St. Xenia of St. Petersburg, the Righteous Fool-for-Christ and Wonderworker (source)
Akathist to St. Xenia of St. Petersburg
Kontakion I
O holy and blessed Mother Ksenia,
chosen favorite and fool for the sake of Christ, who elected to
undergo the struggle of patience and the suffering of affliction, we
who honor your holy memory offer you hymns of praise. Help us against
our enemies, visible and invisible, that we may cry unto you:
Rejoice, O blessed Ksenia, who ever intercedes for our souls!
Ikos I
After the death of your husband, O
blessed Mother, you sought the life of the angels and rejected the
beauty of this world and all that is in it—the lust of the eyes,
the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life; and you acquired the
understanding of Christ. Wherefore, you hear these praises which we
offer unto you:
Rejoice, for you were the peer of
Andrei, the fool for the sake of Christ!
Rejoice, for you renounced your own
name, referring to yourself as dead!
Rejoice, for you assumed foolishness
and took the name of your husband, Andrei!
Rejoice, for you called yourself by a
man’s name, renouncing woman’s weakness!
Rejoice, because for the sake of Christ
you accepted voluntary poverty!
Rejoice, for you distributed all your
substance to good people and to the poor!
Rejoice, for by your foolishness you
have taught us to reject the vain wisdom of this age;
Rejoice, good comforter of all who have
recourse to you in prayer!
Rejoice, for you were full of wisdom
transcending the world!
Rejoice, for you preferred mockery and
ridicule to earthly glory!
Rejoice, for you have been glorified by
Rejoice speedy helper in times of
trouble and despair!
Rejoice, O blessed Ksenia, who ever
intercedes for our souls!
Kontakion II
Perceiving your manner of life as
strange, for you spurned your home and all worldly riches, your
kinsmen in the flesh thought you deranged; but the people of Saint
Petersburg, seeing your humility, lack of acquisitiveness, and
voluntary poverty, sang unto God:
Ikos II
O blessed Ksenia, you hid the
understanding given to you by God under an apparent mindlessness; and
amid the vanity of the great city you lived like a desert-dweller,
unceasingly offering your prayers up to God. And, marveling at your
manner of life, we cry out to you in praise:
Rejoice, for you took upon your
shoulder the heavy cross of foolishness which God had given you!
Rejoice, O blessed one who bore it
without hesitation!
Rejoice, for you hid the radiance of
grace under an assumed insanity!
Rejoice, for your foolishness was most
Rejoice, for through extreme humility
and feats of prayer you acquired the gift of clairvoyance!
Rejoice, for you showed forth this gift
for the benefit and salvation of the suffering!
Rejoice, for you beheld the sufferings
of the people clairvoyantly, as from afar!
Rejoice, for your prayers brought
relief to those in pain and distress!
Rejoice, for you prophesied to the good
woman the birth of a son!
Rejoice, for you entreated God, that He
grant that woman a child!
Rejoice, for you hurry to entreat the
Lord on behalf of your neighbors!
Rejoice, for you have taught all to
flee to God in prayer!
Rejoice, O blessed Ksenia, who ever
intercedes for our souls!
Kontakion III
By the power given to you by God from
on high, you manfully endured burning heat and bitter cold,
crucifying your flesh and the passions and lusts. Wherefore,
enlightened by the Holy Spirit, you cried out unceasingly unto God:
Ikos III
With the sky as your roof and the earth
as your bed, O blessed one, you spurned the comfort of the flesh for
the sake of the Kingdom of God. And we, beholding your manner of
life, cry out to you with compunction:
Rejoice, for you gave your earthly home
to the people!
Rejoice, for you sought and received
the shelter of heaven!
Rejoice, for you possessed nothing that
was earthly, but enriched all spiritually!
Rejoice, O treasurehouse of the gifts
of heaven!
Rejoice, for you accounted every
material thing as nothing!
Rejoice, for you were thus freed from
every loss!
Rejoice, for you endured hunger and
cold in ragged clothing!
Rejoice, for by your life you teach us
Rejoice, for you showed forth the love
of God for all!
Rejoice, for you have been adorned with
the fruits of piety!
Rejoice, for you showed the world
patience and guilelessness!
Rejoice, O our fervent intercessor
before the throne of the Most High!
Rejoice, O blessed Ksenia, who ever
intercedes for our souls!
