I hope to include some information on the Saints that intercede for certain specific conditions or individuals. I found this list from http://oasigr.5.forumer.com/a/_post1688.html , and I translated it (and expanded it, also from http://orthodoxwiki.org/Patron_saint ) the best that I can (so forgive my many errors and mistakes). Please note: they are grouped chronologically based on the feastdays in the church year, this is by no means a comprehensive list (every Saint intercedes to Christ for us), and also, usually there is more than one Saint that is called on for most needs (e.g. protectors of doctors, healers, etc.), so those listed should not interfere with or limit other intercessors. Below are Saints' feastdays from the month of October:

2 - Sts. Cyprian the Hieromartyr and Justine the Virgin-martyr - protectors from magic, impure spirits, and temptations of the flesh
3 - St. Dionysios the Hieromartyr, the Areopagite - protector of lawyers and judges
4 - St. Ierotheos the Bishop of Athens - protector of gardens, of fields, of crops, of grapevines, and plants in general
8 - St. Ignatios the Neomartyr of Mount Athos - for chastity and help in carnal warfare
9 - Sts. Andronikos and Athanasia the Righteous - protectors of marital abstinence
11 - St. Philip the Apostle of the 70 and the Deacon - protectors of railway workers? [σιδηροδρομικών, and also religious educators]
12 - St. Anastasia - for mental disorders
13 - St. Meletios Pegas, Patriarch of Alexandria - protector of educators
17 - Sts. Kosmas, Damian, Eutropios, Leontios, and Anthimos (5 Unmercenary Brothers from Arabia) [also, the Synaxis of all the Holy (Twenty) Unmercenaries] - protectors of doctors, protectors against all illnesses and soul-destroying passions, and for help in meeting a difficult situation
18 - St. Luke the Evangelist - protector of doctors and of iconographers
19 - St. John of Kronstadt - protector of those in difficult situations, help for those studying, and help for those in distress or poverty
20 - St. Gerasimos the Righteous of Kephallonia - protector against magic and unclean spirits, and protector against all bodily illnesses, and protector of crops against pests
20 - St. Artemios the Great-martyr - protector of the Greek police, protector against psychiatric, neurotic, intestinal and hernia problems
20 - St. Basil, Bishop of Trebizond - protector against rheumatism [arthritis? ρευματισμών] of the hands, feet and back, and protector against disappointments and despair [απογοητεύσεων και της απελπισίας]
20 - St. Artemios of Verkola - for help in hernias and intestinal disorders, and protector of all children
22 - The Holy Seven Youths of Ephesus - protectors of those with insomnia
25 - Sts. Markianos the Notarios and Martyrios - protectors of notaries
26 - St. Demetrios the Great-martyr - protector of catechists and winemakers [and of those in surgery, the youth, for chastity and help in carnal warfare, etc.]
27 - St. Nestor the Martyr - protector of sports players and athletes
27 - St. Nestor the Chronicler of Kievo-Pechersk - for help in studies
28 - Sts. Terentios and Neonilla and their children Vili, Euniki, Theodoulos, Ierax, Nitas, Sarvilos and Fotios - protectors of large families? [those with many children, πολυτέκνων] (specifically St. Euniki is regarded as the saint of the national resistance)
29 - St. Avramios - protector of virgins
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