Friday, April 17, 2020

St. Gabriel of Georgia on the Crucifixion of Christ

The Crucifixion of Christ (source)
Our beloved Elder Gabriel...During Holy Week, he didn't like distraction, he didn't tell jokes, he didn't laugh, he was very thoughtful.

He experienced the great sin which mankind committed--the Crucifixion of Christ.

On Great Friday, in a frightened, loud and mournful voice, he shouted: "Help ... Help ...! Christ carries on his shoulders the Cross to Golgotha ...! "

No one could remain without tears in church. The parishioners were astonished and wept bitterly...

During the Liturgy, he said the following from the Ambo with tears in his eyes:
"Do not abandon Panagia! Now she is suffering! Now, all Orthodox Christians are close to the Mother of God...Who would dare to abandon her? We must be near her...She is a Mother! She suffers for the tortures and the death of her Son!"

After all that he had seen and heard, all of the church believed that he had seen with his eyes the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ..."
-from the book "The Diadem of the Elder" on St. Gabriel the New Confessor of Georgia

St. Gabriel of Georgia kneeling before Christ (source)  
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!

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