Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Monastery of Sts. Raphael, Nicholas and Irene, Griva, Goumenissa, and a "Resurrection" by the Saint

Christ is risen! Truly He is risen!
Sts. Raphael, Nicholas and Irene the Newly-revealed (source)

A “Resurrection” by St. Raphael
On June 21st 1995, 46 year old Katerina N. T., an inhabitant of Kalamarias, Thessaloniki, after a terrible car accident, was transferred to the Hospital “Papanikolaou” with a serious cranioencephalic condition: her skull on her forehead was traumatized, and her meninges, blood and soil were mixed together on her forehead. After five hours in the operating room, they took her to the ICU. Objectively, the doctors did not give her any hope of living, not even one in a million, and they said that if she would live, she would be a “vegetable”. Her relatives, full of agony regarding her state, but also with deep faith, all night entreated St. Raphael.

The next day they learned that there would be a vigil at the Holy Hesychasterion of the Precious Forerunner, Metamorphosi, Chalkidiki, where they took part and gave her name to be commemorated in the Holy Proskomidi [Oblation]. They left with souls less burdened, full of hope in God, even though the medical state of the sick woman was hopeless.

The next evening, the medical information was disheartening. Some doctor told them that the cranioencephalic damage was so severe that he could not leave them any hope, other than if she could get a “head transplant”! The mother, when she returned to the ICU after a few days, could not recognize her daughter if the nurse had not pointed her out to her!

Sunday June 25th, they went in the morning to the Monastery of St. Raphael in Griva of Goumenissa. The Metropolitan of Goumenissa, Demetrios, was serving Divine Liturgy, and he told them not to loose hope, but to entreat the Saint, and he will work his miracle, as so many unbelievable miracles had occurred up to that point. They kneeled with tears and prayed in the Paraklesis which they asked to be served after the Divine Liturgy. They took holy oil and water. They then descended to the Holy Monastery of Panagia in Goumenissa, and were received with pain of soul before the wonderworking icon that this miracle might occur.

Daily they served Paraklesis to St. Raphael and to other saints in Thessaloniki. In the daily Divine Liturgies and holy Paraklesis services at the Monastery, they would continuously remember the name of the sick woman.

On July 2nd and 9th, both Sundays, at dawn all her relatives again ascended to the Holy Monastery for Divine Liturgy, and gave a prosphoro with the name of the sick woman, praying with deep faith and hope, kneeling with tears in the Paraklesis after the Divine Liturgy.

On July 9th, there happened to also be a busload of pilgrims from Kozani who also prayed with them fervently, chanting along with them “Lord have mercy” in the Paraklesis.

The next day, after 18 days in the ICU, the sick woman recovered! The miracle had occurred. The objectively negative scientific prognostications were reversed! And while the previous days there was a significant risk of meningitis or stroke, ultimately, the Grace of God prevented these dangers. They transferred her to the Neurosurgical Clinic, from which she was discharged. When she recovered somewhat, they ascended as a family to the Monastery and had Divine Liturgy served.

She entered the Hospital again for plastic surgical repair of the bone of her forehead on September 20th, and again, on October 10th for another procedure on her eye and on her jaw. All of the surgeries were successful. After the most recent test, Professor F. confirmed that there was no more problem, despite her near death adventure.

In August, the woman who was healed, one night in her sleep saw that someone was knocking on her door, and opening it, she saw St. Raphael. She entreated him to come into her home to help her, but the Saint told her: “You don't have any more need, you are no longer in danger.” She awoke full of joy for the protection of the Saint.

And her husband was made worthy to see the Saint once in his dream fully alive in their house, for the first time. In the beginning, he did not understand who he was, and he was afraid of this unexpected visitor. The Saint blessed him, telling him to not be afraid, because he came for their good.

The whole family confesses the great miracle which St. Raphael worked for Katerina. They visit the Monastery routinely, to express their deep thanks to this wonderworking Saint of God.

Several times, it happened that the policeman Demetrios T. was also present as a pilgrim together with his family. He was the policeman who first raced with his car to meet the scene of the accident. Seeing her state, he could not believe that she could be saved, and however, with deep faith, he crossed her with holy oil of St. Raphael, which he always keeps with him in his car, and he entreated for his intercessions for her.

