengthen us, O blessed ones.
Having the memory of Jesus breathing within your soul at all times, O Venerable Ones, you water the thirsty souls of those now standing here, entreat that we might cultivate this ceaseless prayer.
You gave birth to the Lord in a manner surpassing nature, He Who arrayed Himself in humility, entreat Him that we be granted a humble mind and thoughts, O Theotokos.
Deliver those who entreat you with fervent faith, O multitude of Venerable Athlete Fathers, and grant the solution to all their requests.
Look down on us, in your good favor...
Then the Priest says the entreaty, followed by the Kathisma.

The Holy Monastery of Christ Pantocrator, Ntaou Penteli (source)
Second Tone. O fervent prayer.
O sacred Fathers of the Monastery of the Pantocrator, you were shown by the Lord to be Martyrs bearing crowns. Entreat Him, we pray, to drive away all dangers of bodies and souls.
Ode IV. I have hearkened and heard, O Lord.
As ones who have found salvation in the Monastery of the Savior, O thrice-blessed ones, grant salvation of soul for all of us you praise your struggle, O Fathers.
O most-sacred regiment, and sacred dwelling places of the God of peace, we pray that you give peace to our soul through the Divine Spirit.
As ones filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, O most-venerable ones, you offer up our prayers, that we might draw closer to Christ the Master.
O unwedded Lady, the protecting wall for every praying soul, do not neglect me, the wretched one, but deliver me from every trial.
Ode V. O Lord enlighten us.
Grant deliverance of souls and bodies through your intercessions for us, O Saints, as ones who ever stand before the Lord with boldness.
You were afflicted with infirm human nature, O all-precious one, therefore, we pray that you strengthen those who are storm-tossed by temptations and trials.
You were granted true victory, O blessed ones, as voluntary sacrificial lambs, therefore grant us victory over our enemies.
I fall as a sparrow before the tramps of the enemy as one senseless, the wretched one. Therefore, O Virgin, deliver me from the beasts.
Ode VI. My entreaty I pour out.
You were truly numbered with the Resurrection, having been transformed together with the Resurrected Christ, therefore drive away from us all the bitterness of death, O Venerable Athletes, intercede for us, that we might stand before the Lord as He desires.
My life is troubled by the hater of souls, as are my eyes and my mind, therefore, O God-bearing Fathers, who behold the glory of the Savior, enlighten me, the blind one, that I might see the light of my heart.
Christ has put death to death, through His death on the Cross, and as you were celebrating the joyous glory of His Resurrection, you suddenly proceeded from death to life. Therefore, make us also children of the Resurrection.
My words are restrained and by thoughts are slowed when I meditate on your divine glory, O Virgin, which you were made worthy of beyond all men. Therefore, as one of your thieves, I cry out: O my soul, magnify the Lady.

Deliver those who entreat you with fervent faith, O multitude of Venerable Athlete Fathers, and grant the solution to all their requests.
Spotless one, who by a word did bring to us the word eternal...

Then the Priest says the entreaty, followed by the Kontakion.

The Holy Monastery of Christ Pantocrator, Ntaou Penteli (source)
Second Tone. A protection of Christians.
You were shown to be the protectors of our monastery, and you offer up entreaties to the Master, and you pray on behalf of all Christians, and you straightaway hasten to help, O wonderworkers, as deliverers, and you grant healing of every terrible affliction and errors of souls, O divine and sacred Fathers, the boasts of your Monastery.

Let the righteous rejoice in the Lord...(2)
Verse: Precious in the sight of the Lord...
Let the righteous rejoice in the Lord...

Gospel According to St. John (John 6:37-40).
All that the Father gives me will come to me; and him who comes to me I will not cast out.  For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me;  and this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up at the last day.  For this is the will of my Father, that every one who sees the Son and believes in him should have eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day."

Through the intercessions of the Venerable Athletes...

Both now.
Through the intercessions of the Theotokos...

Verse: Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy...
Plagal of the Second Tone. Having placed all their hopes in Heaven.
Having disdained every evil and worldly thing, you approached the Savior, and took up the Cross through asceticism, and as brethren in all things, you beheld the Mount of Penteli to be as Tabor, O Venerable Ones, as you worked towards theosis. Therefore, you were also received by the Lord through martyrdom on His Radiant day, and you ever behold His beauty. Make us worthy of this also, and intercede for us fervently.

