Showing posts with label For help in poverty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label For help in poverty. Show all posts

Monday, December 14, 2020

Akathist to St. Spyridon of Tremithous the Wonderworker

St. Spyridon the Wonderworker (source)

Akathist to St. Spyridon of Tremithous, the Wonderworker

Kontakion 1

O holy hierarch and wonderworker Spyridon, who hast been glorified by the Lord! Celebrating now thy most honoured memory, with tenderness we cry out to thee, as one who art able greatly to assist us with Christ Who hath glorified thee: From all misfortunes and evil deliver us, that we may cry out to thee in thanksgiving: Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Ikos 1

Adorned from thy youth with all the virtues, and emulating the angels of Christ in thy life, O holy hierarch Spyridon, thou didst truly show thyself to be His friend. And beholding thee, the heavenly man and earthly angel, we cry out to thee with tenderness:

  • Rejoice, mind contemplating the mysteries of the All-holy Trinity;
  • Rejoice, thou who hast been enriched by the all-radiant splendour of the Spirit!
  • Rejoice, beacon of great brilliance;
  • Rejoice, thou who didst enlighten thy mind with dispassion!
  • Rejoice, thou who didst love true simplicity and serenity from childhood;
  • Rejoice, adornment of chastity!
  • Rejoice, inexhaustible torrent of love;
  • Rejoice, for thou didst emulate the hospitality of Abraham!
  • Rejoice, for in an abundance of love thou didst open the doors of thy house to all;
  • Rejoice, intercessor for the poor!
  • Rejoice, thou before whom men offer reverence;
  • Rejoice, for thou art the abode of the All-holy Spirit!
  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontakion 2

Beholding thine incorrupt relics, from which abundant healings flow, the island of Cyprus and all Christian lands rejoice, O holy hierarch; and, honouring thee as a fountain overflowing with grace sent down upon us from on high, we cry out to the ultimate Bestower of the good things of heaven and earth: Alleluia!

St. Spyridon the Wonderworker (source)

Ikos 2

Possessing divine understanding, while yet a shepherd of dumb sheep thou wast chosen to be the shepherd of the reason-endowed sheep by the providence of Christ the Chief Shepherd. And, understanding thee to be a good shepherd who showest untiring care for thy flock, the faithful cried out:

  • Rejoice, O high priest of God Most High, who received divine grace in abundance at thy consecration;
  • Rejoice, most luminous lamp, burning and shedding light!
  • Rejoice, faithful husbandman in the garden of Christ;
  • Rejoice, shepherd who nurtured thy flock on the meadow of faith and piety!
  • Rejoice, thou who hast illumined the world with the rays of thy virtues;
  • Rejoice, thou who offered the divine sacrifice at the throne of Christ!
  • Rejoice, hierarch adorned with the understanding of Orthodoxy;
  • Rejoice, thou who art full of the teaching of the apostles, giving drink to the faithful with the streams of the doctrine of salvation!
  • Rejoice, for thou didst shed light upon the wise;
  • Rejoice, for thou didst make new the hearts of the simple!
  • Rejoice, glory of the Orthodox and unshakeable foundation of the Church;
  • Rejoice, adornment of the Faith, glory and boast of reverent priests!
  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 3

Thou wast shown to be divinely wise by the power of the Most High which overshadowed thee, O holy hierarch Spyridon; and, grasping a tile in thy hand, thou didst manifestly demonstrate to all the Trinity of Persons in the Godhead. Wherefore, the philosophers of false knowledge assembled at the Council were stricken with awe, but the faithful glorified our unfathomable God Who made thee wise unto salvation, crying out to Him: Alleluia!

St. Spyridon the Wonderworker (source)

Ikos 3

All the Fathers of the Council, considering thee to be a simple man, unskilled in book learning, begged thee, O father Spyridon, not to enter in debate with the rhetor whom they thought to be wise. Yet, aflame with zeal for God, O holy hierarch, and believing that the preaching of Christ lieth not in the persuasive words of human wisdom, but in the manifestation of the Spirit and of power, thou didst most wisely reprove and admonish him, and didst guide him to the way of truth. And seeing this wonder, all cried out:

  • Rejoice, light of Orthodox wisdom;
  • Rejoice, for thou didst put to shame the disputers who were said to be wise!
  • Rejoice, abundant wellspring of grace;
  • Rejoice, unshakable tower holding fast those who are in the Faith!
  • Rejoice, thou who dost cast most pernicious heresy into darkness;
  • Rejoice, thou by whom foolishness was trampled underfoot!
  • Rejoice, for in thy hands the dust of the earth proclaimed the Holy Trinity;
  • Rejoice, for from the tile thou didst bring forth fire and water to confirm the dogma of the Holy Trinity!
  • Rejoice, for thou didst enlighten the people to glorify the Word Who is truly of one Essence with the all-unoriginate Father;
  • Rejoice, for thou didst crush the serpent’s head of the pernicious heresy of Arius!
  • Rejoice, for by thee was enmity slain;
  • Rejoice, thou who didst convert to the true Faith the unbelieving wise man who disputed with thee!
  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 4

Leading thy life in poverty and want, thou wast a nurturer and helper of the poor and unfortunate; thou didst transform a serpent into gold in thy love, and didst give it to one who asked thine aid. And marvelling at this miracle, we cry out to God in thanksgiving: Alleluia!

St. Spyridon the Wonderworker (source)

Ikos 4

It hath been heard by all and in every place, that the holy hierarch Spyridon is a habitation of the Holy Trinity; for God the Father, God the Word, and God the Holy Spirit dwelt within him. Wherefore, by word and deed thou hast preached the true incarnate God to all Christians, who cry out:

  • Rejoice, initiate of the mysteries of the words of God;
  • Rejoice, thou who hast made clear God’s blueprint for the salvation of the world!
  • Rejoice, for thou didst teach us not to test that which transcendeth the knowledge and wisdom of man;
  • Rejoice, thou who didst show forth the unfathomable power of God which worketh within thee!
  • Rejoice, for through thy mouth God Himself spake;
  • Rejoice, for all heeded thee, to their delight!
  • Rejoice, thou who didst drive away the gloom of idolatry;
  • Rejoice, for thou didst lead many to the true Faith!
  • Rejoice, for thou didst crush the heads of invisible serpents;
  • Rejoice, for through thee is the Christian Faith glorified!
  • Rejoice, for thou dost splendidly illumine all who call thee blessed;
  • Rejoice, champion of the Christian Faith and Orthodoxy!
  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 5

Thou wast full of the divine Spirit, O holy hierarch Spyridon, because of thy virtuous life; for thou wast meek, merciful, pure of heart, patient, not mindful of the evils done thee, and hospitable. Wherefore, the Creator hath shown thee to be most glorious in miracles; and, glorifying God Who hath glorified thee, we cry out to Him: Alleluia!

