Akathist to St. Anastasia Pharmakolytria (The Deliverer from Potions)
Note: The service below is a translation found online from the Russian text. I edited it for grammar and readability, but without having knowledge of Russian or access to that text, there may some significant changes compared to the original text. May the Saint bless, protect and heal all those who are suffering throughout the world!
Troparion, Tone 4
The true namesake of the victorious Resurrection are you called, O martyr of Christ, who were victorious over your enemies with patience, on behalf of Christ, your Bridegroom, Whom you loved, pray to save our souls.
Kontakion, Tone 2
Those who are amidst the temptations and sorrows of life hasten to your temple, and are granted gifts from the Divine grace that lives in you, O Anastasia: do grant speedy healing for the world.
Kontakion 1
To the chosen saint of Christ, the all-blessed Great Martyr Anastasia, we bring praiseworthy singing, as she who has much boldness to the Lord, deliver from all troubles, sorrows and illnesses, the faithful who cry out freely with love: Alleluia.
Ikos 1
You have become like an angel with a pure mind, having had your mind upon Him, Who is the Creator of all visible and invisible creation, eternal from the beginning and the One desired by all the righteous; we, praising your wise teaching from the holy martyr Chrysogonus, cry out with love:
Rejoice, you who loved the faith of Christ;
Rejoice, you who followed the piety of your mother Fausta.
Rejoice, you who preserved the purity of your virginity;
rejoice, you who were always guarded invisibly by the angels.
Rejoice, for you have drawn near to God by your purity;
Rejoice, all-blessed Great Martyr Anastasia, holy visitor and intercessor for our souls in prison.
Kontakion 2
Saint Anastasia, beholding the many Christians suffering in dungeons for the name and teachings of Jesus Christ, began to serve them with zeal, but was helped by God to comfort and heal them, singing with reverence: Alleluia.
Ikos 2
O godly-wise Anastasia, you reasoned that this whole world is passing vanity and corruption, and for this, you despised precious clothing and possessions, and secretly clothed beggars, entering the dungeons to serve as a confessor of Christ; we follow her in our minds, and we appeal to her with love:
Rejoice, imitator of Christ;
Rejoice, visitor of prisoners in the dungeon.
Rejoice, consoler of the confessors of Christ;
Rejoice, you who have spent your gold and silver on them.
Rejoice, by them who have acquired the Kingdom of Heaven;
Rejoice, you who washed the hands and feet of the saints and cleaned their hair.
Rejoice, you who healed their ills and honestly buried their bodies;
Rejoice, all-blessed Great Martyr Anastasia, holy visitor and intercessor for our souls in prison.
Kontakion 3
Strengthened by power from above, holy martyr, you blessedly served the saints, and shamed the hater of every virtue the devil, enduring enslavement from your impious husband; we, praising your goodness, Anastasia, sing along with you: Alleluia.
Ikos 3
Have great love in the Lord for all who suffer for the Name of Christ in dungeons; we, marveling at her courage, crying to her:
Rejoice, chosen bride of Christ;
Rejoice, diligent keeper of the commandments of Christ.
Rejoice, for you have fulfilled this not in words alone, but in deeds;
Rejoice, you who were ready to lay down your life for your friends.
Rejoice, for you have received much bitterness for Christ;
Rejoice, for you have become like a strong diamond through your patience.
Rejoice, all-blessed Great Martyr Anastasia, holy visitor and intercessor for our souls in prison.
Kontakion 4
Your husband held you like a captive and a slave, O Saint Anastasia, and raised up a storm of fury against you, as an impious tormentor; we, remembering the bitterness from him and your suffering, sing to the Lord who strengthened you: Alleluia.
Ikos 4
Hearing, O Blessed Anastasia, that your holy teacher Chrysogonus had endured much for Christ, you followed him with your sufferings and secretly sung to him: "Teacher, I will die with you, and nothing else remains, if you let go of the spirit, I will fall dead beside you." We, wondering at your patience, say these things:
Rejoice, you who did not spare your honest flesh;
rejoice, you who spent days and nights at the feet of Christ.
Rejoice, you who wished to spend your wealth on God for the sake of the poor;
Rejoice, the one who works wisely.
Rejoice, one who has the care of those who suffer in bonds;
Rejoice, you who entered the Heavenly mansion eternally.
Rejoice, all-blessed Great Martyr Anastasia, holy visitor and intercessor for our souls in prison.