Kontakion IV
The tempest of life which assailed
Saint Petersburg you weathered by meekness and guilelessness, O
blessed Mother, and you acquired dispassion toward this corrupt
world; therefore, you sing unto God:
Ikos IV
Hearing of you, that, having endured a
multitude of afflictions for Christ’s sake, you comfort the
sorrowful, strengthen the weak and guide the lost to the straight
path; the suffering hasten to your aid, singing unto you:
Rejoice, for you loved the path of
Christ with all your heart!
Rejoice, for you joyfully bore the
Cross of Christ!
Rejoice, for you endured every offense
offered you by the world, the flesh, and the devil!
Rejoice, for you thus emulated the
ascetics of the desert!
Rejoice, for you were full to
overflowing with the gifts of God!
Rejoice, for you freely bestow
spiritual gifts upon those in need!
Rejoice, for you showed love for your
Rejoice, for you offered consolation to
the suffering!
Rejoice, for you shed unceasing tears
of repentance!
Rejoice, for you wipe away the tears of
those who weep!
Rejoice, for you sought neither comfort
nor warmth for yourself!
Rejoice, for you were wondrously warmed
by the grace of the Holy Spirit!
Rejoice, O blessed Ksenia, who ever
intercedes for our souls!
Kontakion V
Your holiness, O blessed Ksenia, was
like a divinely guided star illumining the sky of Saint Petersburg;
for unto all perishing in the madness of sin you showed the path of
salvation, calling all to repentance, that they might cry out to God:
Ikos V
Seeing your feats of prayer and your
endurance of heat and cold, pious folk sought to alleviate your
sufferings, offering you clothing and food; but you distributed all
these things to the poor, desiring to maintain your struggle. And we,
marveling at your voluntary poverty, cry out to you thus:
Rejoice, for you willingly endured
burning heat and freezing cold the sake of Christ!
Rejoice, for you were warmed by the
indwelling of the Holy Spirit!
Rejoice, for you remained continually
in prayer!
Rejoice, for you never tire in
interceding for mankind!
Rejoice, for by all-night vigils in
prayer you preserved Saint Petersburg from misfortunes!
Rejoice, for many times you averted
from it the wrath of God!
Rejoice, for every day of the year you
prayed at night in a field!
Rejoice, for by your fervent tears you
warmed the cold earth!
Rejoice, for you tasted the sweetness
of paradise in poverty of spirit!
Rejoice, for in this sweetness you left
behind all earthly things!
Rejoice, for you abide wholly in God!
Rejoice, for you delight in the bridal
banquet of your Master!
Rejoice, O blessed Ksenia, who ever
intercedes for our souls!
Kontakion VI
All who have been delivered by you from
different ailments, misfortunes and sorrows—the rich and the poor,
the old and the young—proclaim the holiness of your life, O blessed
one of God; therefore, and glorifying you, we cry out unto God:
Ikos VI
The glory of your struggles shone
forth, O blessed Mother, when at night you secretly carried stones
for those who were erecting the Church of the Smolensk Icon of the
Mother of God, lightening the tasks of the builders; and mindful of
this, we sinners cry out to you such things as these:
Rejoice, for you teach us to perform
virtuous deeds in secret!
Rejoice, for you call all to feats of
Rejoice, for you aided those who were
building the churches of God!
Rejoice, for you loved the holiness of
the Church!
Rejoice, for you labor for the Lord of
the vineyard!
Rejoice, for you ease our labors on the
path of salvation!
Rejoice, for you continually call upon
the name of the Lord!
Rejoice, O speedy helper of those who
have recourse unto you!
Rejoice, for you have found rest in
Christ your Master!
Rejoice, O good comforter of all the
Rejoice, for you sanctified your city
by your painful footsteps!
Rejoice, O heavenly aid of the city of
Saint Petersburg!
Rejoice, O blessed Ksenia, who ever
intercedes for our souls!
Kontakion VII
Desiring to deliver from sorrow the
mourning physician who had buried his wife, you commanded a certain
maiden to hasten to Okhta, there to take him as her husband and to
console him. And they did as you said, singing unto God in joy:
Ikos VII
A new wonder you revealed in your
prayer, O blessed Mother, when you said unto a pious woman: "Take
a five-kopek piece, and it will go out!" thus prophesying that
fire would strike her house; and at your supplication the flame of
the fire was extinguished. Therefore, mindful of these things, we cry
out praises unto you:
Rejoice, for you unceasingly grieved
over your sins!
