Among the Holy Saints we celebrate today, we honor the Righteous Abraham from the Old Testement. I found a beautiful quote by Fr. Paisios on how Abraham used his mind properly, while we corrupt our minds, which are gifts from God. The quote is from With Pain and Love for Contemporary Man, by Elder Paisios, and published by the Monastery of St. John the Theologian is Souroti, Greece (where Fr. Paisios is buried).
" -In other words, Geronda, we should use our mind against the passions?
-Not only that, but more generally, we should take notice of God's beneficence and of the universe all around us and give Him thanks and praise. You see, it was Abraham that first sought God, not the other way around.
-What do you mean?
-Abraham's father was a pagan; he worshipped idols. But Abraham saw the universe and was puzzled that his people were worshipping inanimate idols. So he put his mind to work: 'It's not possible,' he thought 'that these soulless things, these pieces of wood are divine, and creators of the universe. Who made the sky, the stars and the sun? I might find the true God and once I do, I will believe and worship only Him.' Then God came and revealed Himself to Abraham and said, Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And He led him to Hebron and made him a favourite son."
"...We must get to know the beneficence of God; we must understand what has been given to us. Why did God give us a mind? So that we may examine, study and observe ourselves and everything around us. God did not give us a mind so that we may constantely spend our time figuring out how to find the fastest means of transportation from one country to another. He gave us a mind because He wants us to preoccupy ourselves with the most important thing: how to reach our true destination, how to get close to God, to what is our one true country, Paradise."
Here is the Apolytikion for the Righteous Abraham (celebrated October 9th - New Calendar):
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