Kontakion 5
Like a godly star you appeared in the land of Rome, O great martyr Anastasia, and you visit those who suffer for Christ in dungeons and in their hearts confirm their faith, but they ever cry with you to God, the Savior of all: Alleluia.
Ikos 5
Seeing your God-bearing teacher Chrysogonus in persecution by this world, you commanded yourself, like the Prophet [David], to cry out: "Why are you downcast? Trust in God." (Psalm 43) we, remembering your grief and sorrow for your teacher, call out to you:
Rejoice, you who have placed all your trust in the Lord;
Rejoice, you who endured the oppression of the earthly kingdom for the sake of the Heavenly.
Rejoice, through your purity, you have been honored to live in heaven with the Angels;
Rejoice, you who draw near to God through your sorrows.
Rejoice, for through your prayers you deliver us from many sorrows;
Rejoice, for by your intercessions you free from temptations.
Rejoice, all-blessed Great Martyr Anastasia, holy visitor and intercessor for our souls in prison.
Kontakion 6
The whole Christian world preaches your honest exploits, Great Martyr Anastasia, and glorifies your sufferings, praises your martyrdom and sings to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 6
You shone greater than the sun with your virtues in the great city of Rome, when the prediction of your teacher, Holy Chrysogonus, about the death of your godless husband was fulfilled. Freed by God, you began to care for the martyrs of Christ with increasing zeal; we, looking with love at your deeds, say to you these things:
Rejoice, zealous helper for the suffering;
Rejoice, you who comforted the friends of Christ with divine words.
Rejoice, who had great care for the three virgins: Agapia, Chionia and Irene;
Rejoice, for you have strengthened those for the trial of martyrdom.
Rejoice, you who bore grief in your mind;
Rejoice, you who made your heart a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, you who were completely consumed by the fire of love for God;
Rejoice, for through your blood you have found His heavenly mansion.
Rejoice, for you have brought down the enemy of salvation through your courage;
Rejoice, all-blessed Great Martyr Anastasia, holy visitor and intercessor for our souls in prison.
Kontakion 7
The desire of holy Chrysogonus, the martyr, to die for Christ, was fulfilled with God's Providence: when you saw the honest relics of your passion-bearer teacher, kissing them kindly, you cried, from the depths of your soul you offered a song to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 7
Our Lord has given you a new grace and power, when you had perceived a calling to pass from city to city, visiting those sitting in chains. We, following your wandering, sweetly cry to you:
Rejoice, follower of the footsteps of Christ;
rejoice, servant of many saints.
Rejoice, you who were taken aback by Christ's purity;
Rejoice, glorified great martyr.
Rejoice, icon of your name-sake;
Rejoice, free cleansing of the faithful through your gold from the bonds of prison.
Rejoice, through your prayers you deliver us from the bonds of sinfulness;
Rejoice, you who sends forth healing to the sick.
Rejoice, for you raise up those near death by God's command;
Rejoice, all-blessed Great Martyr Anastasia, holy visitor and intercessor for our souls in prison.
Kontakion 8
Your wandering with the holy martyr Theodota was a gift for many: for the sick the gift of healing, for many who have died, you prepared burial, for those living, the strengthening of deeds of virtue; make us worthy, we who are unworthy, O saint, through your prayers, to chant with our reason to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 8
All the rooms of the dungeon were filled with your much weeping and wailing, when you came early according to your custom and did not greet even one prisoner, because that night, for the name of Christ, all those who were set aside by the command of the evil king, were all given death; we, remembering your grief for God's friends, cry out like this:
Rejoice, for you diligently searched for the servants of Christ in the dungeons;
rejoice, servant who found those in the Heavenly mansion.
Rejoice, you who had taken up the Lord's Cross with love on her body;
Rejoice, you who were honored everywhere to see the stripes of the Lord Almighty with intelligent eyes.
Rejoice, for through your love for your neighbors, you have acquired great boldness towards God;
Rejoice, all-blessed Great Martyr Anastasia, holy visitor and intercessor for our souls in prison.
Kontakion 9
Though you were threatened with wicked torture, O invincible passion-bearer, for denying the idols, you fearlessly cried out to them: "I am the servant of Christ, and I sing to Him day and night: Alleluia."