Rejoice, for you extinguish the sorrows
of the people!
Rejoice, for you bore suffering in body
and soul!
Rejoice, for before God you show forth
boldness for the suffering!
Rejoice, O inextinguishable lamp
burning brightly in prayer to God!
Rejoice, O our intercessor amid
misfortunes and perils!
Rejoice, for you save from perdition
those beset by the passions!
Rejoice, for you turn pious virgins
away from marriage with unbelievers!
Rejoice, for you crucified your flesh
with constant mortification!
Rejoice, for you deliver from despair
those who have been wounded by a curse!
Rejoice, for your defender was the Most
Rejoice, O speedy defender at an unjust
Rejoice, O blessed Ksenia, who ever
intercedes for our souls!
Kontakion VIII
As a homeless wanderer you trod the
path of your life in the capital city of Russia, bearing afflictions
and reproaches with great patience; and, abiding now in the heavenly
Jerusalem, in joy you sing unto God:
You were all things to all, O blessed
Ksenia—comfort for the sorrowful, protection and defense for the
weak, joy for the grieving, clothing for the poor, healing for the
sick; therefore, we cry out unto you:
Rejoice, for you dwell in the mansions
on high!
Rejoice, for you pray there for us
Rejoice, O good one, who shows us a
model of service to God!
Rejoice, O provider of our every need!
Rejoice, O protectress of the
persecuted and oppressed!
Rejoice, for you by your supplications
help the Orthodox people!
Rejoice, for you endured much
affliction and grief!
Rejoice, for you defend the afflicted
who pray to you!
Rejoice, for you rebuke those who abuse
their fellows!
Rejoice, for you put to shame
unbelievers and those who babble!
Rejoice, for you were clothed in rags
and tatters!
Rejoice, for God has adorned you with
the splendid raiment of righteousness!
Rejoice, O blessed Ksenia, who ever
intercedes for our souls!
Kontakion IX
O blessed Mother, you endured all
illness, bodily poverty, hunger and thirst, and the reproach of
iniquitous people who considered you to be insane; yet, praying to
the Lord, you continually cried out to Him:
Ikos IX
Even the most eloquent of orators are
unable to understand how by your foolishness you reproved the madness
of this world, and by your weakness you put the mighty and wise to
shame, for they do not know the power and wisdom of God which are in
you; but we, receiving your aid, sing to you such things as these:
Rejoice, O bearer of the divine Spirit!
Rejoice, for with the Apostle Paul you
boasted in your weakness!
Rejoice, for you reproved the world by
your feigned foolishness!
Rejoice, for you spurned the glamour of
this world for the sake of salvation!
Rejoice, for you disdained the
beautiful things of this earth!
Rejoice, for you loved the good things
of heaven with all your heart!
Rejoice, for you were attentive unto
the inner voice of the Lord!
Rejoice, for you call us to the path of
Rejoice, O dread denouncer of
drunkenness as a sin!
Rejoice, for you were renowned for your
kindness and love!
Rejoice, O holy protectress of the
Orthodox family!
Rejoice, for in Christ you found
comfort for your sorrows!
Rejoice, O blessed Ksenia, who ever
intercedes for our souls!
St. Xenia of St. Petersburg (source)
Kontakion X
Desiring to save your soul, you
crucified your flesh with its passions and lusts; and, utterly
denying yourself, you set your cross upon your shoulder and followed
after Christ with all your heart, singing unto Him:
Ikos X
You are a firm rampart and an
unassailable refuge for those who pray to you, O Mother Ksenia;
therefore, by your supplications help us against our enemies, visible
and invisible, that we may cry to you:
Rejoice, for you worked diligently in
the garden of Christ!
Rejoice, for you move us to spiritual
Rejoice, for through steadfastness of
faith you escaped the devil’s snares!
Rejoice, for you deliver us from the
snares of the enemy!
Rejoice, for you offered yourself unto
God like incense in a censer!
Rejoice, for you bring the peace of God
into the hearts of the people!
Rejoice, for you shed rays of Christian
love upon all!
Rejoice, for you extinguish the spirit
of malice in the hearts of the oppressed!