St. Spyridon the Wonderworker (source)

Ikos 5

We see Spyridon, the great wonderworker, as an equal of the angels. For once the land was stricken with drought and suffered greatly from the lack of water; and there was famine and contagion, and a multitude of men perished. But by the supplications of the holy hierarch rain fell from heaven upon the earth, and the people, delivered from this misfortune, cried out in gratitude:

  • Rejoice, thou who didst emulate the great Prophet Elijah;
  • Rejoice, for in due season thou didst bring down rain, dispelling famine and affliction!
  • Rejoice, for again by thy supplications thou didst close the sky up again;
  • Rejoice, for thou didst punish the pitiless merchant with the deprivation of his possessions!
  • Rejoice, for thou didst give food in abundance unto those who asked;
  • Rejoice, for thou didst move God to loving compassion for the people!
  • Rejoice, thou who takest away the weakness of the infirm;
  • Rejoice, helper of men, full of the grace of God!
  • Rejoice, thou who grantest health to the sick;
  • Rejoice, thou before whom the demons tremble!
  • Rejoice, wellspring of countless miracles;
  • Rejoice, fountain gushing forth the grace of God!
  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 6

The veil of the Old Testament tabernacle covered the ark, the manna and the tablets of the law in the Holy of Holies. And thy temple, O holy hierarch Spyridon, hath thy shrine as its ark, thy holy relics as manna, and thy heart as tablets of divine grace, whereon we see graven the hymn: Alleluia!

St. Spyridon the Wonderworker (source)

Ikos 6

Once, because iniquity had increased, the Lord punished the people of Cyprus. causing their land to become barren. When a farmer known to the holy Spyridon came, begging help, the saint gave him gold. But when the misfortune had passed, and that farmer returned the gold to the saint, – O, the wonder! – the gold turned into a serpent! Glorifying God, Who is wondrous in His saints, let us cry out:

  • Rejoice, for thou didst emulate Moses, who miraculously transformed his staff into a snake;
  • Rejoice, loving pastor, who deliverest the reason-endowed sheep of thy flock from misfortunes!
  • Rejoice, thou who dost abundantly enrich all with every good thing;
  • Rejoice, thou who, like Elijah, didst feed the poor!
  • Rejoice, thou who movest the pitiless to mercy;
  • Rejoice, example of love for men living in the world to emulate!
  • Rejoice, consolation of both believers and the unbelieving amid tribulations;
  • Rejoice, tree of goodly foliage, overshadowing our city and land!
  • Rejoice, glory and boast of Kerkyra;
  • Rejoice, thou who, by the grace of God, hast dominion over wet and dry weather, heat and cold!
  • Rejoice, thou who didst alter the laws of earth by thy prayer;
  • Rejoice, thou who didst foresee things to come as though they were in the present!
  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 7

Thou wast shown to be a mediator for all before the Lord, O holy hierarch Spyridon. Wherefore, we flee beneath thy shelter, seeking salvation; for we all have thee as our helper amid all necessity, during famine, deadly plague and all manner of misfortunes and trials. For this cause we cry out to God with thanksgiving: Alleluia!

St. Spyridon the Wonderworker (source)

Ikos 7

A new and magnificent wonder did we see, O father, when, going forth to deliver the man condemned to death though innocent, thou didst find a rushing torrent barring thy path; but thou didst command it to halt in the name of God Almighty, and didst cross the river with thy companions as though it were dry land. The fame of this miracle spread far and wide, and all glorified God, crying out to thee:

  • Rejoice, thou who didst cross the river, as once Joshua, son of Nun, crossed Jordan
  • Rejoice, thou who didst tame the rushing of the river by thy voice alone
  • Rejoice, for, moved by compassion, thou didst undertake a difficult journey
  • Rejoice, for thou didst expose the slander and deliver the innocent man from the bonds of imprisonment and a violent death
  • Rejoice, good fellow labourer in the Godly life
  • Rejoice, defender of those unjustly oppressed
  • Rejoice, thou who didst alter the laws of the nature of water
  • Rejoice, for thou didst admonish the judge and save the innocent from execution
  • Rejoice, true correction of souls
  • Rejoice, wondrous power which restrained the torrent
  • Rejoice, thou who dost make sweet the hearts of those who have recourse unto thee
  • Rejoice, emulator of Abraham’s love for man
  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 8

A stranger and sojourner wast thou on earth, as are all men. Yet from thy mother’s womb the Omniscient One showed thee forth to be a great favourite and wonderworker, O holy hierarch Spyridon; for thou expellest demons, healest every illness and wound, and perceivest the thoughts of men. Wherefore, thou art shown to be wondrous among the saints. And sending up supplication to God, the Benefactor of all, we cry out to Him: Alleluia!

St. Spyridon the Wonderworker (source)

Ikos 8

The whole world was seized with great awe when it heard that death giveth up the dead from the tombs at the sound of thy voice; and it cried out:

  • Rejoice, thou who recalled to life thine own dead daughter, to allow her to reveal the location of the treasure that the widow has entrusted to her
  • Rejoice, thou who didst console the grieving widow who had given gold into thine daughter’s care
  • Rejoice, thou who didst restore the dead boy to life
  • Rejoice, thou who didst revive his mother, who had died suddenly in her joy
  • Rejoice, for thou didst emulate Elijah, who by his supplications returned to life the son of the woman of Zarepath
  • Rejoice, for thou didst also emulate Elisha, who roused a boy from death
  • Rejoice, pastor who truly loved men
  • Rejoice, thou who, in the name of God, didst absolve the sins of the harlot who washed thy feet with her tears
  • Rejoice, thou who didst acquire the holy zeal of the pre-eminent apostle
  • Rejoice, for, at thy word, the unrepentant sinful woman died in her grievous sins
  • Rejoice, thou who in thine entreaties didst ask that the land yield abundant fruit
  • Rejoice, firm assurance of the resurrection of men
  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 9

Thou wast illumined with the radiance of the divine Spirit, O Spyridon, for thou didst possess the spirit of wisdom, since, by thy wise words, thou didst show the mindless ones to be foolish in the midst of the Fathers didst confirm the Faith. Thou didst also possess the spirit of understanding, in that thou didst enlighten the minds of the benighted, and didst likewise have the spirit of the fear of God, for thou didst continually purify thy soul with God-pleasing works. Wherefore, standing before the throne of the Most High, with the assembly of the angels thou dost chant unto Him: Alleluia!