Ikos 9
The chief priest of the idols has spoken with you, that with flattery he might catch your holy soul; But you, having learned of all the cunning of the enemy, shamed the tormentor and transformed all evil to good, unquestioningly gazing at the instruments of torment and all the tortures; we, marveling at your courage, cry out with tender voices:
Rejoice, you who voluntarily left this whole, fleeting world;
rejoice, you who longed to receive various torments for Christ.
Rejoice, for you had chosen to go unto death with love;
Rejoice, for you astonished the tormentors with your patience.
Rejoice, for you have adorned the Church of Christ with your sufferings;
rejoice, you who trampled the demons under your feet.
Rejoice, all-blessed Great Martyr Anastasia, holy visitor and intercessor for our souls in prison.
Kontakion 10
Save all the people who desire you, help them with your prayers before the Lord, O great martyr, and ask for remission of the sins of those who honor your suffering, and who cry out with you: Alleluia.
Ikos 10
Saint Anastasia, you loved the Heavenly King with all your heart, and were thrown into prison on behalf of the Sweetest Jesus, crawling with hunger and melting away with thirst, you were strengthened by prayer; we, glorifying your great suffering, chant unto her these things:
Rejoice, follower of the passion of Christ;
rejoice, you who were adorned with victorious glory.
Rejoice, praise and glory of pious wives;
Rejoice, for you have transformed an earthly dungeon into the Heavenly Hall.
Rejoice, you who settled down there with the martyrs;
Rejoice, you who remember us by your prayer at the Throne of God.
Rejoice, speedy breaking of the bonds of sin;
Rejoice, you who drive away demons from people.
Rejoice, all-blessed Great Martyr Anastasia, holy visitor and intercessor for our souls in prison.
Kontakion 11
We offer our all-heartfelt singing to you, glorifying your suffering for Christ, and we pray to you: holy passion-bearer, ask the merciful Lord for all people for health, longevity and victory over enemies. But to us, who praise your torments, give peace and salvation, as we sing unto God forever: Alleluia.
Ikos 11
You followed with a bright and joyful face the suffering prepared for you by the tormentors, with a song with joy we cry out:
Rejoice, you who didst endure drowning in the sea by God's might;
Rejoice, you who were stretched out by your tormentors upon four pillars and thereby become like the Son of God Crucified on the Cross.
Rejoice, you who were burned with fire even unto death;
Rejoice, rich treasury of healings.
Rejoice, abundant vessel of the gifts of God;
rejoice, abundant performer of all good blessings.
Rejoice, all-blessed Great Martyr Anastasia, holy visitor and intercessor for our souls in prison.
Kontakion 12
Grace from above is sent down to all of us, flowing with love from the container of your relics, and we ask the Lord for forgiveness of our sins, and to those who are sick and suffering healing, and in thanksgiving, we all cry out God, Who is wondrous in the Saints: Alleluia.
Ikos 12
Singing of the feats of your torments freely endured for Christ, we bow down to your sufferings, O great martyr, and we honor your holy death and pray to thee: extend your help from heaven to us also, living in the darkness of passions and temptations, crying to you:
Rejoice, holy great martyr, who offered her body as a godly sacrifice in many different martyrdoms;
rejoice, dove, flying up to the Jerusalem on high.
Rejoice, pure and blameless bride of Christ;
Rejoice, spiritual censer, bringing incense to God for us.
Rejoice, for those who honor your memory and your sufferings have you as a mirror of the God-pleasing life;
Rejoice, you who speedily heal mental and bodily diseases.
Rejoice, bright image of life for all who hope to achieve a Christian end;
Rejoice, all-blessed Great Martyr Anastasia, holy visitor and intercessor for our souls in prison.
Kontakion 13
O long-suffering and delightful, holy great martyr Anastasia! Receive our present little prayer from your unworthy servants, brought to you with love, and ask Christ God for the remission of our sinful bonds, and, through your prayers, may we escape God's wrath and eternal condemnation, and may we be rewarded in the Kingdom of Heaven with you forever, chanting to God: Alleluia ...
(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)
Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia
O long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia, you stand with your soul in heaven at the throne of the Lord, and on earth, by the grace given to you, you perform various healings. Look with mercy on the people who are coming and praying before your relics, asking for your help: stretch out your holy prayers to the Lord for us, and ask us for the remission of our sins, healing for the sick, for the grieving and needy aid; pray the Lord, that He may He give all of us a Christian end and a good answer to His Terrible Judgment, that we may be honored with you to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!