Rejoice, for you impart blessing unto
good children!
Rejoice, for by mystic supplication you
heal their ailments!
Rejoice, for through foolishness you
attained heavenly wisdom!
Rejoice, for you have shown forth the
wisdom of God to the afflicted world!
Rejoice, O blessed Ksenia, who ever
intercedes for our souls!
Kontakion XI
Those who have been saved from
misfortunes, sorrows and all dangers offer you hymns of praise, O
blessed Ksenia, and with you joyously sing unto God:
Ikos XI
Your life, O holy Mother, has been
shown to be a radiant light illumining the people amid the darkness
of this life; for you have delivered those who have fallen into the
mire of sin and directed their path to the light of Christ.
Therefore, we cry out to you:
Rejoice, O favorite of Christ, who,
while in the world, lived above the world!
Rejoice, for you enlighten the Orthodox
with the light of God!
Rejoice, for you by your many labors
acquired great grace!
Rejoice, for you shone forth with the
grace of God in the darkness of sin!
Rejoice, for you set your hope upon the
Rejoice, for on the path of salvation
you give a helping hand to the desperate!
Rejoice, for you were clad in the
brilliant robe of unwavering faith!
Rejoice, for you strengthen those who
are weak in the Faith!
Rejoice, for you were renowned for your
kindness and love!
Rejoice, for you put to shame the
spirits of malice!
Rejoice, for your ways were those of an
ascetic of the wilderness!
Rejoice, for by your manner of life you
amazed the angels!
Rejoice, O blessed Ksenia, who ever
intercedes for our souls!
Kontakion XII
You pour forth grace in abundance upon
those who honor your memory and flee to your protection, O blessed
Ksenia; therefore, upon us who pray to you do also pour forth streams
of healing from God, that we may cry out to Him:
Ikos XII
Hymning your many wonders, O blessed
Mother, we praise you and entreat you with all our heart: Forsake not
us sinners amid our grievous circumstances, but beseech the Lord of
hosts, that we fall not away from our Orthodox Faith, but that,
strengthened in it by your prayers, we may cry out to you:
Rejoice, for you teach us to have
sympathy for the suffering!
Rejoice, for you bear our infirmities
with all your heart!
Rejoice, for you instruct us to crucify
the flesh, together with the passions and lusts!
Rejoice, for you come to our aid amid
every spiritual battle!
Rejoice, for you hear our every
Rejoice, O intercessor and protectress
of those who honor your memory!
Rejoice, for you traveled the path of
Rejoice, for you thereby obtained
everlasting salvation!
Rejoice, for you give joy to those who
hasten to your tomb!
Rejoice, for you are a speedy helper in
every misfortune!
Rejoice, for your light has shone forth
before all!
Rejoice, for you ever mediate the
salvation of your people!
Rejoice, O blessed Ksenia, who ever
intercedes for our souls!
Kontakion XIII
O holy and blessed Mother Ksenia, who
bore a heavy cross during your lifetime: Accept from us sinners this
entreaty offered unto you. By your supplications protect us from the
assaults of the spirits of darkness and from all who plot evils
against us. Beseech our most compassionate God, that He grant us
power and might, that we may bear our own crosses and, following
Christ, may go forth, singing with you to Him:
Alleluia! (3)
Ikos I
After the death of your husband, O
blessed Mother, you sought the life of the angels and rejected the
beauty of this world and all that is in it—the lust of the eyes,
the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life; and you acquired the
understanding of Christ. Wherefore, you hear these praises which we
offer unto you:
Rejoice, for you were the peer of
Andrei, the fool for the sake of Christ!
Rejoice, for you renounced your own
name, referring to yourself as dead!
Rejoice, for you assumed foolishness
and took the name of your husband, Andrei!
Rejoice, for you called yourself by a
man’s name, renouncing woman’s weakness!
Rejoice, because for the sake of Christ
you accepted voluntary poverty!
Rejoice, for you distributed all your
substance to good people and to the poor!
Rejoice, for by your foolishness you
have taught us to reject the vain wisdom of this age;
Rejoice, good comforter of all who have
recourse to you in prayer!
Rejoice, for you were full of wisdom
transcending the world!
Rejoice, for you preferred mockery and
ridicule to earthly glory!