St. Spyridon the Wonderworker (source)

Ikos 9

Receiving from the Lord Jesus, the Chief Shepherd, the staff of a shepherd of reason-endowed sheep, O holy Spyridon thou did not alter thy manner of life. Unacquisitive, meek, bearing all things for the sake of love, thou were not ashamed to care also for thine flock of dumb sheep. All of these things move us to glorify God and cry out to thee:

  • Rejoice, thou who disdained the glory of this world as vain;
  • Rejoice, thou who hast acquired great reward in the heavens!
  • Rejoice, thou who didst consider the beautiful things of this word to be as dung;
  • Rejoice, vessel of the good things of heaven!
  • Rejoice, most holy pasture of the inhabitants of Cyprus;
  • Rejoice, for, for thy sake, God bound with invisible bonds those who attempted to steal thy sheep!
  • Rejoice, thou who didst give fatherly admonition to the thieves;
  • Rejoice, thou who, in thy lovingkindness, didst make a present of a ewe-lamb to them after they had spent a night without sleep!
  • Rejoice, thou who didst, by the disobedience of the goat, reprove the merchant who consciously concealed the full payment for thereof
  • Rejoice, thou who didst bring to repentance the man who hid thy silver coins!
  • Rejoice, for thou didst cure him of the passion of love of gain by thine exhortation!
  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 10

O holy hierarch Spyridon, who savest the souls of the flock entrusted to thee by God, by the providence of God thou wast called to show forth thine own glory, and all the moreso the glory of the true God, even in other lands, that the name of God may be glorified everywhere by those who cry: Alleluia!

St. Spyridon the Wonderworker (source)

Ikos 10

The holy Spyridon, the speedy helper and aid amid every necessity and sorrow, travelled to the city of Antioch with the other pastors, where the Emperor Constantius was held fast by sickness. The holy hierarch touched his head and restored his health; and we, marvelling at this miracle, cry out to thee:

  • Rejoice, thou whom an angel revealed in a dream to the emperor as a healer
  • Rejoice, thou who, in thine old age, didst undertake a difficult journey for the sake of the love of God
  • Rejoice, thou who, following the Saviour’s commandment, didst turn thine other cheek to the servant of the emperor who struck thee
  • Rejoice, pillar of humility
  • Rejoice, thou who by thy supplications healed the emperor who besought thee with tears
  • Rejoice, for by thine own meekness thou didst admonish the servant and change his unmerciful character
  • Rejoice, for thou didst teach the emperor piety and loving kindness
  • Rejoice, for, despising the treasures of earth, thou didst not accept the emperor’s gold
  • Rejoice, for thou didst turn thine own disciple, Tryphillius, away from passion for earthly goods and didst make of him a vessel of the grace of God
  • Rejoice, for at thine arrival in Alexandria the idols toppled
  • Rejoice, thou to whom even the demons submit
  • Rejoice, for thou didst convert many from idolatry
  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 11

Angelic chanting was audible when thou didst offer up thine evening prayers in church, O holy hierarch Spyridon, yet there was none serving with thee. And the inhabitants of the city, hearing this marvellous chanting, entered the church and, seeing no one, chanted with the heavenly hosts: Alleluia!

St. Spyridon the Wonderworker (source)

Ikos 11

Thou wast a radiant sun for the world and a conversor with angels on earth, O holy hierarch Spyridon. Surrendering thy soul into the hands of God, thou didst depart for the mansions of heaven, where thou prayest for the world before the throne of the Master. And we who live on earth cry out to thee:

  • Rejoice, for, while yet alive, thou didst serve with the angels
  • Rejoice, thou who didst listen to the hymnody of the archangels
  • Rejoice, visible image of our transfiguration
  • Rejoice, for, when there was not enough oil in church, God filled the lamps with an abundance thereof for thy sake
  • Rejoice, lamp of divine radiance
  • Rejoice, vessel of the grace of God, which, like oil, filleth thy soul to overflowing
  • Rejoice, wellspring which can never dry up, who ever pourest forth torrents of grace upon all
  • Rejoice, thou at whom even the angels are amazed
  • Rejoice, thou who chastised the disobedience of the deacon in church
  • Rejoice, thou who deprived of voice and speech one who was enamored of his own voice
  • Rejoice, for, during the burning heat, a dew which suddenly descended from on high cooled thy sacred head
  • Rejoice, thou who didst foresee the approach of thy repose in this sign
  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 12

The protection and refuge of all the faithful during thy lifetime, O holy hierarch, thou hast not left us orphans since thy repose; for God, abrogating the laws of nature, hath preserved thy holy relics incorrupt for the strengthening of the Orthodox Faith and piety, and as a token of immortality. And glorifying Him, we cry out: Alleluia!

St. Spyridon the Wonderworker (source)

Ikos 12

We hymn thee, O holy hierarch of God, for thou has astonished the world with the miracles which flow from thy holy relics. For all who approach them and kiss them with faith receive the goodly things for which they ask. And glorifying God Who hath given thee strength, hath crowned thee with the wreath of incorruption, and worketh through thee, we cry out to thee:

  • Rejoice, thou who in time of famine didst appear to the ship-captains and didst command them to supply the people with food
  • Rejoice, thou who gavest sight to the blind who approached thy holy relics with faith
  • Rejoice, thou who healed the youth of his incurable ailment
  • Rejoice, thou who didst drive the demon from a woman, making her well
  • Rejoice, chosen general of Kerkyra
  • Rejoice, for thou expelled the horde of muslim infidels and didst sink their ships in the deep
  • Rejoice, thou whom they beheld surrounded by a crowd of angels, holding a sword in thy right hand, and who caused the enemy to tremble
  • Rejoice, thou who didst prevent the governor from building a church for himself in which to have mass celebrated with unleavened bread
  • Rejoice, thou who didst bring upon the Venetian governor a cruel death
  • Rejoice, thou who by lightning didst cause his portrait to burn in his palace in Venice
  • Rejoice, thou who hast put to shame the apostasy and false teaching of the West
  • Rejoice, thou who hast confirmed for men that only the Orthodox Faith is true and leads to salvation
  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontaktion 13

Accepting this our entreaty, O all-wondrous holy hierarch of Christ, father Spyridon, deliver us from all tribulations and assaults, strengthen the hierarchy of our Church against all heresies and schisms, grant us remission of our transgressions, and rescue from everlasting death all who for thy sake cry out to God: Alleluia!

St. Spyridon the Wonderworker (source)

The above Kontaktion is said three times, then continue with the below:

Ikos 1

Adorned from thy youth with all the virtues, and emulating the angels of Christ in thy life, O holy hierarch Spyridon, thou didst truly show thyself to be His friend. And beholding thee, the heavenly man and earthly angel, we cry out to thee with tenderness:

  • Rejoice, mind contemplating the mysteries of the All-holy Trinity;
  • Rejoice, thou who hast been enriched by the all-radiant splendour of the Spirit!
  • Rejoice, beacon of great brilliance;
  • Rejoice, thou who didst enlighten thy mind with dispassion!
  • Rejoice, thou who didst love true simplicity and serenity from childhood;
  • Rejoice, adornment of chastity!
  • Rejoice, inexhaustible torrent of love;
  • Rejoice, for thou didst emulate the hospitality of Abraham!
  • Rejoice, for in an abundance of love thou didst open the doors of thy house to all;
  • Rejoice, intercessor for the poor!
  • Rejoice, thou before whom men offer reverence;
  • Rejoice, for thou art the abode of the All-holy Spirit!
  • Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

Kontakion 1

O holy hierarch and wonderworker Spyridon, who hast been glorified by the Lord! Celebrating now thy most honoured memory, with tenderness we cry out to thee, as one who art able greatly to assist us with Christ Who hath glorified thee: From all misfortunes and evil deliver us, that we may cry out to thee in thanksgiving: Rejoice, O Spyridon, most miraculous wonderworker!