Then the Priest says the: "Save, O God, Your people, and bless Your inheritance..."

The Holy and Wonderworking Relics of the Martyred Fathers of Ntaou Penteli (source)
Ode VII. Once from out of Judea.
You were granted grace, O Fathers, not only for believing rightly in the Lord, but also for suffering on behalf of Him as His children suffering the passion, and you ever lift high your cross. Therefore, make us to be His imitators along with you with joy.

You truly put to death all fleshly concerns while still in the body through asceticism, O God-bearing and blessed Fathers, therefore, deliver all of us who honor you in faith, O Champions.

As a vessel full of virtues, you fulfilled every godly deed, and therefore, having taken refuge in the harbor of the Lord, you grant us grace from Heaven, O Ascetics, for those who desire salvation.

Your Son works wonders, O Birth-giver of God, for all those who love His divine life, and for those who take up His Precious Cross with all willingness, therefore make us worthy to venerate it with joy.
Ode VIII. The King of the Heavens.
With joy, you have entered the Lord's Kingdom bearing lamps, O Fathers, make us all worthy to inherit it as well.
Through martyrdom, you have proceeded on the heavenly road towards the mansions of the Saints, and you protect us who hymn you through your intercessions.
O God-bearing Fathers, you partake of the uncreated, Taborean Light, drive away from us the darkness of sadness and the passions.
When your Son comes to judge the world in His divine glory, O Virgin, deliver me from my just condemnation.
Ode IX. Saved through you, O Pure Virgin.
You shine with divine rays upon our hearts through your holy memory, O blessed ones, and you raise me up, the wretched one, from the burning of this life.

O Fathers, you send down heavenly peace from above for all those suffering, and you speedily entreat for their deliverance.
Heal the afflictions of those who venerate your precious Relics through the Grace of the Lord, and grant us your blessing, O Holy Fathers.
Creation and all men rejoice, having obtained you as our mediator to the Master and Creator and Most-Good One, O Mother.
Holy Chapel of the Martyred Fathers, Ntaou Penteli (source)
Then, "Truly it is meet to call you blest...", followed by the Megalynaria.

Rejoice, O Monastery of the Pantocrator, for you have obtained the Fathers as a great wealth, who once lived within you in asceticism, and were later glorified by the Master with perfection together through Martyrdom.
With faith, let us venerate the sacred Relics of the Fathers, that breathe forth myrrh and are sacred, and to their children, they grant the lot of rich graces through the Holy Spirit.
Deliver all of us from illnesses and every trying circumstance, as we entreat for your defense and blessing, O sacred Fathers, to the glory of the Lord Pantocrator.
O band of Fathers, in this Monastery you lived your lives in a God-pleasing manner, and were perfect through the sacred crown of Martyrdom, which you received while skipping, and you invisibly stand beside us, strengthening us.
You transfigured the holy Monastery in which you lived through the joy of the Resurrection, and you partake in the life and divine glory on high of Mount Tabor, O all-precious Fathers.
All the ranks of Angels, God's Messengers...

Then the Trisagion, followed by the Apolytikion of the Saints:

Apolytikion in Tone 4
As spotless lambs of the Savior, dashing out of various nations, the flock gathers together at Pantokratoros. Having been put to death by the rage of the barbarians, rejoicing you enter into heavenly pastures. Therefore holy martyrs of Christ, interceed on behalf of our souls.

Then the Priest says the Entreaty, commemorating the names he wishes, followed by the Apolysis, and then the final hymns:
Second Tone. All those you protect.
As true inheritors of all of the blessings of Christ, O Venerable Champion Fathers, receive our requests, and ever grant that which is for our benefit, and drive away the cloud of trials and afflictions from our souls, that the sweet face of the Lord might shine within our hearts, Whose light you ever partake in with joy.
Lady, do you receive...
My numerous hopes are placed...
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers...
(Or if during the Paschal period, "Christ is risen from the dead...")
Holy Martyrs of Ntaou Penteli (source)
Christ is risen from the dead, by death, trampling down upon death, and to those in the tombs, He has granted life!
Truly the Lord is risen!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Paraklesis to Sts. Raphael, Nicholas and Irene of Lesvos