Rejoice, for you have been glorified by
Rejoice speedy helper in times of
trouble and despair!
Rejoice, O blessed Ksenia, who ever
intercedes for our souls!
Kontakion I
O holy and blessed Mother Ksenia,
chosen favorite and fool for the sake of Christ, who elected to
undergo the struggle of patience and the suffering of affliction, we
who honor your holy memory offer you hymns of praise. Help us against
our enemies, visible and invisible, that we may cry unto you:
Rejoice, O blessed Ksenia, who ever intercedes for our souls!
Prayer I
O blessed wanderer Ksenia, heir to the
Kingdom of the Father, who was homeless on the earth and most simple
in the manner of your life: Like those who in the past fell down
before your tomb, so do we, who have recourse unto you, now ask: Pray
that, as the Lord says, our steps may be guided rightly toward the
doing of His commandments, and that the soul-corrupting iniquity sown
by the godless may not prevail over our generation. O you who hid
yourself from the wise of this age, yet were known to God, ask
humility, meekness and the pledge of love for our hearts, faith in
prayer, hope in repentance, strength in labors, the mercy of healing
in sickness, and restoration of our whole life from this time
forward, that, blessing you, we may with compunction confess the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the consubstantial and
indivisible Trinity, unto ages of ages. Amen.
St. Xenia of St. Petersburg (source)
Prayer II
O holy and most blessed Mother Ksenia,
who lived under the protection of the Most High and was strengthened
by the Mother of God, and who endured hunger and thirst, cold and
burning heat, oppression and persecution: You have received from God
the gift of clairvoyance and the power to work miracles, and you rest
under the shelter of the Almighty. The Holy Church now glorifies you
as a fragrant blossom. Praying before your holy icon, we ask you, as
one who is alive and with us: Accept our petitions, and offer them up
before the throne of the loving Father of heaven; and, since you have
boldness before Him, for those who have recourse unto you, ask
eternal salvation, compassionate blessing upon our good works and
undertakings, and deliverance from all misfortunes and sorrows. In
your holy supplications before our most merciful Savior, intercede
for us, the unworthy and sinful. O holy and blessed Mother Ksenia,
help our children to receive illumination by the light of holy
baptism and the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit; raise our youths
and maidens in faith, honesty, and the fear of God, and grant them
success in their studies; heal the infirm; send down love and concord
upon families; account monastics worthy to fight the good fight and
protect them from oppression; make our pastors steadfast in the might
of the Holy Spirit; preserve the Orthodox faithful in peace and
tranquility; and pray for those who at the hour of their death are
deprived of the communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. You are
our trust and hope, speedily hearkening to us and delivering us, and
unto you do we ascribe thanks, and with you do we glorify the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

Troparion in Tone VIII
Christ the Lord has revealed you to be
a new intercessor for the Orthodox; you willingly endured evil in
your life and lovingly served both God and man. We zealously run to
you in misfortune and sorrow. We hope in you and cry from our hearts:
Put not our hope to shame, O blessed Ksenia.
Troparion in Tone V
Having lived as a stranger in the
world, O Ksenia, you outwitted the deviser of evil by your feigned
foolishness. You received from God grace to foresee and foretell
things to come. Now you have been translated from earth and are
numbered with the choirs of Angels.
Troparion in Tone IV
Having renounced the vanity of this
world, you took up the cross of a homeless life of wandering. You did
not fear grief, privation, and scorn, but knew the love of Christ.
Now taking sweet delight in His love in heaven, O blessed and
divinely wise Ksenia, pray for the salvation of our souls.
Kontakion in Tone II
As we who honor you with love, O
Ksenia, celebrate the memory of your strange way of life, we sing the
praise of Christ, who in all ways grants you the strength of cures.
Ever entreat him on behalf of us all.
Kontakion in Tone IV
You gave your wealth to the poor, O
Ksenia, and accepted poverty out of love for Christ; and having lived
in a manner rivaling the Angels you were counted worthy of glory on
Kontakion in Tone III
A wandering stranger on earth ever
sighing for the heavenly homeland, you were considered a fool by the
senseless and unbelieving, but were known to be wise and holy by the
faithful. God crowned you with glory and honor, O Ksenia, strong
minded and divinely wise. Therefore, we cry to you: Rejoice, for
after earthly wandering you have come to dwell in the Father’s
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!