St. Spyridon the Wonderworker (source)


O all-blessed and holy hierarch Spyridon, thou great favourite of Christ and most glorious wonderworker! Standing in heaven with the choirs of angels before the throne of God, look down with merciful gaze upon the people who stand here before thee and beseech thy mighty aid. Entreat the compassion of God Who loveth mankind, that He judge us not according to our iniquities, but that He deal with us according to His mercy. Ask for us of Christ our God a peaceful and undisturbed life, health of soul and body, bounty from the earth and abundance and prosperity in all things; and that we turn not the good things given us by our compassionate God to evil, but rather to His glory and the glorification of thine aid. Deliver all who approach God with unwavering faith from all retribution and from the assaults of the demons. Be thou a comforter for the grieving, a physician for the afflicted, a helper amid temptations, a shelter for the naked, an aid to the widowed, a defender of the orphaned, a nourisher of infants, a strengthener of the aged, a guide to travellers; and beg thou for all who are in need of thy mighty help all things which conduce to salvation, that, guided and protected by thy prayers, we may attain unto everlasting rest and with thee may glorify God Who is worshiped in the Holy Trinity: the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen


St. Spyridon the Wonderworker (source)

Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Paraklesis to St. Spyridon the Wonderworker (chanted in Greek)


Paraklesis to St. Spyridon the Wonderworker (chanted in Greek) (source)
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

St. John Chrysostom on Job's Suffering as Consolation

Holy Prophet Job (source)
St. John Chrysostom on Job's Suffering as Consolation
On both sides, beloved, reap the utmost gain, and avoid the imitation of Adam knowing how many ills are begotten of laziness and imitate the piety of Job, learning how many glorious things spring from earnestness. Consider him, the conqueror throughout, and you shall have much consolation in all pain and peril. For as it were in the common theatre of the world that blessed and noble man stands forth, and by means of the sufferings which happened to him, discourses to all to bear all things which befall them nobly and never give in to the troubles which come upon them. For verily, there is no human suffering which cannot receive consolation as a result. For the sufferings which are scattered over the whole world, these came together, and bore down upon one body, that of Job. What pardon then shall there be for him who is unable to bear with thankfulness his share of the troubles which are brought upon him? Since he appears not bearing a part only, but the entire ills of all men, and in order that you may not condemn the extravagance of my words, come, and let us take in hand severally the ills that came upon him, and bring forward this fulfillment of them.
And if you wish, let us first bring forward that which seems to be the most unendurable of all, I mean poverty, and the pain which arises from it. For everywhere all men bewail this. Who was poorer, then, than Job, who was poorer than the outcasts at the baths and those who sleep in the ashes of the furnace, poorer in fact than all men? For these, indeed, have one ragged garment, but he sat naked, and had only the garment which nature supplies, the clothing of the flesh, and this the Devil destroyed on all sides with a distressing kind of decay. Again, these poor folk are at least under the roof of the porches at the baths and are covered with a shelter, but he continued always to pass his nights in the open air, not having even the consolation of a bare roof. And what is still greater, the fact that these are conscious of many terrible evils within themselves, but he was conscious of nothing against himself. For this is to be noticed in each of the things which happened to him, a thing which caused him greater pain, and produced more perplexity; the ignorance of the reason of what took place. These persons, then, as I said, would have many things with which to reproach themselves. And this contributes much to consolation in calamity; to be conscious in oneself of being punished justly. But he was deprived of this consolation, and while exhibiting a conversation full of virtue, endured the fate of those who had dared to do extreme wickedness. And these folk who are with us, are poor from the outset, and from the beginning are experienced in calamity. But he endured calamity in which he was unexperienced, undergoing the immense change from wealth. As then the knowledge of the cause of what takes place, is the greatest consolation; so it is not less than this, to have been experienced in poverty from the beginning and so to continue in it. Of both these consolations that man was deprived, and not even then, did he fall away. Do you see him indeed come to extreme poverty, even in comparison with which it is impossible to find a fellow? For what could be poorer than the naked who has not even a roof over him? Yes rather not even was it in his power to enjoy the bare ground, but he sat upon the dunghill. Therefore whenever you see yourself come to poverty, consider the suffering of the just one, and straightway you shall rise up, and shake off every thought of despondency. This one calamity therefore seems to men to be the groundwork of all sufferings together.
And the second after it, yes rather before it, is the affliction of the body. Who then was even so disabled? Who endured such disease? Who received or saw any one else receive so great an affliction? No one. Little by little, his body was wasted, and a stream of worms on every side issued from his limbs; the running was constant; the evil smell which surrounded him was strong, the body being destroyed little by little, and decaying with such putrefaction, used to make food distasteful; and hunger was to him strange and unusual. For not even was he able to enjoy the nourishment which was given to him. For he says, “I see my food to be loathsome” (Job 6:7). Whenever, then, you fall into weakness, O man, remember that body and that saintly flesh, for it was saintly and pure, even when it had so many wounds. And if any one belong to the army, and then unjustly and without any reasonable pretext, be hanged upon the pillory2, and has his sides rasped to pieces, let him not think the matter to be a reproach, nor let him give way to the pain when he thinks upon this saint. But this man, says one, has much comfort and consolation in knowing that God was bringing these sufferings upon him. This indeed especially troubled and disturbed him, to think that the just God Who had in every way been served by him was at war with him. And he was not able to find any reasonable pretext for what took place, since, when at least he afterwards learned the cause, see what piety he showed, for when God said to him “Do you think that I have had dealings with you in order that you might appear righteous?” (Job 40:8), he says while conscious-stricken, “I will lay my hand upon my mouth, once have I spoken but to a second word I will not proceed,” (Job 40:4, 5), and again “as far as the hearing of the ear I have heard you before, but now mine eye has seen you, wherefore I have held myself to be vile, and am wasted away, and I consider myself to be earth and ashes” (Job 42:5, 6).
But if you think that this is sufficient for consolation, you will yourself also be able to experience this comfort. And even if you do not suffer any of these misfortunes at the hands of God, but owing to the insolence of men — and yet give thanks and do not blaspheme Him Who is able to prevent them indeed, but Who permits them for the sake of testing you — just as they who suffer at the hands of God are crowned, so also you shall obtain the same reward, because you have borne nobly the calamities which were brought upon you from men and did give thanks to Him Who was able indeed to hinder them, but not willing.
Behold, then! You have seen poverty and disease, and both in the extremest degree brought upon this just man. Do you wish that I should show you the warfare at nature’s hands, in such excessive degree waged then against this noble man? He lost ten children, the ten at one fell swoop, the ten in the very bloom of youth, ten who displayed much virtue, and that not by the common law of nature, but by a violent and pitiable death. Who could be able to recount so great a calamity? No one. Whenever, therefore, you lose son and daughter together, have recourse to this just man, and you shall find altogether much comfort for yourself. Were these, then, the only misfortunes which happened to him? The desertion and treachery of his friends, the gibes, raillery, mockery and derision, and the tearing in pieces by all was something intolerable. For the character of calamities is not of such a kind, that they who reproach us about our calamities are inclined to vex our soul. Not only was there no one to soothe him, but many from all sides troubled him with taunts. And you see him lamenting this bitterly and saying, “but even you, too, fell upon me” (Job 19:5). He calls them pitiless and says, “My neighbors have rejected me, and my servants spoke against me, and I called the sons of my concubines, and they turned away from me” (Job 19:14, 16). “And others,” he says, “sport upon me, and I became the common talk of all (Job 19:9, 10). And my very raiment,” he says, “abhorred me” (Job 9:31). These things at least are unbearable to hear, still more to endure in their reality, extreme poverty, and intolerable disease new and strange, the loss of children so many and so good, and in such a manner, reproaches and gibes, and insults from men. Some indeed mocked, some reproached, and others despised; not only enemies, but even friends; not only friends, but even servants, and they not only mock and reproach, but even abhorred him, and this not for two or three, or ten days, but for many months; and (a circumstance which happened in that man’s case alone) not even did he have comfort by night, but the delusions of terrors by night were a greater aggravation of his misfortunes by day. For that he endured more grievous things in his sleep, hear what he says “why do you frighten me in sleep, and terrify me in visions?” (Job 7:14). What man of iron, what heart of steel could have endured so many misfortunes? For if each of these was unbearable in itself, consider what a tumult their simultaneous approach excited. But nevertheless he bore all these, and in all that happened to him he sinned not, nor was there guile in his lips.
Let the sufferings of that man then be the medicines for our ills, and his grievous surging sea the harbor of our sufferings, and in each of the accidents which befall us, let us consider this saint, and seeing one person exhausting the misfortunes of the universe, we shall conduct ourselves bravely in those which fall to our share, and as to some affectionate mother, stretching forth her hands on all sides, and receiving and reviving her terrified children, so let us always flee to this book, and even if the pitiable troubles of all men assail us, let us take sufficient comfort for all and so depart. And if you sayest, he was Job, and for this reason bore all this, but I am not like him; you supply me with a greater accusation against yourself and fresh praise of him. For it is more likely that you should be able to bear all this than he. Why, you ask? Because he indeed was before the day of grace and of the law, when there was not much strictness of life, when the grace of the Spirit was not so great, when sin was hard to fight against, when the curse prevailed and when death was terrible. But now our wrestlings have become easier, all these things being removed after the coming of Christ; so that we have no excuse, when we are unable to reach the same standard as he, after so long a time, and such advantage, and so many gifts given to us by God. Considering therefore all these things, that misfortunes were greater for him, and that when the conflict was more grievous, then he stripped for the contest; let us bear all that comes upon us nobly, and with much thankfulness, in order that we may be able to obtain the same crown as he, by the grace and lovingkindness of Jesus Christ our Lord, with whom be glory to the Father together with the Holy Spirit, now and always and for ever and ever. Amen.
Excerpt from a 12th century illuminated manuscript of the Book of Job from Great Lavra, Mount Athos, depicting the Pre-incarnate Logos speaking to Job "through the whirlwind and clouds" (Job 38:1), coming to console and vindicate him (source)
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Akathist to St. Kosmas Aitolos, the New Hieromartyr and Equal-to-the-Apostles

