Showing posts with label Newly-Revealed Saints. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Newly-Revealed Saints. Show all posts

Monday, May 6, 2013

The 179 Venerable Martyrs of Ntaou Penteli

Christ is risen! Truly He is risen!

The 179 Holy Martyrs of Ntaou Penteli Monastery - Commemorated on Bright Tuesday (source)
The horrifying account of the martyrdom of the 179 holy martyrs of Pantokratoros Monastery in Ntaou Penteli was recorded soon after the event of 1680 by Cyril Degleri, abbot of Penteli Monastery. He and others record how Algerian pirates (some say they were Turkish or Albanian-Turkish pirates) docked their ship at the nearby port of Rafina during Holy Week of 1680. After failing in its raid of the fortified Ntaou Penteli Monastery in search of its treasures, under mysterious circumstances a servant of the monastery decided to betray the fathers and told the pirates of an access point otherwise unknown to outsiders (and recently discovered by archaeologists).

On Pascha, during the midnight service, after the final "Christ is Risen!" was joyfully chanted by the fathers following the Divine Liturgy, the pirates stormed into the katholikon and began the gruesome slaughter. 179 monks and hieromonks, including the abbot, were massacred by the pirates. The pirates took their treasure and escaped back to Rafina, after having set fire to the monastery.

Two escaped martyrdom however. One was a hieromonk and the other was a novice. They were not at the monastery that tragic evening, as they travelled to neighboring Nea Makri to serve the Paschal Divine Liturgy at a metochion of Pantokratoros Monastery where there were monks that kept the animals and farms of the monastery in Herotsakouli. They returned to Ntaou Penteli on Pascha Sunday evening only to find two dead monks at the entrance and their monastery burned down, save for the katholikon (which survives till today). When they entered the katholikon, they saw dozens of the fathers in a pool of blood. Some had been severely beaten, while others were cut in pieces.

On Bright Monday morning the heiromonk and the novice set out to seek help in burying the martyred monks from the neighboring fathers of Penteli Monastery, otherwise known as Dormition of the Theotokos Monastery. On the way they had a view of the port of Rafina and saw the pirates leaving. When the fathers of Penteli Monastery heard of the massacre, they went to Pantokratoros Monastery in Ntaou Penteli and helped bury all the bodies after a Bright Week funeral service was performed.

The names of the holy martyrs and the location of their burial were lost to history...until 1963.
The Monastery of Christ Pantocrator, Ntaou Penteli (source)
About the Monastery
Pantokratoros Monastery was built before the tenth century over the ruins of older churches and before that an ancient Greek temple. It is of the same architecture as Armenian and Georgian monasteries. It was named Ntaou after the ancient Greek epigram "Tao" found at the monastery. The founder was Nikos the Kamatiros and before the Ottoman occupation probably had over 600 monks. In its history it endured fires, as well as capture by the Franks and the Turks. It is in the district of Ntaou to the east of Mount Penteli. Mount Penteli, or Mount Amomon, was surrounded by many monasteries. This is why it was called the Mountain of the Pure because it was filled with monastics (Amomon means "pure"). Pantokratoros Monastery became a metochion of Penteli Monastery which was further up the mountain after its destruction in 1680. In 1692 Penteli Monastery was recognized by Ecumenical Patriarch Cyril as stavropegial along with the Holy Monastery of Ntaou Penteli and the Holy Monastery of Saint Nicholas Kalision, which means that the monasteries were now directly under the Ecumenical Patriarch and not the local bishop (today they are once again independent).

From 1680 until 1963 Pantokratoros Monastery in Ntaou Penteli was deserted, except for one monk to take care of the grounds. In 1963, 283 years after the massacre, eleven nuns from Saint Patapios Monastery in Loutraki came with the blessing of Archbishop Chrysostomos of Athens to Ntaou Penteli to revive it. It was still a metochion of Penteli at the time. The abbot of Penteli, Theoklitos, had cells built for the nuns and gave them land to farm by which to live. On March 18, 1971 under imperial edict (there was a King in Greece at the time) the metochion became autonomous from Penteli and became a coenobium once again. The monastery today looks very different from what it did in 1963, as it expanded for the needs of the nuns and has been beautified.

One of the most interesting features of the katholikon of Ntaou Penteli Monastery is that this one church has a total of eight altars. This indicates that Pantokratoros Monastery was one of the rare akoimiton monasteries of the Roman Empire, that is, it was a monastery in which there was continuous prayer twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week. Akoimiton means "unsleeping". The only reason a church would need eight altars is because canonically the sacrifice of the Holy Eucharist cannot be performed more than once on the same day by the same priest on the same altar. With eight altars eight Divine Liturgies can take place in one day with eight different priests.
Several graves of the Holy New Martyrs of Ntaou Penteli (source)
The Discovery of the 179 Martyrs
The location of the bodies of the 179 martyrs remained unknown and lost to time when the nuns arrived in 1963. All the records indicated that the martyrs were buried by the monks of Penteli Monastery, but not where they buried them nor do they give the names of the monks. The nuns tried looking for the burial spot, but came out empty handed. What was completely unknown to them however was that the murdered monks were buried inside the monastery and not outside as they had assumed. In September of 1963 work on the monastery began. The nuns prayed for forty days that a discovery of the relics would be made. In the afternoon of the fortieth day the discovery was made.