It is true that this event was a “resurrection”. Our brother and friend who is a surgeon in that Hospital ICU said clearly: “I remember at that time three 'corpses'; one of them was raised!”
(amateur translation of text from source)
The Holy Monastery of St. Raphael, Griva, Goumenissa (source)
The Monastery of Sts. Raphael, Nicholas and Irene, Griva, Goumenissa, Greece
The Holy Monastery of St. Raphael is found on the verdant slope of the Paikou Mountain, at a height of 600 meters, with a view of the valley of Axiou, in the area of Griva, 7km from Goumenissa, Kilkis [about 1 hour from Thessaloniki].

It is a men's monastery. It was founded in 1992 by the Metropolitan of Goumenissa Demetrios and his synodeia, and it is the fruit of a special reverence towards the newly-revealed martyred Saints Raphael, Nicholas and Irene, who appeared during our era (1959-1962), 500 years after their martyrdom.

It celebrates on the Tuesday of Bright Week (Monday evening to Tuesday morning after Pascha), on the day when the Saints were perfected in martyrdom in Thermi of Lesvos, 1463. Furthermore, they also especially celebrate the feasts of the Holy Myrrhbearers, and St. Basil the Great, to whom are offered chapels in their honor in the original building complex of the Monastery.

The Katholikon of the Monastery (source)
The main church of the Monastery (the “Katholikon”) is dedicated to Sts. Raphael, Nicholas and Irene. There are also two chapels dedicated to Sts. Peter and Paul, and to the Apostle Andrew.

Special care was given to the architecture of the church which joins the Athonite form with designs from Constantinople (a central dome, four surrounding domes, a dome above the Holy Altar, choirs, chapels, a dome in the narthex, and an external patio).

Due to the complex and costly construction, the church is still not fully finished. For the completion of the church, donations can be sent to the Ethniki Trapeza 250/601365-19.

In the Monastery are preserved portions of the Holy Relics of: Sts. Raphael, Nicholas and Irene, St. Mary Magdalene the Myrrhbearer, and a small portion of the Precious Cross, given by the Blessed Patriarch Diodoros of Jerusalem to Metropolitan Demetrios.

The Holy Relics of Sts. Raphael, Nicholas and Irene treasured by the Monastery (source)
Liturgical program:
Divine Liturgy daily until 9AM, Sundays until 10AM.
Vespers and Paraklesis: 5PM.
Holy Unction: The first Sunday of every month, after Vespers.

St. Raphael: Tuesday after Pascha
St. Basil (Divine Liturgy on January 1st)
Finding of the Relic of St. Nicholas (Divine Liturgy on June 13th)
Sts. Peter and Paul the Apostles (Divine Liturgy on June 29th)
The Veneration of the Precious Cross (September 14th)
St. Andrew the Apostle (Divine Liturgy on November 30th)

Vigils (8PM-2AM):
The Finding of the Relic of St. Raphael (June 22-23)
St. Mary Magdalene (July 21-22)
The Finding of the icon of the Christ Pantocrator (August 1-2)
St. Catherine (November 24-25)

The Monastery remains open from 7AM until sunset.

Fervent request to pilgrims:
The Monastery is a place of Divine Worship, honor of the Holy Martyrs, and prayer and ascesis of the monks. Because of this, please respect the holiness of the place, and the religious consciences of the other pilgrims.

Do not come to the Monastery with improper clothing (e.g. women with low-necked garments, short skirts, pants, and any provocative outfits, and men with shorts).

The Monastery has many publications (including many miracles of the Saints) and many recordings of services. See the link below for some of the titles.

The Holy Monastery of St. Raphael,
Griva, 613 00 Goumenissa
Telephone: 23.430-20.270
Fax: 23.430-20.271
Email: agiosrafailgriva [at]
Litany with the icon and holy relics of Sts. Raphael, Nicholas and Irene (source)
Christ is risen from the dead, by dead, trampling down upon death, and to those in the tombs, He has granted life! Truly the Lord is risen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Proseuxitheite na mas lutrosei o theosTapo tis ereunes euxaristoume tis farmakeutikes