St. Kosmas Aitolos the New Hieromartyr (source)
Akathist to St. Kosmas Aitolos, the New Hieromartyr and Equal-to-the-Apostles, New Enlightener of Greece
Kontakion in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone.
The all-praised and valorous one among the New Martyrs, and the God-inspired root of Aitolia, let us hymn Kosmas, crying out with one voice: Through your intercessions before the Compassionate One, deliver those who honor you from dangers, that they might cry to you: Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
You appeared to be an Angel guiding all of Greece, revealing things divine, O Kosmas, (3) and through your preparation in a godly manner, you made the teachings of the Hagarenes to disappear. Therefore, we offer to you this graceful ode, and cry out these things:
Rejoice, through whom Christ is glorified,
Rejoice, through whom the enemy is deposed.
Rejoice, the all-glorious son of Aitolia,
Rejoice, the thrice-joyous nourisher of piety.
Rejoice, multicolored crown of pious priests,
Rejoice, unfading rose of holy athletes.
Rejoice, treasure of impoverished Greeks,
Rejoice, you who dissipate faithless foreigners.
Rejoice, you who fight against the armies of atheists,
Rejoice, you have joined the choirs of the Saints.
Rejoice, through whom the multitudes are made to remember,
Rejoice, through whom the faith is strengthened.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
You loved the life of virginity and purity from a young age, and you hastened to Panagia's Mountain [Athos] with insatiable desire for asceticism, O Kosmas, ever crying out with joy: Alleluia.
Truly, the divine darkness seized your nous from the things of the earth in an awesome manner, O Kosmas, and desiring the life pleasing to God, you dwelt in the Monastery of Philotheou. Therefore, you became a type for all those who cry out these things:
Rejoice, teacher of chastity,
Rejoice, mystic of hesychia.
Rejoice, the most-sacred canon of earthly and heavenly things,
Rejoice, radiant robe of virgins.
Rejoice, high hard to climb of mystical visions of God,
Rejoice, voluminous tome of ineffable thoughts.
Rejoice, you who deprived yourself of comforts,
Rejoice, you who rent slavery for those upon the earth.
Rejoice, whose way of life equaled the Angels in all things,
Rejoice, divine spouse of poverty.
Rejoice, merchant of purity,
rejoice, fighter against evil.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
You poured forth your holy prayer which served as an antidote against teachings and thoughts of sin, and against the dishonorable assaults of the passions filled with stench, and, O godly-minded one, you proceeded as a sword against them, crying out to the Savior: Alleluia.
Though you brought joy to the ranks of the bodiless Angels, who beheld the height of your godly knowledge, how could the multitudes of the people not hasten to praise you with words, O Champion? For they gather today to honor your memory and to cry out to you, O God-bearer:
Rejoice, grape-cluster of reverence,
Rejoice, shield of manliness.
Rejoice, possessor of heavenly streams,
Rejoice, you who fill with amazing graces.
Rejoice, deposer of the passions of the demons,
Rejoice, you who sought the repose of the Bodiless.
Rejoice, you who partake of the desirable things for those who love God,
Rejoice, you who stood against pleasures in a manly manner.
Rejoice, radiant chosen one of the Trinity,
Rejoice, tiller of the Holy Mountain.
Rejoice, perfect knower of love,
Rejoice, you who obtained eternal life.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.