The first 65 bodies were discovered by the abbess (Styliani) and nuns inside the katholikon when workers were working on the floor tiles replacing them with new ones. It was then that they noticed a beautiful fragrance not only in the katholikon but throughout the monastery. The abbess, understanding this to be a miracle of the martyrs, then requested that an excavation be done first of all in front of the Royal Doors of the katholikon in the solea. Doing so, they discovered an entire body incorrupt. They determined that this must have been the abbot at the time of the slaughter [Through divine revelation, this was revealed to the Relic of the Abbot of the Monastery, Abbot Neilos.]  Excavating the rest of the floor, they discovered the other 64 bodies. Upon completion, the Archbishop of Athens, Chrysostmos, was notified. He arrived at the monastery and confirmed everything. Till this day the relics of the martyred fathers continue to give off a beautiful fragrance and they flow with myrrh. When one venerates their relics, one can confirm this in person.

All 179 bodies of the martyrs were not found however. 114 remained missing. Certain pilgrims, such as Elder Iakovos Tsalikes and Metropolitan Antonios of Sisani, would see lights as if from oil lamps where the graves of the martyrs are today. But [Saint] Porphyrios told the current abbess, also named Styliani, that the nuns "walk on top of the graves of other saints". With this advice an excavation was done in 1990 around the perimeters of the katholikon, and in truth many more relics were found. These relics were placed in a larnax within the katholikon, as well as within another chapel built next to it.

The 179 martyrs were not officially proclaimed saints right away. However, because of the many miracles performed by these newly-revealed martyrs after the translation of their relics, Archbishop Seraphim of Athens requested of the Ecumenical Patriarchate an official canonization. The Ecumenical Patriarchate accepted the canonization in 1992 and established Bright Tuesday as their feast day, the day they were buried by the fathers of Penteli Monastery.

We still do not know the names of these 179 martyrs. This is because the pirates burned the monastery to the ground as well as all the old records of the monastery. However, because of certain dreams of the faithful, a number of names are acknowledged. They receive these revelations accompanied with the healing done on them, whether it be cancer, disease, sickness, or whatever else. For example, one father who appears and works miracles is named Mark.
Several graves of the Holy New Martyrs of Ntaou Penteli (source)
The Monastery Today
Today the monastery is populated with over 30 nuns. They survive mainly through their work in ecclesiastical embroidery and garment making, as well as Byzantine iconography. Other nuns do the farm work to sustain themselves with. Inside the monastery is also a reputable school of Byzantine music. All but a few nuns are highly educated beyond merely a high school education. They have taken in orphans and supported their education, poor girls they have helped marry, children with psychiatric issues they have helped, and whoever visits the monastery is generously given hospitality.

Recently a new church was built at the monastery exclusively dedicated to the 179 newly-revealed martyrs. It was built with the offerings of the faithful and took a little over six years to build.