Christ is risen! Truly He is risen!
Here is a video of the Paraklesis (Supplication Service) to Sts. Raphael, Nicholas and Irene the Newly-revealed Wonderworkers of Lesvos, Commemorated annually on Bright Tuesday. It is chanted (in Greek) by the Fathers of the Monastery of St. Raphael in Goumenissa. The English text of this Paraklesis are available here. May these great wonderworker of Christ help all those who suffer in body and soul throughout the world! (source)

Here is another video of the Paraklesis to Sts. Raphael, Nicholas and Irene in Greek, this time chanted by the Abbess and Nuns of St. Raphael's Monastery in Lesvos, over the wonderworking grave of St. Raphael (source)

Christ is risen from the dead, by death, trampling down death by death, and to those in the tombs, He has granted life!
Truly the Lord is risen!

Friday, April 3, 2020

Paraklesis to the Holy Unmercenaries (Greek Video)

Paraklesis (Supplication Service) to the Holy Unmercenaries (in Greek), for healing of soul and body, served in the Church of St. Panteleimon, Ampelokipi, Thessaloniki (source)
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Paraklesis to St. Panteleimon the Great Martyr and Unmercenary

Paraklesis (Supplication Service) to St. Panteleimon the Great Martyr and Unmercenary (in Greek), for healing of soul and body, served in the Church of St. Panteleimon, Ampelokipi, Thessaloniki (source)
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Paraklesis to St. Luke the Surgeon (Greek)

Paraklesis (Supplication Service) to St. Luke the Blessed Surgeon of Simferopol (in Greek), for healing of soul and body, served in the Church of St. Panteleimon, Ampelokipi, Thessaloniki (source)
Sts. Nektarios of Pentapolis and Luke of Simferopol, two great hierarchs and Wonderworkers of the 20th century (source)
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Paraklesis to St. Julian of Emesa (Mar Elian Homsi) the Martyr and Unmercenary

St. Julian of Emesa (Mar Elian Homsi) the Martyr and Unmercenary - Commemorated February 6th (source)
The following are beautiful recordings in three parts of the Paraklesis (Supplication Service) to St. Julian of Emesa (Mar Elian Homsi), the Martyr and Unmercenary (تراتيل براكليسي القديس إليان الحمصي الطبيب الشافي )
May St. Elian help all those who are sick and suffering throughout the world, especially the Christians in the Middle East!
Part I (source)
Part II (source)
Part III (source)
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Paraklesis to St. Tryphon the Great Martyr and Unmercenary

St. Tryphon the Great Martyr and Unmercenary (source)
Paraklesis (Supplication Service) to the Glorious Martyr and Unmercenary Healer Tryphon

After the "Blessed is our God", the "Lord, hear my prayer...", followed by:
God is the Lord and He revealed Himself to us, blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord (x4, with verses)

Troparion in the Fourth Tone. O You Who were lifted on the Cross.
To him who appeared as a trophy-bearer amidst struggles, and who is the namesake of godly nourishment, Tryphon the glorious Martyr of Christ, let us hymn and cry out to him: Deliver your entreaters from abject dangers, those who call upon your wondrous name with fervor, O Unmercenary.

Glory. Both now.
O Theotokos, we shall never be silent...

Then, Psalm 50, followed by the Canon in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone.

Ode I. Crossing the water as on dry land.
O Saint of God, intercede on our behalf.
As you are nourished with godly nourishment in the Heavens, O Martyr Tryphon, as an all-perfect Champion, through your intercessions, deliver my soul from bitter food.

O Saint of God, intercede on our behalf.
You hearkened to the divine words, and put them into practice, O Blessed Tryphon, and you loved them practically in your holy life, therefore make be worthy to live in holiness.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
You became a shepherd of your soul, O Tryphon, with wisdom in your thoughts. Make me ever worthy to be shepherded through your compassion, O Martyr, with divine wisdom.

Both now and forever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Illumine me with the noetic Light [Christ], Whom you bore, the radiance of the glory of the Father, O all-spotless Lady, and disperse the darkness of my sin.

Ode III. You are the foundation.
O Saint of God...
You cast down the might of the evil one, O glorious Tryphon, through the power of God. Therefore, deliver us from his schemes.