Living upon the Holy Mountain in the divine Spirit, you tasted of heavenly gifts, and became a light shining upon a stand, driving away the darkness of passions that afflict the soul, O all-blessed one, as you cried out in mind the hymn: Alleluia.
St. Kosmas Aitolos (source)
They came as lions with terrible cries upon the human-minded people under the yoke [of slavery], and you arose and went to them, bringing the voice of Paul, as you in all things were poor like him. Therefore, we cry out to you:
Rejoice, the adornment of the Angels,
Rejoice, the foundation of orators.
Rejoice, you who corrode enemy tyrants,
Rejoice, beloved one of the greatly-pained Greeks.
Rejoice, for you dispersed the bonds of faithlessness,
Rejoice, for you warm the souls of those in bonds.
Rejoice, eternal shame for those who deny Christ,
Rejoice, heavenly peace of the Orthodox.
Rejoice, vessel of manliness in soul,
Rejoice, joyous diadem of the Venerable.
Rejoice, you who exalt the horn of the faithful,
Rejoice, you who rout the ranks of the enemies.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
As God-slaying beasts, many were enraged by you, O God-bearer, but through your asceticism, you became like sparrow, O divine Kosmas, being arrayed with beauty in soul, and with fasting and prayer, you cried out with your voice ceaselessly: Alleluia.
Your divine inspiration to deliver from mania, aroused the children of Hagar to slay you, as you bore the prayer of [Christ] the Arch-Sacrifice, while the manly race of Greeks cries out:
Rejoice, offspring of Aitolia,
Rejoice, adornment of Macedonia.
Rejoice, divine hyacinth of Epirus,
Rejoice, fragrant narcissus of Illyria.
Rejoice, you who fortified Nafpaktos and Agrapha with gifts,
Rejoice, you who honored Skiathos and Skopelos with teachings.
Rejoice, lyre of Corfu,
Rejoice, trumpet of Parga.
Rejoice, unassailable wall of Zitsa,
Rejoice, godly boast of Konitsa.
Rejoice, moon-bearing lamp of Cheimarras,
Rejoice, pride of all of Greece.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
O Father, through your preaching of piety and the dogmas of the Fathers, you condemned the lynching by atheism, boldly chanting against those who deny Christ and drying up their currents, while you honored the Holy Trinity, teaching them to cry out: Alleluia.
Having been withered by the grace of your words, the children of Hagar cast their webs to catch you like a spider, O Kosmas, and you were shown to be perfect to the ranks of other faiths, and to you we cry out in song:
Rejoice, light of Ioannina.
Rejoice, pasture of theologians.
Rejoice, you who changed the mindset of thieves,
Rejoice, you who revealed the fall of the murderer.
Rejoice, equal of Paul and radiant type.
Rejoice, newly-founded surrounding wall of Venerable Champions.
Rejoice, for you foretold of the deliverance of the Ionian,
Rejoice, for you foresaw the fall of the tyrants.
Rejoice, for you spoke beforehand of the rising of Klada,
Rejoice, for you told of the deposition of many.
Rejoice, you who cast to the ground the storm of the enemies,
Rejoice, you who hated earthly wealth.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
The Greek people gathered from the multitude of your words as dripping honey, as they were shown the way of salvation through your words chosen by God, for you spoke to mankind, O one blessed by God, who now chant along with you: Alleluia.
St. Kosmas Aitolos (source)
You appeared as a new Paul in these latter years, and through your journeys and struggles, O Champion, you dissolved the godless army of the Hagarenes, as you directed your nous to the things of Heaven, as we cry out to you:
Rejoice, theologian and preacher,
Rejoice, soul-nourishing teacher.
Rejoice, deliverer of the woman from the demons,
Rejoice, censurer of bitter adulterers.
Rejoice, greatly-beloved flower that gives fragrance to the faithful,
Rejoice, unassailable wall that drives back the enemies.
Rejoice, you who sowed the word of piety,
Rejoice, you who brought light to those in the shadows of sin.
Rejoice, eternal spring of graces,
Rejoice, true and calm harbor.
Rejoice, O Kosmas, adornment of priests,
Rejoice, O Kosmas, divine adornment of the whole world.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
A truly strange sight by men working evil, as they saw the choir of the faithful listening to your words, O all-joyous one, and their souls were transformed, as they were compelled to cry out with you, O wise one: Alleluia.
The God-bearing Prophet, in the land of Epiros, spoke the word of the Lord, seeing beforehand that the mountains of Levkados would be a perfect refuge for people, as you blessed the ends of the world, while the multitudes cry out to you these things:
Rejoice, astonishment of those of other races,
Rejoice, deliverance of our race.
Rejoice, boldness for the leaders of the Greeks,
Rejoice, pain for those Hebrews who hate Christ.
Rejoice, for you wondrously cut off the storm at Souliou,
Rejoice, for you speedily cast out the pride of the atheists.
Rejoice, for you hasten to the prayers of the pious,
Rejoice, for you shake the thrones of the impious.
Rejoice, radiant knowledge of grace,
Rejoice, chaste vessel of faith.
Rejoice, fellow mouth of the poor,
Rejoice, tongue of enslaved peoples.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
Breathing rage, the God-killers fell upon you, the offspring of Aitolia, and Champion Kosmas, while you revealed Christ to them, and they spoke in whispers, while the faithful cried out: Alleluia.
You poured forth the waters of piety through your newly-granted graces, granting the sweetness of healings, and watering all, O ever-memorable one, who hymn your glorious memory, and cry out to you:
Rejoice, waves of gifts,
Rejoice, protector of sacred dogmas.
Rejoice, you who lifted up well-adorned women,
Rejoice, you who cast down men who are lovers of wealth.
Rejoice, for you made to triumph the fighters for unity,
Rejoice, for you made foolish the leaders of the world powers.
Rejoice, for you healed the burdens of the poor,
Rejoice, for you made the wealthy nation disappear.
Rejoice, all-perfect sacrifice of Christ,
Rejoice, our ready defender.
Rejoice, the deliverer from all trials,
Rejoice, savior from incomparable dangers.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
You blew the new trumpet of salvation, revealing the Kingdom of Christ. For through your abundant teachings, you made to wither the fires of passion, teaching those who heard you to ceaselessly cry out: Alleluia.
St. Kosmas Aitolos (source)
You desired to die amidst the pains of martyrdom more than anything, O Hieromartyr, as you sought to be hung on behalf of Christ, O Father of Champions, and you were made crimson through your precious blood, O Kosmas graced by God, and therefore we all cry out to you:
Rejoice, God-bearing Martyr,
Rejoice, great trophy-bearer.
Rejoice, you who were zealous willingly for feats [of martyrdom],
Rejoice, you who willingly desired to wrestle [the enemy].
Rejoice, you who joyously were baptized in fire and water,
Rejoice, you who astonished the enemy through the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, for you showed the way of endurance,
Rejoice, for you dissipate the choir of the lawless,
Rejoice, stranger to the ways of the [worldly] life,
Rejoice, mighty worker, causing trembling in the demons.
Rejoice, defender of many pregnant women,
Rejoice, victory of Orthodox peoples.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
You guide us all to offer up hymns of doxology, in honor of your precious head, as you say, along with the Prophet David: "We have passed through the fire of the lawless, and have come to repose", and to the Lord you cry out: Alleluia.
You enlighten the multitudes with light, as you were shown to be a pillar and our teacher through your martyrdom, and through the streams of your blood, you watered the ranks of other peoples, who are astonished at your deeds, and who cry out along with us:
Rejoice, fellow-traveler of the Righteous,
Rejoice, Saint of the Greeks.
Rejoice, you who gladdened the ranks of the Venerable Saints,
Rejoice, you who increased the feast of the Martyrs.
Rejoice, for you have blessed the ends of the earth,
Rejoice, for you given thanks to the Giver of life.
Rejoice, all-fragrant pasture of Priests,
Rejoice, all-praised pride of Champions.
Rejoice, free healer of the sick,
Rejoice, ever-flowing stream of wonders.
Rejoice, unemptying spring of miracles,
Rejoice, you who partake of the pastures of freedom.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
Through the grace of the Paraclete [the Comforter], your Body was taken up from the waters by Mark, who rejoiced as one who found gold tried in the furnace, and which was then hidden within the earth by your children, O one blessed by God, as they cried out in reverence the hymn: Alleluia.
As we chant to you melodiously, we praise your end, as ones who are lovers of Martyrs, for you willingly were sacrificed for Christ like a lamb, and through your faith poured forth your blood, astonishing us all, as we cry out to you these things, O God-bearer:
Rejoice, radiant founder of crowns,
Rejoice, new guide of the Venerable Saints.
Rejoice, august Temple of the Trinity,
Rejoice, wise teacher of men.
Rejoice, divine adornment of Orthodox Monastics,
Rejoice, height hard to climb of supreme virtues.
Rejoice, for you adorned the earth of Illyria,
Rejoice, for you watered the gardens of Greece.
Rejoice, ode chanted to Christ,
Rejoice, dwelling-place of the pure life.
Rejoice, partaker of eternal nourishment,
Rejoice, joiner in the table with the Angels.
Rejoice, O all-glorious Father.
O all-praised Father, the adornment of the Orthodox, and Hieromartyr of the Lord, Kosmas, (3) we who cry out from the depths of our heart, entreat you to never cease to intercede for us, strengthening those who hymn you, and who cry out to the Savior: Alleluia.