A certain priest named Fr. Seraphim had great reverence for the holy martyrs of Ntaou Penteli. A few years ago he began to suffer from severe headaches and travelled to Thessaloniki in order to have it checked. X-Rays revealed he had a tumor on his brain. The doctor advised him of the seriousness of the situation and the necessity for an immediate surgery. Sorrowfully he telephoned the abbess of Ntaou Penteli, and she advised him to first come to the monastery and venerate the holy relics before the surgery. Indeed he went, venerated the holy relics, and prayed for their help. The abbess then gave him a very small particle from the holy relics, which he was very moved by, and he had it put in a silver box and placed on the Holy Altar of his parish. The next day when he entered the church to conduct the Divine Liturgy, he noticed that surrounding the silver box containing the relic was a circle of something like oil. With great faith he took a piece of cotton, soaked it in the oil-like substance, and made the sign of the cross with it to his head. Following the Divine Liturgy Fr. Seraphim telephoned the monastery and informed the abbess of the miracle, and eventually sent a photograph showing the oil-like substance which came from the reliquary. Because of his great faith Fr. Seraphim put off going back to the doctor for six months, all the while praying for healing. He finally went back and received an X-Ray. To the astonishment of all, the tumor was completely gone.
The Holy Church of the 179 New Venerable Martyrs, Pantocrator Monastery, Ntaou Penteli (decorated for the feast of the Holy Martyrs on Bright Tuesday, 2011) (source)
Several testimonials from Pilgrims from the Holy Feast of the Venerable Martyrs - April 17th, 2012 (amateur translations)
"The Holy Fathers began to attract all these pilgrims and more to their home through their wonderworking grace. That which I experienced during the Divine Liturgy was unrepeatable! Grace, light, radiance...but their presence is astonishing; I sensed them next to me! There were moments when I got goosebumps from the emotion!"
"It is one thing to read about miracles, and another to hear of them with your ears and to see them with your eyes. You become confirmed in the faith, and become another man. It is awesome how much God glorifies those who loved Him and sacrificed for His love. After the Divine Liturgy, at the reception, I struck up a conversation with some other pilgrims, and heard about some miracles which were clearly astonishing! A clinically dead person in the ICU, and another with metastatic bone canver. And both are now most healthy, and they related to me how the Saints granted them health, contradicting the doctors. Do you believe or not, after such miracles?"
"We came to the Monastery in the grace of the Saints, but also to offer up our pain and problems to the Fathers, and also to honor them and thank them, as they stand always ready to help, and to entreat our Lord. There are terrible difficulties in our everyday life. However, we are not alone, God has given us the Saints as consolation, in these difficult days that we live in. The Holy Fathers are near to man and his needs. How I was moved when I saw people with candles in their hands entering the church, in gratitude!"
"I did not know about the Saints. We were taking a walk with my family, we got lost, and we "luckily" found the Monastery on their feast. Isn't this a miracle?"
"I am a physician. In the Hospital of Athens where I work in pathological anatomy. I saw within the span of one month, two miracles of the Holy Fathers, and I couldn't bear it. I said that I would go find them, to see who these Saints are. Most of us physicians, unfortunately, do not have faith. However, that which I experienced changed me completely. And in these two circumstances, that which occurred was naturally impossible, but the Saints accomplished them!"
For an excellent 45 minute documentary on the 179 holy newly-revealed martyrs as well as life at Ntaou Penteli Monastery, see here.
For the website of the Holy Monastery of the Pantocrator Tao (Ntaou) Penteli, see here.
Some of the Holy Relics of the New Venerable Martyrs (source)
Απολυτίκιον: Ήχος δ΄. Ο καθαρώτατος ναός του Σωτήρος.
Ως του Κυρίου αγιόλεκτοι άρνες, εξορμημένοι εκ χωρών διαφόρων, τη ποίμνη συνεδράμετε του Παντοκράτορος, όθεν θανατούμενοι απηνεία βαρβάρων, χαίροντες εξήλθετε εις ουράνιον μάνδραν, καθάπερ όσιοι και μάρτυρες Χριστού εκδυσωπούντες υπέρ των ψυχών υμών.

Apolytikion in Tone 4
As spotless lambs of the Savior, dashing out of various nations, the flock gathers together at Pantokratoros. Having been put to death by the rage of the barbarians, rejoicing you enter into heavenly pastures. Therefore holy martyrs of Christ, interceed on behalf of our souls.

Two hymns from the Paraklesis to the Holy Venerable Martyrs of Ntaou Penteli (amateur translations)

Tone Four.

O Venerable Martyrs of Penteli, being truly sons of the light and the Resurrection, as ones who stand rejoicing before Christ with much strength, through your holy intercessions, entreat Him on behalf of all those who call upon your prayers, and grant that their requests be fulfilled.


Plagal of the Second Tone.
Having cast off the evil works of the world, you hastened towards the Savior, taking up the Cross through asceticism, O true brothers in all things, and you beheld noetically, and were transported to Tabor, O Venerable Fathers of Penteli, workers of theosis. Therefore, you were also received by the Lord in martyrdom, on the Radiant Day [of His Resurrection], and ever behold His beauty, of which, make us worthy, fervently interceding for us.


Christ has risen from the dead, by death he has trampled on death, and to those in the graves given life!

Truly the Lord is risen!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Sts. Raphael, Nicholas and Irene the Newly-Revealed Martyrs of Lesvos

Sts. Raphael, Nicholas and Irene the Newly-Revealed Martyrs of Lesvos - Commemorated on April 9 and Tuesday of Bright Week (Icon by the hand of Photi Kontouglou, from:
These saints were martyred by the Turks on Bright Tuesday (April 9, 1463) ten years after the Fall of Constantinople. For nearly 500 years, they were forgotten by the people of Lesbos, but "the righteous Judge... opened the things that were hid" (2 Macc. 12:41).

For centuries the people of Lesbos would go on Bright Tuesday to the ruins of a monastery near Thermi, a village northwest of the capital, Mytilene. As time passed, however, no one could remember the reason for the annual pilgrimage. There was a vague recollection that once there had been a monastery on that spot, and that the monks had been killed by the Turks.

In 1959, a pious man named Angelos Rallis decided to build a chapel near the ruins of the monastery. On July 3 of that year, workmen discovered the relics of St Raphael while clearing the ground.