You trampled upon the fleshly serpent, O Tryphon, and put to end the enemy. Therefore, ever put to death his wiles, through your divine intercessions.

With your presence alone, O Tryphon, you truly made the evil spirits flee, through the power of the Spirit.

Having you as my help, O All-Spotless one, I will not be overcome by any dangers in my life, with you as my protector, who saves me from afflictions.
St. Tryphon the Great Martyr and Unmercenary (source)
Ode IV. I have hearkened and heard, O Lord.
O God-bearer and Unmercenary, surround all those who honor you, and speedily grant them healing through your intercessions to the Savior.
As one nourished with eternal glory and rejoicing, O glorious Tryphon, intercede that those who hymn you might be delivered from every trial.
As one estranged from the love of God through the guile of the serpent, O glorious one, and through your intercessions, call me back, and deliver me from his hands.
I have placed all my hopes in you, O Ever-Virgin, and I cry out to you: deliver me from every danger through your intercessions.
Ode V. Illumine us.
That I might hymn you as my protector, O glorious Tryphon, ever deliver your entreater from every danger through your prayers.
Grant me, the wretched one, victory against the enemy, O ever-memorable Tryphon, through your prayers, that, having been saved, I might ever glorify you.
Grant eternal life to your servant, O Martyr Tryphon, as a physician of souls and bodies, for I know you as a free healer of afflictions.
O Spotless Pure One, the name that is sweetest to me, through your mighty protection, save me, who have hastened to take refuge in you.
Ode VI. Have mercy on my, O Savior.
Wither the atrocious ashes and miasmas and mania of the idols, O glorious one, and water our plants with the waters of piety, for all those who praise you with gracious hymns, O Tryphon.
Your eternal and martyric blood, O Champion, ever pours forth fragrance like myrrh, pouring forth healings, and the dust of your body sanctifies the souls of those who approach you in faith.
Having seen you as a worker of healings, O glorious Tryphon, make the passions to wither, as we ever draw from you as from an unemptying spring, a river of healings and gifts of salvation.
As the true Mother of Christ, the Creator of all creation, I entreat you fervently, O All-Spotless Lady, to grant me forgiveness of my many offenses, and to deliver me from dangers.
Deliver us from dangers and afflictions, O Tryphon, through your intercessions to Christ, O Unmercenary, for those who praise you with fervor and faith.
Spotless One, who by a word did bring to us the Word eternal...
Then, the Priest says the entreaty, followed by the Kontakion in the Second Tone.
O Unmercenary, as one partaking of godly nourishment in the Heavens, through your ceaseless intercessions to God, grant deliverance from every passion of the souls of your entreaters, for you are an invincible Champion, O ever-memorable Tryphon.
Then, the Prokeimenon in Tone Four.
God is wondrous among His Saints, the God of Israel, He will give strength and support to His people, Blessed is God. (2)
Verse: In Churches, bless God, the Lord from the wellsprings of Israel.
God is wondrous among His Saints, the God of Israel, He will give strength and support to His people, Blessed is God.
St. Tryphon the Great Martyr and Unmercenary (source)
The Gospel according to St. Luke (10:19-21).
Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall hurt you.  Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you; but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”In that same hour he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, “I thank thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to babes; yea, Father, for such was thy gracious will.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
Through the intercessions of the Unmercenary, O Lord of mercy, wash away my many personal offenses.
Both now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, O Lord of mercy, wash away my many personal offenses.

Verse: Have mercy on me, O God...
Then the Prosomoion in the Plagal of the Second Tone. No one is turned away from you.
No one is turned away from your protection and is sent away without help against the passions and dangers, O Tryphon, Martyr of the Lord, but one asks for the grace of healings, and he receives salvation and healing through your prayers to God.

Then, the Priest says the "Save, O God, Your people, and bless Your inheritance...

