A Vision of the Holy Unmercenaries by Elder Theophylactos of New Skete (amateur translation)
THE HOLY UNMERCENARY DOCTORS: The Saints Anargyroi, Physicians and Healers of the Orthodox Church by Georgia Hronas (Translated from the Greek Great Synaxaristes of the Orthodox Church). Light and Life Publishing 1999.

-Sts. Kosmas and Damian of Asia Minor - November 1st
-Sts. Kosmas, Damian, Leontios, Anthimos, and Eutropios of Arabia - October 17th
-Sts. Cyrus (Kyros in Greek) and John - January 31st and June 28th (the latter celebrates the translation of their relics)
-St. Tryphon - February 1st
-St. Julianos - February 6th
-St. Mokios - May 11th
-St. Thallaleos - May 20th
-St. Sampson the Innkeeper - June 27th
-St. Ermolaos - July 26th
-St. Panteleimon the Great-martyr - July 27th
-Sts. Anikitos and Photios - August 12th
-St. Diomedis - August 16th
-Sts. Hermione (September 4th), Zenais and Philonilla (October 11th), the Daughters of St. Philip the Deacon (http://full-of-grace-and-truth.blogspot.com/2009/09/st-ermione-hermione-daughter-of-st.html, http://full-of-grace-and-truth.blogspot.com/2009/10/holy-apostle-philip-of-seventy-one-of.html)
-St. Paul the Physician of Corinth - June 28th
-Sts. Carpos and Papylos the Martyrs of Pergamus - October 13th
-St. Orestes the Physician and Martyr of Cappadocia - November 10th
-St. Sophia the Physician and Martyr - May 22nd
-St. Agapit the Righteous Unmercenary of the Kiev Caves - June 1st
-St. Hypatius the Healer of the Kiev Caves - March 31st
-St. Moses the Wonderworker of the Kiev Caves - July 26th
-St. Poimen the Much-ailing of the Kiev Caves - August 7th
-St. Damian the Healer of the Kiev Caves - September 28th
-St. Joseph the Much-ailing of the Kiev Caves - April 4th
-St. Angelis the Physician and New Martyr - December 3rd
(http://full-of-grace-and-truth.blogspot.com/2008/12/st-spyridon-wonderworker.html, http://full-of-grace-and-truth.blogspot.com/2008/12/veneration-of-st-spyridon-on-kerkyra.html)
In Greek, the full service and Paraklesis of the Synaxis of the Holy Unmercenaries on October 17th has been published by Fr. Athanasios Lavriotis of Megiste Lavra by Brothers Schoina Publishing, and George Militstis in the series "Myripnoa Anthe", while another Paraklesis and Akathist has been composed by Dr. Charalampos Bousias (see: http://analogion.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4860, http://www.stamoulis.gr/vivliognosia/vivliognwsia_details.cgi?id=28383&join=0&title=&httpq=title%3d%26into%3d0%26join%3d0%26writer%3d%26ekdotis%3d%26sbA%3d0%26exec%3d1%26sb%3d0%26code%3d28383%26isbn%3d%26when%3d0%26etos%3d%26sel%3d10#)
Placing all their hope in heaven, the Saints treasured up for themselves an inviolable treasure; freely they received, freely they give remedies to the sick; in accordance with the Gospel they possessed neither gold nor silver; their kind deeds they shared out to humans and beasts alike; that being in all things obedient to Christ they might intercede with confidence on behalf of our souls.
Holy Unmercenaries and Wonderworkers, visit our weaknesses; freely you have received, freely give to us.
You have received the grace of remedies, spread strength over those in need, glorious, wonderworking Physicians; but by your visitation, cast down the insolence of enemies, healing the world by wonders.
The word of the wise Physicians surpasses all understanding and wisdom; for having received grace from the Most High, they invisibly bestow strength on all; therefore on me too they have bestowed the grace of narration, to sing their praise as God-bearing, well-pleasing to God and healers, who grant multitudes of cures; for they rescue all from pains, healing the world by wonders.
Selected hymns from the Synaxis of the Holy Unmercenaries - October 17th (amateur translations)
Apolytikion for the Synaxis of the Holy Unmercenaries in the Third Tone
The twenty-numbered godly band, that shines with grace from heaven, the radiant band of the Unmercenaries let us praise, for they deposed the power of the evil one, and with sympathy alleviate the illnesses of all those who cry out with reverence: glory to God in Trinity.
On this day (October 17th) we honor the Synaxis of all the Holy and Wonderworking Unmercenaries (twenty in number).
I ever honor together the Unmercenaries,
Being gathered here in their church.
The twenty-numbered band of the Unmercenaries,
O choir, save those you entreat you.
Twenty, therefore, Unmercenaries, I ever hymn.
Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us! Amen!
Thank you for posting this!
Why was Saint Stylianos, not included on the list? I thought he was meant to be the Physician for children- but I might have misunderstood?
Thank you for posting this. I believe we are all called to be unmercenaries... though only a few with the healing arts (and they are much the greater and more direct for it). This is not to take away from the unmercenary saints, but instead to challenge the rest of us. St. Panteleimon is a favorite... but there are so many other unappreciated, unknown saints, it is hard to narrow to just one or two and do this justice. Thank you again!
Thank you for posting this and providing so many resources on the Holy Unmercenaries. I am hoping to become a physician, and my priest directed me to seek the help of the Saints who have become doctors and served Jesus Christ in this way already. This page is a great blessing. May Christ keep you and all of us in His Mercy.
How fortunate to find this. Yesterday i looked up Our Lady of the Rocks and learned about St. Typhon's cathedral in doing so. Found this today and looked at the traditional calendar - since ido not follow the modern calendar as Vatican II was the revolt before the man of sin was revealed- and behold today is the feast of St. Tryphon and companions, who i guess are the Holy Unmercenary Drs. I will joyfully sing the hymns on this page today! THANK YOU ST. TRYPHON!
How fortunate to find this. Yesterday i looked up Our Lady of the Rocks and learned about St. Typhon's cathedral in doing so. Found this today and looked at the traditional calendar - since ido not follow the modern calendar as Vatican II was the revolt before the man of sin was revealed- and behold today is the feast of St. Tryphon and companions, who i guess are the Holy Unmercenary Drs. I will joyfully sing the hymns on this page today! THANK YOU ST. TRYPHON!
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