[After the discovery of the grave, amazing phenomena started to occur. The bones were put in a sack by a Mr Doukas Tsolakis. He was in charge of the excavations. He could not lift the sack up due to the excessive weight. Noises were heard from the bones.They were also producing a fragrant incense. One of the workers, a Mr Leonidas Sideras kicked the sack and his leg went numb. Tsolakis' hand remained motionless. He could not lift the sack.The priest was asked to do a Trisagion-a prayer for the departed. The night before he was due to conduct the service, he was wondering what name he should use. During the night Saint Raphael appeared to the Priest. He told him who he was, and that he was born on the island of Ithaka. (]

Soon, the saints began appearing to various inhabitants of Lesbos and revealed the details of their lives and martyrdom. These accounts form the basis of Photios Kontoglou's 1962 book A GREAT SIGN (in Greek).
St. Raphael the Newly-revealed Hieromartyr of Lesvos (
St Raphael was born on the island of Ithaka around 1410, and was raised by pious parents. His baptismal name was George, but he was named Raphael when he became a monk. He was ordained to the holy priesthood, and later attained the offices of Archimandrite and Chancellor. [He previously also served as parish priest in the church of St Demetrios of Loumbardiaris in Athens. (]


[Once when St. Raphael travelled to France, he met St Nicholas at Morlaix. Nicholas was from a wealthy family. He was a young student from Thessalonika studying at a French university. Nicholas was moved by the teaching of St. Raphael and they became firm friends and his disciple. (]

In 1453, St Raphael was living in Macedonia with his fellow monastic, the deacon Nicholas, a native of Thessalonica.

[For an account of how Sts. Raphael and Nicholas fled Constantinople in defence of Orthodoxy, see:]

In 1454, the Turks invaded Thrace, so the two monks fled to the island of Lesbos. They settled in the Monastery of the Nativity of the Theotokos near Thermi, where St Raphael became the igumen.

[The monastery that they found at Thermi was a ruined Byzantine monastery, destroyed after a raid by pirates in 1235AD. Later through additional revelations, some of the Holy Relics of the martyred nuns were discovered, including St. Olympia the Abbess (]

The wondrous tomb of St. Raphael in his Monastery, as it appears today. Note that the Saints' tombs and many other treasures of the monastery, were found through divine revelation as to their exact location, 500 years after their martyrdom. This is truly vivid proof of Christ's Resurrection. (
In the spring of 1463, the Turks raided the monastery and captured the monks. They were tortured from Holy Thursday until Bright Tuesday. St Raphael was tied to a tree, and the ferocious Turks sawed through his jaw, killing him. St Nicholas was also tortured, and he died while witnessing his Elder's martyrdom. He appeared to people and indicated the spot where his relics were uncovered on June 13, 1960.

The Martyrdom of St. Raphael and St. Nicholas the New Righteous Martyrs of Lesvos (unknown source)
St Irene was the twelve-year-old daughter of the village mayor, Basil. She and her family had come to the monastery to warn the monks of the invasion. The cruel Hagarenes cut off one of her arms and threw it down in front of her parents. Then the pure virgin was placed in a large earthen cask and a fire was lit under it, suffocating her within. These torments took place before the eyes of her parents, who were also put to death. Her grave and the earthen cask were found on May 12, 1961 after Sts Raphael, Nicholas and Irene had appeared to people and told them where to look.

The Martyrdom of St. Irene the Virgin Martyr of Lesvos (unknown source)  
The cauldron in which they burned the 12-year old St. Irene alive, in front of her parents (
Others who received the crown of martyrdom on that day were Basil and Maria, the parents of St Irene; Theodore, the village teacher; and Eleni, the fifteen-year-old cousin of St Irene.

The Tomb of St. Irene the Virgin Martyr, as it appears today (
The saints appeared separately and together, telling people that they wished to be remembered. They asked that their icon be painted, that a church service be composed for them, and they indicated the place where their holy relics could be found. Based on the descriptions of those who had seen the saints, the master iconographer Photios Kontoglou painted their icon. The ever-memorable Father Gerasimos of Little St Anne Skete on Mt. Athos composed their church service.

The Burial of St. Raphael of Lesvos (unknown source)
Many miracles have taken place on Lesbos, and throughout the world. The saints hasten to help those who invoke them, healing the sick, consoling the sorrowful, granting relief from pain, and bringing many unbelievers and impious individuals back to the Church.

Some of the gifts to the monastery of St. Raphel from many of the faithful that have been saved through the Saints' prayers (
St Raphael is tall, middle-aged, and has a beard of moderate length. His hair is black with some grey in it. His face is majestic, expressive, and filled with heavenly grace. St Nicholas is short and thin, with a small blond beard. He stands before St Raphael with great respect. St Irene usually appears with a long yellow dress reaching to her feet. Her blonde hair is divided into two braids which rest on either side of her chest.
The first appearance of St. Raphael (source)
Sts Raphael, Nicholas, and Irene (and those with them) are also commemorated on Bright Tuesday. Dr. Constantine Cavarnos has given a detailed account of their life, miracles, and spiritual counsels in Volume 10 of his inspirational series MODERN ORTHODOX SAINTS (Belmont, MA, 1990).
St. Raphael the Hieromartyr depicted in prayer (
Excerpt from the teachings of St. Raphael given to various individuals through his appearances
1.Christ and We
Only where Christ dwells is there blessedness. Where Christ blesses there is heavenly repose. Where Christ turns His benveolent gaze there is inexpressible true joy. Christ, with His unceasing love for us and His great humility, loves us and invisibly reproves us and reminds us through His miracles that there is life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

2. The Path of Christ
The path of Christ is somewhat difficult, but with patience, will, and humility one makes progress... It involves tribulation and suffering, without which it is not possible for one to find the path open for the benefit of his soul.