And again, the Kontakion.  
St. Kosmas Aitolos (source)
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Fr. Andreas Konanos: "When things don't go your way"

This is a great talk from the noted speaker, Fr. Andreas Konanos (in Greek, with English subtitles) on the topic of "When things don't go your way". Fr. Andreas' humor, wisdom, and joyful anecdotes and advice are very helpful, as he discusses how to face difficulties in life, illnesses, afflictions, temptations and how to achieve peace and endurance amidst trials (source)
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Paraklesis to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

St Nicholas the Wonderworker (source)
Note: May this be offered in prayer to St. Nicholas, that through his intercessions to the Lord, that mercy, life, peace, health, salvation and visitation may be granted to all those sick and suffering throughout the world, and especially, that he grant peace, unity, forgiveness and reconciliation to the Orthodox churches threatened with divisions, hatred and enmity. Archbishop Elpidophoros also recently requested the parishes of the GOA to consider praying the Paraklesis for St. Nicholas' blessing and intercessions, especially entreating for his help rebuilding his church at Ground Zero. May the Saint's blessing we with us all, and may we imitate his love for Christ and for his fellow men! Also, please note that the text below is not set to the Byzantine musical meter.
Paraklesis to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The Priest says the "Blessed is our God...", followed by the Psalm "O Lord hear my prayer..." (Psalm 142).

Tone 4.
God is the Lord and has revealed Himself to us, blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord. (x4, with verses)

Troparion in the Fourth Tone.
Let us hasten to the all-sacred Icon of the Hierarch, O faithful, and cry out to him, we who are drowning in many sins: Hasten, O Nicholas, Hierarch of the Lord, that through your holy intercessions to the Lover-of-mankind, that we all may be delivered from every danger, sadness and corruptions, and terrible illness.

Apolytikion of the Saint of the Church.

Both now. Theotokion.
O Theotokos, we shall never be silent...

Then Psalm 50.
St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (source)
Ode I. Plagal of the Fourth. The Charioteers of Pharaoh.
 O Saint of God, intercede for us.
Through your prayers, O sacred Nicholas, entreat God that the dark cloud of my sadness would be dispersed, O all-blessed one, that I may be filled with gladness and joy, for you stand before the King of all.

O Saint of God, intercede for us.
I am surrounded by the storms of passions on all sides, and a frenzy of thoughts. Make my soul vibrant and guide me safely to the harbor of the will of Christ, through your prayers, that I might glorify you, O Nicholas.

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
The fellow-dweller of the Apostles and the Venerable you were shown to be, ever full of divine radiance. Show those who venerate your sacred Icon today to be partakers of light through your prayers, O all-blessed Nicholas.

Both now and forever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.
O Spotless One, you received within your womb the uncontainable fire, I entreat you with faith that you deliver me from Gehenna, and from the multitude of my offenses, and deliver me from Hell, through your fervent prayer.

Ode III. You are the foundation.
That we might glorify you and praise you as is proper, grant us peace, O blessed Nicholas, through your intercessions.

Through your fervent entreaties, O Nicholas, cut off the assaults of afflictions, we pray.

Deliver me, O Nicholas, from the passions and temptations that surround us, and the multitude of dangers, through your intercessions, and save me.

I have you, O All-Spotless One, as the protector of my life, and an unassailable wall, therefore, I do not fear my passing from this vain life.

Deliver your servants from dangers, O Theotokos...

Look down on me...

And the Priest makes the entreaty.