St. Tryphon the Great Martyr and Unmercenary (source)

Then, the Canon resumes. Ode VII. Once from out of Judea.
You rejoice, dancing together with the choirs of the Martyrs as one bearing a crown, O Tryphon, and they honor you, and hymn you in faith, as an Unmercenary who grants healing of afflictions and passions through your prayers.
The Master of all and God has placed a heavenly crown upon your head, and you have come to ever dwell in His heavenly mansions. Make us worthy of them, O Saint Tryphon, as you entreat for us.
Dry the streams of my tears, O Unmercenary Tryphon, for my heart is granted a spring welling forth healings from your Icon. Fill me with compunction, that I might be cleansed from the filth of the passions, O Thrice-blessed one.
You bore the God before the ages in your sacred arms, O All-Spotless one. Do not cease to entreat Him that your servants be granted deliverance from fire, earthquake, famine, and incurable afflictions.
Ode VIII. The King of Heaven.
As one tempted by a multitude of illnesses, O Blessed one, I hasten to you, asking for salvation, for you, O Tryphon, are a deliverance of those ailing.
As one nourished and rejoicing with the Angels in the heavenly mansions, intercede with the Lord on behalf of those who hymn you.
O Saint Tryphon, become a physician of the illnesses of your entreater, and of burdensome passions, and cut off their frenzy, through your divine intercessions.
Grant my a stream of tears, O Lady, that I might cleanse the filth of the passions from my soul, and guide me on the ways of salvation.
Ode IX. Saved through you, O Theotokos.
Entreat for us to the God of all, for nourishment with heavenly food, O glorious Tryphon, that we might be granted forgiveness of offenses.
Shining from the light of the first Light [Christ], O Tryphon, and having been set aflame with His divine radiance, through your intercessions, make us to partake of Him as well.
As one partaking of godly nourishment and joy together with the Angels, intercede with the Creator, O Blessed one, on behalf of your servants.
Grant deliverance, O Theotokos, for those ailing and from every danger, for your entreators, for they ever take refuge, praying to you. 

St. Tryphon the Great Martyr and Unmercenary (source)
Then, "It is truly right to call you blessed...", followed by the Megalynaria.

The wondrous Martyr of the Lord, and most-ready helper from Lampsakos, a protector and deliverer for those who call upon him, let us all honor the divine Tryphon.

Come, O faithful, let us venerate the holy Icon of the divine Tryphon, who drives away from us the stench of the passions, and grants healing and deliverance to all.

All the ranks of Angels...

Then, the Trisagion, followed by the Troparion in the First Tone. A Heavenly Place.
You manfully endured the pains of tortures, and truly inherited the life without pain, O ever-memorable Tryphon, the foundation of Champions. Therefore, today, the Church of Christ celebrates your all-holy memory, and rejoices in a godly manner.

Then the Priest says the entreaty, followed by the Dismissal, after which the people venerate the Icon while the hymn is chanted:
Prosomoion in the Second Tone. When from the Tree.
You received from God, O Tryphon, the grace to grant healings for those who have taken refuge in your protection in faith, and who hasten to you, amidst many incurable afflictions, healing the passions through the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, O wise one. Therefore, we also entreat you: pray to the Lord of all to deliver those who honor you from dangers.

Lady do you receive...

My numerous hopes are placed...

Through the prayers...
St. Tryphon the Great Martyr and Unmercenary (source)
Additional Prayer to St. Tryphon
O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, swift helper of all that seek refuge in thee, and quick to intercede for those that pray before thy holy image! Hearken now and at every hour unto the prayer of us thine unworthy servants, who venerate thy holy memory (in this all-holy temple erected to the praise of thy name, and in every place).  For Thou, O Saint of Christ, thyself hast promised before thy departure from this corrupt life, to pray to the Lord for us, and hast asked of Him this gift: if anyone in their any need or sorrow shall begin to invoke thy holy name, they shall be delivered from every instigation of the evil one. And as thou didst once heal the ruler's daughter in Rome, who was tormented by the devil, so also preserve us from his cruel snares all the days of our life, moreover be thou our intercessor in the dread day of our last breath, when the dark visions of wicked spirits begin to surround and terrify us: be then our helper and swift banisher of evil spirits, and our guide to the Kingdom of Heaven, where thou now standest with the choirs of Saints before the Throne of God;
pray the Lord, that He grant us also to be partakers of everlasting joy and gladness, that we may be found worthy together with thee to glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, for all ages. Amen.
Also see a previous post for the famed Prayers of St. Tryphon said at the Holy Water Blessing in prayer for health and deliverance of Gardens and Farms from pests.

St. Tryphon the Great Martyr and Unmercenary (source)
   Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!