3. Repentance and Regeneration
When a person is in a state of bondage to sin and has as an obstacle sadness and cannot concentrate, it means that he is without the regeneration of our Savior Jesus Christ and is far from Him.
But when a man "comes to himself" and feels that his soul is far from God and becomes aware of his sinfulness, and with tears of repentance entreats our Heavenly Father to forgive him and bring him back to the heavenly joy of our Christ, then the regeneration of his soul takes place.

4. Care of the soul
When a Christian exercises watchful care, he heals his soul and does not allow it to be lost....Do not let your soul go astray in matter, in the corruptible things of the world. Life has no value if we do not take care of the soul. Therefore, do not let yourselves go astray and lose your soul Read carefully the Gospels, because these were written with the Grace and the glory of God, to be read by the faithful that their life might shine.
The finding of the Holy Relic of St. Raphael, on July 3rd, 1959 (source)
On days when a Saint is celebrated, Christians ought to pray more ardently, with contrition and love, and entreat the Saint to intercede with God for the salvation of their soul. The feast day of every Saint is for Christians a serious reminder of the great sufferings which the Saints experienced for the sake of Christ's faith. They were glorified by God and with glory they received a place in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Let us then honor the Saints and invoke their help, in order that they might strengthen us in our prayer. And we may rest assured that our prayer will be listened to by God.

A guileless spirit is one which has no badness within it. Badness is a characteristic of the evil one, who seeks by means of wickedness to divert man from the path of virtue and from God. Consequently, great carefulness and effort are needed in order that there might reign in the soul a guileless and pure spirit.

How much care do people exercise in order to save their soul? What medicines do they use in order to protect it from the microbes of sin which threaten and attact it? And yet, the Lord has indicated the medicines: love, warm prayer, and humility. They must employ all of them, seeking at the same time the help of God, through which alone can the soul be regenerated and be freed from the microbes of sin...Sin must be banished from the soul: greed, rapacity, impatience, improper imagination.
Examine your self and strive to adorn it with love, humility, compassion and hope. Seek the regeneration of your soul, enlightened by the voice of the Gospel and helped by God. With fear and love for the Heavenly Father, proceed to sow the seeds of God's word on good soil. Cultivate the talent given by Christ for the salvation of your soul.
Sts. Raphael, Nicholas and Irene the Newly-revealed Martyrs of Lesvos, as depicted above the entrance to their Monastery (
Apolytikion in honor of all three Saints: RAPAHEL, NICHOLAS AND IRENE in the Fourth Tone
Having contended on Lesvos for the sake for Christ God, you have sanctified the island since the discovery of your sacred relics, O blessed ones; wherefore we honor you, O God-bearing Raphael, together with Nicholas and virgin Irene, as our divine protectors and intercessors with the Lord.

Kontakion in the Fourth Tone
Let all of us honor as our protectors and miracle-workers the holy Martyrs who manifestly contended for Christ, whose sacred relics were hidden under the earth for many years, and who have manifested themselves to us in wondrous ways: Raphael, Nicholas, and divine Irene, as well as those who contended with them in a godly-minded manner.

Let us honor with hymns the Hosiomartyrs of Christ, divine Raphael and venerable Nicholas, together with Irene, the guardians of Lesvos, for helping us.
For the full service (in Greek) to Sts. Raphael, Nicholas and Irene celebrated on Bright Tuesday, see:  
The Holy Martyrs of Thermi, Lesvos (including Sts. Raphael, Nicholas, Irene and Olympias) and scenes from their lives and martyrdoms (
Christ is risen from the dead, by death trampling upon death, and to those in the tombs granting life!
Truly the Lord is risen!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