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Source)
Ode IV. I have hearkened.
Hasten to deliver me, O Nicholas, from the multitude of illnesses and many offenses that I have fallen into, O All-Sacred One, through your intercessions to the Master.

You delivered three innocent young men from death; hasten to deliver me, O Nicholas, from eternal condemnation.

I am justly condemned, for I have lived my life in heedlessness and I am wretched. Through your intercessions, O Saint Nicholas, guide me on the path of repentance.

Cleanse me from filth, and raise me up who am dead, O Ever-virgin Theotokos, you who gave birth to Him Who gave life to the dead.

Ode V. Why do you deprive from me.
Unflinching in mind, you ascended to the Lord on high, from Whom you received the grace of the greatest wonders, O blessed Nicholas. Therefore, deliver your entreaters from dangers and illnesses.

At your divine memory, O Nicholas, the multitude of Priests rejoice, and the choirs of the Faithful partake of your wonders and are nourished with joy, and they hymn you as their own protector and call upon you O great one.

Being radiant with divine light, your heart was truly shown to be Paradise, in the midst of which the Lord placed the Tree of Life. Entreat Him, O Father, that your servants partake of the nourishment of Paradise and of glory.

I have placed in you, O Lady, all of my hopes for salvation. Therefore, I entreat you, do not disdain me who am terribly storm-tossed by the waves of temptations, but grant me your help, as your Son did to Peter, and save me.

Ode VI. My entreaty.
I am tossed about by the storm of dangers, but they have not been able to drown me, O Blessed One, for I have been ever enriched to have you as my Guide towards the calm harbor, and that I might reach Heaven through you, O Hierarch Nicholas.

Have compassion on your servants, O All-Blessed One, and grant them health and deliverance as one good who loves mankind by nature, and deliver from dangers and trials through your divine intercessions to God, O Nicholas of godly mind.

You once were seen to deliver young generals from death, O Father, in like manner, deliver us from every trial and illness, O Nicholas, that I might honor your memory with fervor.

O Lover-of-Good, through your fervent intercessions, raise me up from my heavy sleep and laziness, and do not let your servant sleep unto death, for I inscribe you as my protector and guide in life.

Look down with compassion, O Blessed Nicholas, and through your intercessions, deliver our souls from every danger, for your entreaters.

O Spotless One, who by a word did bring to us the Word eternal...

And the Priest reads the entreaty.

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (source)
Kontakion in the Fourth Tone.
The rays of your wonders, O Nicholas, have illumined everything under the sun, and you dissolve the clouds of trials and relieve the attacks of dangers, for you are a most-fervent protector.

Your Priests, O Lord, are clothed with righteousness, and your Righteous Ones shall rejoice. (2)
The Righteous will boast in glory, and will rejoice upon their beds.
Your Priests, O Lord, are clothed with righteousness, and your Righteous Ones shall rejoice.
The Gospel according to Saint John (10:1-9)
Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber; but he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the gatekeeper opens; the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. A stranger they will not follow, but they will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.” This figure Jesus used with them, but they did not understand what he was saying to them.So Jesus again said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and robbers; but the sheep did not heed them. I am the door; if any one enters by me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.

Through the intercessions of the Hierarch, O Lord of mercy, wash away my many personal offenses.

Both now.
Through the intercessions of the Theotokos...

Plagal of the Second. Having placed all their hopes.
O Merciful One, have mercy on me...
I have passed all my life in heedlessness, and I have reached my end, having been shown to be fruitless and foolish, O Surpassingly Good One, and I only have shown forth evil deeds that now burden me and are hard to bear, O Lover of mankind. Through Your mercy, incline to drive them away, and grant me contrition and a saving return, through the fervent intercessions of Nicholas, O God, whose intercessions I offer to you, along with her who gave birth to you.

The Priest says the "Save O God, Your people..."

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (source)
Ode VII. The Hebrew Children
You were shown to be a deliverer of those who travel, and a protector of widows, a harbor for orphans, and an enricher of the poor. Therefore, deliver us from dangers through your intercessions.

You work strange wonders for those far off at sea and for everyone under the sun. Ever hastened to deliver those who are suffering and delivering them from illnesses and dangers.

You are seen to be the Physician of all those with illnesses and dangers, O thrice-blessed Nicholas. Therefore, heal the affliction of my soul and grant me strength through your godly intercessions.

Lift up your hands, O Virgin, to the compassionate God and King, that through your mighty intercessions, your entreaters be delivered from terrible temptations and illnesses and dangers.

Ode VIII. The King of Heaven.
Save those who are now sinking into the depths of temptations, and save your entreaters, O Nicholas, granting them deliverance through your intercessions.

As one nourished in the pastures of Heaven, O Blessed One, make those who hymn you to partake of that glory, and deliver them through your prayers.

Having been illumined by the unapproachable Light, O Father, shine upon the souls of those who are in trials, dissolving all of the dark clouds of their temptations.

You, O Lady, were made worthy to give birth to the most-compassionate Savior of the world, therefore, I hastened to your fervent help.

Ode IX. Saved through you, O Theotokos.
All creation has come to know, O Blessed Nicholas, of your virtues and the abyss of your wonders, therefore, she rejoices and names you as her protector.

O All-blessed Nicholas, save from dangers your entreaters, who glorify you with faith, for you are an imitator of the Savior worthy of wonder.

As you are nourished with heavenly good, in the divine Bridal Chamber, O Father Nicholas, blessed by God, save us and cover us through your protection.

O Mary Theotokos, please make good again my soul that was made evil through sin, and make me to be a partaker of eternal good things.

Truly it is proper to call you blessed...
St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (source)
O Blessed Nicholas, do now stand beside us as a protector and guardian, and deliver all of us from all kinds of dangers, all those upon the earth and the sea, those who fervently call upon you and magnify you.

Rejoice, the steadfast pride of the Fathers, and the pure adornment of the Trinity, the protector of the faithful, and the helper and protector of those who sail, O Father Nicholas.

In sicknesses, we have you as our Physician, in dangers, our deliverer, a guide for orphans, and enricher of the poor, and savior of those upon the sea, and joy of those in sorrows, O wise Nicholas.

We have you as a protector for orphans and widows, the feeder of the hungry, the enricher of the poor, the deliverer of captives, and savior of those sailing, O All-blessed one, wise Nicholas.

All the ranks of Angels...

Then the Trisagion, followed by the Apolytikion of the Saint: "The truth of things have revealed thee to thy flock..." Then the entreaty by the Priest, the Apolysis, followed by the hymns:

Second Tone. When from the tree.
You received grace richly from God to bestow healings for those under your protection, O Saint Nicholas, and for those who hasten to you, drive away the demons, and incurable passions, through your protection. Therefore, we entreat you: intercede with the Lord, that we who hymn you may be all delivered from dangers.

Lady do you receive...

My numerous hopes are placed...
St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Fervent Protector (source)
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!