Here are some common Patron Saints for the month of February (and again, this is by no means a comprehensive list). The sources are and primarily.

1 – St. Tryphon the Great-martyr (one of twenty Unmercenary Healers) - protector of farmers and poulterers, protector against pests, patron of hunters, gardens, fields, crops, trees, grape vines, geese, plants and delivering a child, and patron of the city of Moscow
3 – St. Simeon (or Symeon) the God-receiver - protects pregnant women, for captives and court cases
5 – St. Agathi (Agatha) the Virgin-martyr - protects against cancer (specifically breast cancer)
5 – St. Theodosius of Chernigov – patron for church chanting
6 – St. Photios, Patriarch of Constantinople – protector of booksellers
6 – St. Dorothea – protects from diseases of the face and from facial deformities
7 – St. Parthenios Bishop of Lampsakos – protects against cancer
8 – St. Theodore the Great-martyr, the Commander (Stratelates) - protector against eczema and gynecological problems, protector of children
10 – St. Charalambos the Hieromartyr - protector against gastric distress and dysentery, infectious diseases, against regrettable (or depressing) thoughts and meditations, the plague, protector of flocks and shepherds, trees, and protector of marble workers
10 – St. Zenon the Postman – protector of postal officials/workers
10 - St. Prochor of Kievo-Pechersk – patron of the kitchen and home
11 – St. Vlasios (Blaise) the Hieromartyr, Bishop of Sebaste - protector against diseases of the throat
13 – Sts. Akylas and Pricilla the Apostles - protectors of couples and families
13 – St. Martinian the Righteous - for chastity and help in carnal warfare
13 – St. Simeon the Myrrhstreamer, Founder of the Chilandar Monastery – protector of childless couples
15 – St. Onesimos the Apostle - patron of prisoners
15 – St. Anthimos the Righteous of Chios - protector against leprosy, protector against earthquakes17 – St. Theodore the Great-martyr, the Recruit (Tyron) - the protector against eczema, helping to find missing persons
17 – St. Theodore the Neomartyr, the Byzantine – for chastity and help in carnal warfare, deliverer from the plague, and patron of the city of Mytilene
19 – St. Philothei the Righteous Martur of Athens - protector against witchcraft and unclean spirits, protector of families and couples
19 – St. Dositheus, Disciple of Abba Dorotheus – for workers in hospitals
23 – St. Gorgonia – protector of spouses/couples
26 – St. Photini the Great-martyr, the Samaritan Woman – protector from headaches and disorders of the head, for chastity and help in carnal warfare, patron of those repenting, and those afflicted by diseases of the eyes, and patron of the city of Smyrna
27 – St. Titus the Soldier of Kievo-Pechersk – patron saint of soldiers
Truly the Lord is risen!
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