On the humility of St. Evdokimos of Vatopedi

St. Evdokimos the Newly-revealed of Vatopedi - Commemorated on October 5/18 (

On the humility of St. Evdokimos of Vatopedi (amateur translation of an excerpt from the Encomium of the Saint written by Fr. Meletios the Hierodeacon)
It appears that the Saint wanted to hide his virtue and his holiness so much that he wished to die by himself, fearing perhaps that the brothers of Vatopedi would find some sign of holiness and want to honor him. He desired this because he perceived being honored by men as a sin before God. So great was his humble attitude that all of the vain things of this life, honors and love of glory, he considered senseless. This is a great sign of his holiness. This alone is enough, without requiring any other indication, to believe that he is a Saint, and other miracles would be considered unnecessary.
Why, as someone says, does a life according to the will of God, “life for God” in other words, and without any miracles occurring, bring the crown of holiness? For in his life that is truly “for God”, he clearly wanted to hide while alive and dead, without revealing it to anyone. Because he feared perhaps that some sign would occur for others, something which is antithetical to the commandments of the Gospel. This was the fear of St. Evdokimos.
For it is a great commandment for one to hide his virtue. Most men wish to hide their sins and to proclaim their virtues, though they are baseless. According to the righteous word, we must flee from both. Hidden must be repentance, in other words the rebuttal of sins, as they themselves occurred in secret. And as someone sinned in secret, in secret he must have his struggles against them. For to proclaim, however, one's virtues, and to not reveal his sins is absurd. We are ashamed to reveal our sins in case we might appear culpable and humiliated. How do we not fear the sin of pleasing men with the promotion of our good deeds, which causes God to abandon our soul? If we reveal the sins of our soul to God alone, let us not proclaim our virtues to men. Because they will be seen as a reward for our wrestling against the passions, and we would thus loose our portion from God and become transgressors of His law.
St. Evdokimos, however, did not do thus. For having been found to preserve with exactness one commandment of the Gospel, did he not much more so keep the rest of the Gospel's commandments? From this alone is revealed how he ruled over the other moral passions. For to conquer love of glory and to hide one's virtues is truly a super-human commandment. For the love of honor and glory is implanted within [fallen] man, and they are uprooted with difficulty. This we see in the Saints who lived before him, as we read their lives. In other words, when they lived, they wished to remain unknown and to hide. After their death, however, they did not hesitate to reveal their holiness.
Something similar we read in the lives of St. Alexios the Man of God, and St. John the Hut-dweller, who left their parents signs that they might know them after their death.
St. Evdokimos, however, as we learned, conquered love of glory. Something which is even very difficult to those who have reached the height of virtue. Because it was not important to him to be seen by men as holy, but to be glorified by God. But someone might say: “You wish to show us that this new Saint of Vatopedi is higher than St. Alexios and St. John the Hut-dweller?” Not at all, most holy Fathers. Because in holiness there is no comparison. Do you know that, as it says in the Gospel: “In the house of my Father there are many mansions”, for I further know that all receive the same [reward].
What I am saying is that the divine Evdokimos was a most-exact keeper of all the commandments of God. He hid all of his virtues, because he feared the word of the Gospel, “do not be thought of...”, in other words do not do something to be seen by others. With keeping this word he conquered the greatest beast, “glory”, in other words vanity and love of glory, which calls all of us to esoteric agitation and great turmoils. This great beast, Evdomikos conquered and defeated. In what way? By always hiding and by never giving any sign of his holiness. In my opinion, this is the greatest triumph of virtue, because I see the passion of love of glory as unconquerable.
As you know, the once first of the Angels was filled with pride, and dared to say: “I will place my throne above the heavens, and I, myself will become the Exalted God.” Was he not put in danger by love of glory, which I named an unconquerable beast? And do not be surprised by the name. Because whether we call it haughtiness, pride, conceit, glory, manic-glory, work-for-glory, [doxarion], or love-of-glory, the name alone changes, but we are talking about the same passion. The difference us found in in the disposition in those that have it.
Did not Adam, for this glory, imagine that he would become equal to God? And if for this passion of glory angels became demons and devils, Adam won death, earthly and heavenly creation was troubled, and the all-consuming Hades was is this passion of love of glory not great? For if the first angel and first man conquered this passion, the universe would not have been troubled, neither would death, which we tremble at and fear, endanger us with its sickle. On account of love of glory, did not all troubles of life enter the world? Most certainly! Because of this the first angel and the first man were conquered.
This, however, did not conquer Evdokimos, but he conquered it, because he hid his virtue and his holiness “as the apple of his eye”. He achieved great victory and became higher than the first angel and the first man. If we do not call Evdokimos holy and do not honor him, and do not glorify him as a Saint, I do not know who else to call, to honor or to glorify.
That his holy relic was granted a heavenly fragrance, after so many signs of his virtue, and after such a great victory against the devil, is another sign of his holiness to those who think about divine things, as a friend wrote who asked about St. Evdokimos. “However, he did not ultimately remain unknown to the end, because God glorifies those who glorify Him.” Would He therefore have glorified Adam and made the first angel incorrupt, had they not been conquered by love of glory? Of course he would have glorified them. But they lost the glory that they had, endangered by their love of glory.
Our St. Evdokimos fled from all love-of-glory throughout his whole life, and in his death, without wishing to be glorified from God. God glorifies all His saints to praise a life of virtue and godliness, and to censure a life of evil and passion.
For the life and miracles of St. Evdokimos of Vatopedi, see:
St. Evdokimos of Vatopedi, icon by Michael Hadjimichael (source)
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

St. Vlasios (Blaise) the Hieromartyr and Newly-revealed of Sklavaina, and St. Paisios

St. Vlasios (Blaise) the Hieromartyr and Newly-revealed of Sklavaina - Commemorated February 11th and December 19th (

The miraculous uncovering of the Relics of Saint Vlasios of Sklavaina (amateur translations)
One of these gifts from God to men is the revelation of St. Vlasios of Akarnanos and those martyred with him, in the year 1923 in the town of Palairou Sklavainon, Akarnanias. The small and unassuming town of Sklavaina is found at the base of the Mountains of Akarnanos a short distance from Palairou, and in the 1923 it was experiencing wondrous events.

For a few years before, the inhabitants of Sklavaina would see a priest in their sleep, who told them to dig to uncover his relics, indicating a certain place. None, however, knew where to dig, and fearing ridicule from others they kept it to themselves.  The only thing they did was to built an icon stand in the place where the Saint showed them he was buried, in the name of St. Vlasios, Bishop of Sebaste. The dreams, however, continued much more, and St. Vlasios became more austere. And again, however, there was still hesitation.

The Saint especially appeared to Ms. Euphrosyne Katsara, a sinple and pious woman who had dedicated her life to the worship of the Trinitarian God.

One night, Euphrosyne was staying at her daughter Sophia's house, who was suffering from typhoid fever and was on her death bed. During the night, while Euphrosyne was up praying, the room was illumined by an indescribable light and the doors and windows opened automatically. Amidst the light could be discerned the form of a venerable priest, dressed in a priestly stole, and holding a shepherd's rod in his hand. His form and appearance Euphrosyne discerned in detail, though her daughter could only see the light.

Then this priest turned towards Euphrosyne and told her: "Euphrosyne, I am St. Vlasios. Follow me that I may show you the place to dig to uncover my relics. I can't bear the sheep to trample upon me."

It should be noted that the tomb of the Saint had become a sheep pen.

Euphrosyne, astonished by what she experienced, took courage, and approached the Saint in all her simplicity: "My Saint, it is dark, and I would be eaten by wild dogs. And also, my child is very sick."

The Saint replied: "Follow me, Euphrosyne, and don't be afraid." And taking out a cross from around his neck, he made the sign of the Cross on her sick daughter. Then, Euphrosyne took courage and followed the Saint into the night.

The darkness, however, dissolved by the light of the Saint. Reaching a place about 100 meters from the Saint's house, he told her: "Dig here", and began to mark the dirt with his rod in a circle. Having returned Euphrosyne to her house, he disappeared. There, her daughter had greatly improved, and in a few days she was totally healed. From that time on, St. Vlasios would appear to her and guide her.

Euphrosyne faced disbelief and skepticism from her neighbors. The Saint, however, continued his appearances to others, so that Euphrosyne would be believed. And at one point they began to dig in the place where they were shown. Euphrosyne told them that she had been informed by the Saint that his relics would be found on the third day of their work. On the second day, however, the worker despaired of their lack of progress, and dropped his tools and left. He eventually returned at Euphrosyne's insistence, and thus they reached the third day of their work.

At noon, as they were ready to abandon their efforts, they hit something hard. Waves of emotion and hope hit all those around, and banished their disbelief. When they removed the covering, a heavenly fragrance filled the air. The holy relics of the Saint were found! Their joy was indescribable. Among the relics were found a cross and five nails that looked as if they had been made that instant, and a stone plaque which wrote the date of 1006.

Euphrosyne, having gathered the relics with reverence, cleaned them and placed them back in the tomb. And though it was raining, the rain and winds did not affect them.

Then St. Vlasios appeared again to her and said: "I am happy that you found my relics, but you did not uncover my skull. As a result, you should keep digging to uncover it from the earth." And in reality, they began their work again, and found the Skull of the Saint.

The Saint directed that they built the holy Altar of a Church, by the blessing of the then Metropolitan of Aitolias and Akarnanias, who had gone himself to the tomb of the Saint to dig. St. Vlasios appeared and guided the founding of his Church, appearing to people by day and ny night. He was among them and strengthened them.

After the founding of the Church, the Saint told Euphrosyne to go to Levkada to a certain man who would write the Icon of the Saint. The iconographer, however, depicted St. Vlasios, Bishop of Sebaste. At the Saint's wishes, he made a new icon as the Saint was described by Euphrosyne.

The tomb and holy relics of St. Vlasios of Sklavaina, as they appear today (

The life of St. Vlasios, as was revealed to the faihful
Details from the life and martyrdom of St. Vlasios were revealed to Euphrosyne, Fr. Arsenios Tsantalio, and Elder Paisios the Athonite.

St. Vlasios was an abbot or retired bishop in the Holy Monastery of the Entrance of the Theotokos, which was in the region of Sklavainon-Zaverdas, now Plairo. He endured death by martyrdom by muslim pirates together with his fellow five monastics, and a multitude of Christian laymen, women and children in his flock, for their faith in Christ. He was beheaded, having previously been slowly nailed with five nails in his body, as was revealed at the uncovering of his relics. The executioners tried to burn the Saint's body, but it did not burn. The Chistians who were saved returned and buried St. Vlasios, together with his five fellow martyrs, in a common tomb. The rest of the Christians were buried in a large mass grave.

Their martyrdom occurred on the 19th of December, a Sunday.

The revelations surrounding the life of St. Vlasios did not stop then when God was well-pleased to reveal his holy relics. Many other new facts came to light in recent years. The continuous appearance of the Saint, and his continuous wonderworking power at the appeal to his holy name placed him as a bright star in the firmament. Much more could be written about it...
(amateur translation of Greek text here:

The Church of St. Vlasios of Sklavaina, built on the site of his tomb (

St. Vlasios appears to Elder Paisios
Archimandrite Avgoustinos Katsabires had entreated Elder Paisios to pray that the newly-revealed St. Vlasios of Sklavaina would appear to him. He hoped to learn his appearance so he could write his icon.
It was the 21st of January 1980, the evening of the Sunday of the Prodigal Son. The Elder, having prayed at night in his cell with the prayer rope, saw appear before him amidst light an unknown Saint wearing a monastic mandya (of an abbot). Next to him on the wall of his cell, above the stove appeared the ruins of a Monastery. He felt indescribable joy and exultation, and wondered: "which Saint is this?" Then he heard a voice from the Church: "It is St. Vlasios from Sklavaina."
Out of gratitude, and to thank the Saint for the honor which he showed him, he traveled to Sklavaina to venerate his grace-flowing Relics...

Mr. Apostolos Papachristou mentions: "May 20th, 1980, the Elder came to my house in Agrinio with the desire to travel to Sklavaina of Xeromeros to venerate the holy Relics of St. Vlasaios of Sklavaina, after the Saint appeared to him in his cell. He stayed in our house one night and though he layed out clean linens for him, the Elder left them totally unused. When he went to Sklavaina, he venerated the Saint with prostrations, and taught all those around him.
Following this, the Elder ordered the icon of St. Vlasios from the Holy Monastery of the Holy Trinity, Koropi, Attica, having described the Saint's characteristics to the iconographer nun. When he received the icon, he was relieved, for she had exactly captured the Saint's image. He said: "It appears that the sister had piety and wrote this icon with prayer and fasting."
Every year he honored St. Vlasios' memory with a vigil alone in his cell. He, however, did not celebrate it on February 11th (the same day as the feast of St. Vlasios of Sebaste) when his memory is celebrated, but on December 19th, the day when he was martyred.
From the book: "The Life of Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain", Hieromonk Isaac, Mount Athos, 2004. (

St. Vlasios the Hieromartyr and Newly-revealed of Sklavaina, depicted as he appeared to Elder Paisios (

Apolytikion in the Third Tone (amateur translation)
A new sun has shone upon us, though you struggled in former years, by the revelation of your divine relics, O our father, Hieromartyr Vlasios, and you shine upon us with divine grace, therefore intercede with the Lord Who glorified you, that we be granted great mercy.

For the service to the Saint in Greek, see:
St. Vlasios of Sklavaina with his fellow martyrs (source)
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Selected hymns to St. Phanourios

Selected hymns to St. Phanourios.

Prosomia of the Stichera in the First Tone
O strange wonder! As a wondrous light, the noble Phanourios, has shown to those on earth, as a foretaste of the age to come. He deposed the unknown enemy through his feats of struggle, and the revealing of his divine church is made known to the ends of the earth. Therefore as we celebrate his holy memory, hymning the Savior, Who radiantly glorified him.

Strange is your steadfastness, O wise one! For you struggled in wrestling beyond nature, and you were shown great among athletes, O Phanourios, and being a newly-revealed sun of the Church of Christ, though you were hidden within the earth, you were radiantly glorified in the highest, and you shine with the rays of wonders on all those who flee to your speedy help, O Martyr.

Your praised struggle, O athlete of the Lord, O glorious Phanourios, which of old you endured for Christ lawfully, was made known to us through the revealing of your divine icon, to the joy of those who cry out to you: hail O boast of champions, support of the Church, and adornment and sanctification of all people of Rhodes.

Apolytikion (Troparion). Tone 4.

A heavenly song of praise is chanted radiantly upon the earth; the company of Angels now joyfully celebrateth an earthly festival, and from on high with hymns they praise thy contests, and from below the Church doth proclaim the Heavenly glory which thou hast found by thy labors and struggles, O glorious Phanourios.

Kontakion. Tone 3.
Thou didst save the Priests from an ungodly captivity, and didst break their bonds by Divine power, O godly-minded one; thou didst bravely shame the audacity of the tyrants, and didst gladden the orders of the Angels, O Great Martyr. Wherefore, we honor thee, O divine warrior, glorious Phanourios.

You manfully struggled, O martyr, in unknown years, and you mindfully overlooked the flower of youth, and for the love of Christ endured a multitude of tortures and death bravely. But according to God's judgments, the trophies of your struggle were hidden unknown in the depths. On the famed island of Rhodes, your church was revealed uncovered from the earth, in which was your all-precious icon as a treasure, from which your radiant struggle was made known, and the whole Church having knowledge of your athletic struggles, and your radiant boldness towards Christ, for armed with all things, through your wondrous intecessions, you drive away many forms of dangers and sorrows, and deliver from slavery, O divine warrior, glorious Phanourios.
(amateur translations from the Greek service here:, except as indicated above)

Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!